The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 738 Stability and Chaos

737. Stability and Chaos

Alok Bessardi was shocked, "What do you want to say!!"

"What I want to say is that since Gardulla saw the dawn of victory on the planet Tatooine and asked you for help, you kicked her away. All the cooperation with me is done by you, All the vested interests are in your hands, and Gardulla is just a vase on Tatooine." Tang Xiao said with a sneer, "You have always regarded Gardulla as a dispensable role. As for later, when you thought you should temporarily unite with the Desilijic family, you didn’t ask her opinion, and asked her to unite with Jabba directly. know? Gadulla’s ambition is bigger than you imagined. Yes, much larger."

" arranged all of this a long time ago!" Alok gritted his teeth, "But do you think you have already won? I have enough power to reverse all this!"

"I think, Boss, I want you to die knowingly." A deep and dark voice suddenly came from behind him.

Alok turned his head suddenly, only to see a flash of red energy in the air behind him, and then a tall, dark-skinned human with white eyes and no pupils appeared here, "You..."

"The Hutts, the security is very strong." Gabriel Tosh showed a ferocious smile, "Boss, I told you, Gardullah, give me authorization, I will come in."

"Help... help! Security! Paul... ah..." Alok just opened his mouth when Gabriel Tosh made a lightning shot, and a pill was thrown into his big mouth.

"Ho...cough cough cough..." Alok retched violently and wanted to spit things out, but he couldn't do anything.

The etiquette robot in charge of translation has remained indifferent. Apart from translating Alok's words, it has not made any actions, let alone sounding an alarm.

"Your, dinner. Charcoal grill, Minaro pack beast, tail, delicious and harmless." Tosh took out a medicine bottle and shook it, "However, planet Loen, acetic acid, mixed together, the drama poison."

At this time, Alok was already convulsed, and the skin on his body was oozing out horrible green foam, which looked extremely disgusting. He could barely speak, his blue and yellow body squirmed like a real big slug rolling on the ground, and his beloved crystal spice bucket had long been left aside.

Tang Xiao looked at this scene coldly, and said slowly: "You should know, Alok. Among the Besardi family, Gadulla is not the only one who wants you to die."

"... Ah... Aluke..." After Alok said another name that was very similar to his name, he finally swallowed his last breath.

"Hahaha. No, I don't like knives and guns." Tosh said aside.

"It's no small matter to kill a Hutt, especially a person of Alok's status. He can be said to be one of the most powerful people in the entire Hutt, at least in the top five. So, don't use knives and guns." Better, it will easily expose our actions." Tang Xiao said.

"You pay, I listen to you." Tosh grinned grimly.

"Do a good job of dealing with the aftermath, and leave a little clue pointing to Gardulla. And the other Hutt... Keep his evidence first, maybe it will be useful." Tang Xiao took a deep look at Alok's body , "Because he is the one who will control the Besadi family next. This person is not simple, at least he is far more difficult to deal with than Alok."

"Aluke? Give me 10 million, and I'll kill him." Tosh said.

"First, I think it will be very difficult to kill him. Second, if he is really killed, the Hutt will be fried. This is not good for me." Tang Xiao said.

"You pay, I'll listen to you." After Tosh finished speaking, in a burst of red energy, his figure disappeared again.


The head of the Bessardi family, Alok Bessardi, died of poisoning in his residence.

The news did not ferment, because the news of his death was completely blocked at the first time, and it was only claimed that Alok went on a trip to relax.

And temporarily taking over the power of the Besadii family is a senior elder in the Besadii family—Aruk Besadii Aora (Aruk Besadii Aora).

Although his name was only one letter away from Alok's in any language, they were not related by blood.

Aluke is very old, almost over 900 years old. He used hundreds of years to climb from the bottom to the top of the Besardi family bit by bit, and because of his very strong management ability and cunning, changeable, cruel and vicious methods, many people in the Besardi family They all called him 'Aruk the Great' (Aruk the Great).

It is worth mentioning that his body is also extremely large among the Hutts, weighing more than one ton, like a flesh tank.

He turned himself into a female 90 years ago and gave birth to his own son, Durga Besadii Tai - a man with a birthmark on his face, ugly even among the Hutts type, but not inferior to himself in terms of viciousness and cunning.

After that, Aluke turned back into a male and continued to take care of everything for the Besardi family. He was also the biggest assistant behind Alok-Besardi.

After Aluke temporarily acted as the leader of the Bessardi family, he began to clean up the mess left by Alok's death in a low-key but efficient way. On the one hand, he organized a stronger force to resist the attacks of a group of mercenaries and pirates headed by Giant God Security, and on the other hand, he began to thoroughly investigate the interior of the Besardi family.

He strictly ordered all members of the family to refuse all external aid, even if they would lose a lot of benefits because of this, they must do so.

He also sent the same order to Gardulla. He told Gardulla that he could give her all the power she wanted and make her truly the overlord of Tatooine, but the condition was that she must sever all ties with the Dawn Star, the Fourth Group, and even the Scourge.

Although the Besardi family began to lose a large amount of sphere of influence and economic interests, but also, the family began to stabilize.


In contrast, signs of chaos began to appear within the Desilijic family.

On the second day after Alok Besadi's death, Zorba Desilijic Tiur, who was the highest in the Desilijic family and also the patriarch of the family, returned to the family headquarters in Nashada swaggeringly.

When he came to the meeting room, he looked at Gilliac with an extremely ugly face, and triumphantly took out a holographic projection, which turned out to be the corpse of Alok Bessardi!

Zorba laughed wildly, "Hahahaha! This is what Bessardy's bantha shit should look like!"

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