The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 745: The Beginning of the Battle

744、The Beginning of the Battle

The planet Jabim, the headquarters of the Jabim National Liberation Front, and the coastal city of Rezar.

"The Republic has come." Alto Stratus stood in the command center, looked at the holographic map, and said slowly, "Peace has long been far away from us. From this day on, there is only war! Let us Jabi The war to completely stand up on the planet of Mu!"

He was a middle-aged man in his early 40s, with a weathered look, shawl blond hair dripping in carefully braided hair that left him looking disheveled, and a scraggly beard There are still some grass blades hanging.

However, he looked as majestic and mighty as a male lion, wearing a bright red cloak and a majestic armor, with firm eyes and a serious expression, without anger or majesty.

"Hmph! The Republic has sent dozens of Jedi Knights this time. It's great! Just to catch them all!" The hoarse and ugly voice came from a thin woman in a black cloak and a crimson tights.

Count Dooku's dark apprentice, Asajj Ventress.

"In the face of so many Jedi knights, we also need to act cautiously. Jedi knights can always do unexpected things. It is not good to capsize in the gutter and let them run away." It was Ulu-Ulix who spoke, now His entire hand has been replaced with a mechanical arm, and he has installed a lightsaber and twin blasters on the mechanical arm, which looks terrible.

"Ah, with your meager strength, of course you think so. You just stay here and watch the show! The head of the Jedi Knight, I will accept it! Hahahahaha!" Ventress laughed wildly.

"I don't want to compete with you for this credit. My lord's dead angel sent me to follow General Artor Stratus to protect his safety and provide tactical advice." Ulu-Ulix Shen Said loudly.

As soon as he heard him mention the dead angel, Ventress snorted coldly, but didn't dare to speak more.

Now at least two Sith Lords have been involved in this civil war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, this has been achieved among the Force sensitive groups on both sides - the Jedi Order and the Dark Cult consensus.

Dead Angel and Count Dooku, everyone thought so.

No matter how arrogant Ventress is, she would not dare to show any disrespect to a real Sith Lord. The lesson Earl Dooku taught her was already profound enough, and the mysterious dead angel made her extremely afraid .

"Jedi Knight..." Alto Stratus gritted his teeth when he heard the name. He took a deep breath, looked at the two dark believers standing on his left and right sides, nodded and said: " The planet Jabim will forever remember the kindness of Earl Dooku, Dead Angel and Governor Tang Xiao, so from this moment on, let us draw the curtain! Starting with the invasion army of the Republic and Jedi Knights, one! One! No! Keep!!"

After finishing speaking, he threw off his big red cloak abruptly, turned around and opened the door.

There was a balcony outside the door, and there was heavy rain in the sky. However, the Jabim people had long been used to this kind of weather. In the square below, thousands of Jabim National Army soldiers were already standing there in the rain.

They were wearing Liberator combat uniforms provided by the fourth group and armed with M-15 Defender assault rifles. When they saw Alto Stratus coming out, they all raised their weapons high and shouted wildly!

Alto pulled out his ornate alloy sword and shouted loudly, "Kill the Jedi! Destroy the Republic! Today!!!"

"Oh!!!!" All the soldiers cheered loudly, and they fired wildly into the sky with the weapons in their hands.

For a while, the dense gunfire even overshadowed the sound of the rainstorm.

Under this pouring rain, the flames of war were completely ignited! !


At the same time, the landing force of the Galactic Republic has joined forces with the Jabim government army. After discussions between the commander of the Jabim government army, Olis Gilman, and the commander-in-chief of the Republic's reinforcements, Jedi Master Cyrus, they decided to Immediately launch a counterattack.

They divided their troops into two groups and attacked Rezar City, the headquarters of the Jabim National Army, and Alberta City, the capital of the Jabim planet. And the most important strategy is to find the main decisive battle of the Jabim National Army and bring into play the powerful combat effectiveness of the clone army.

The place where the clone army is currently stationed is named Camp Cobalt, where they dug trenches and built more than a dozen DF-9 anti-infantry turrets with the help of the Jabim government army to consolidate the defense.

The terrain of this camp is higher and relatively dry. It is the best area for the Republic to deliver supplies.

The Cobalt camp is about 300 kilometers away from the cities of Rezar and Alberta, and this is the closest place they can land safely.

The army of the Republic, led by Master Cyrus on the one hand, attacked Rezar, and the other was led by Nokuna, the Jedi Master of the Twi'lek, to attack Elbetar.

The huge war machine started to run, the engine of the AT-TE all-terrain tactical assault walker started, and there was a roar, and then six huge mechanical legs started to move, supporting the 13.2-meter-long huge body and began to move forward.

There is also the 6-meter-high all-terrain experimental walker AT-XT that has started to operate. These tall biped mechs have two long anti-joint mechanical legs, and their movement speed can theoretically exceed 80 kilometers per hour. They are also equipped with two doors Blaster laser gun and two grenade launchers, powerful firepower.

Following these powerful armored units, the clone troopers silently picked up their weapons and lined up in a neat march, stepping on the muddy ground and quickly disappearing into the heavy rain.


On the third day after the fighting broke out, the heavy rain was still pouring.

Da da da! Da da da! boom! boom! ! Intensive gunfire and explosions sounded constantly on the battlefield.

"Flying Wing Company!! Direction at 11 o'clock!!" The clone commander wearing a blue logo on the battle armor said loudly, pointing in one direction.

Da da da! Da da da! !

The unique three-company clear gunshot sounded, and a clone soldier next to the commander fell to the ground. Several other soldiers immediately picked up the DC-15 blaster rifle and fired in that direction. One of the soldiers took out the fragments. Throw the grenade directly, boom! ! !

After the explosion, the firepower point fell silent.

"Quick, quick, quick!! Expand the battle formation!! Where's the AT-TE? Clear the front, there may be trenches over there!!" After giving the order, the clone commander squatted down to check the soldier who had just been shot, "Are you okay? CO-0817."

The soldier groaned for a while, and let go of his hand covering his chest, only to see two scorched black depressions on the polymer alloy battle armor, the bullet did not penetrate, but the last bullet pierced his right chest near the shoulder. position, blood flow profusely.

"Medical soldier! Treat him!! The wound will become inflamed soon after being exposed to rain!" the clone commander shouted.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! An AT-TE walked by with heavy steps, boom! ! ! An anti-tank missile hit the side armor of the walker! The commander quickly squatted down, but the mud from the explosion still splashed all over his body, including the injured soldier.

Seeing the wounded soldiers' wounds stained with mud mixed with burning residue, he screamed loudly.


[Attachment 1 of Easter egg chapter: AT-XT all-terrain experimental walker, which is the predecessor of AT-RT and AT-ST. 】

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