The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 728 Respecting the Emperor

727 , Respect the Emperor

"Fight? So you came home from vacation because of the fight?" Francis asked back.

"Well, at yesterday's parliamentary meeting, the members of the Surust people wanted to beat Shu-Mai, the chairman of the commercial guild, and then a scuffle broke out. In short, more than 30 members of the parliament participated in the fight, so I took the opportunity to take a vacation. Going home," Claire Underwood said.

"For what?"

"The 18th Army of the Republic is besieging the planet Sulust. The commercial guild is unwilling to send additional troops for reinforcements because they have lost too many fleets in the 18th Army."

"Sounds like an opportunity for us."

"Why, someone beat you, the prime minister, and you are still so worried about state affairs?"

Francis Underwood touched the bruise on his neck, with a complicated expression on his face, "Tang Xiao."

"He actually strangled your neck? Frank, what happened to you? I can imagine you scuffling and choking each other." Claire Underwood was a little strange.

"Thirteen years ago, when he asked me to come out to help him, he was just an immature young man. He told me a lot and promised me a lot..." Francis took the glass from Claire's hand, and said to himself He took a sip, "I can feel that he is afraid of me, even a little scared. Of course, he also has to be afraid, because he is about to let me go to a stage that is much larger than the Dawn Star - the Galactic Republic, the Parliament Building. "

He put down his wine glass and let out a long sigh of relief, "As long as I have any other ideas, if I move my mouth in the Congress of the Republic, maybe Dawn Star will fall into a doomed situation. His immature performances at that time still seem to be vivid in my memory. "

"He's different now, at least he dares to hit you." Claire smiled.

"Hit me? You are rarely on Planet Dawn now, and you don't know him for a long time. Now he..." Francis' eyes darkened, "I just signed a decree, Planet Kessel, because it involves There was a leak incident on the planet Krant, so we will use necessary means to find out the real culprit in a short period of time. On the premise of ensuring that the real culprit is brought to justice, we allow any necessary losses."

Claire savored it for a while, and his expression suddenly became fierce, "This is a massacre order at all!! Why did Tang Xiao ask you to sign it! This kind of order was issued by him, so he should bear the infamy! You fight with him Is that why? If I were here, I swear I'd take a bottle and blow flowers on his head!"

"That's why, Claire, he's not what he used to be. Now, every one of us, yes, every one of the Fourth Civilization, must follow him to go on, to the place full of fog, blood, The way forward of fire and steel." Francis said: "I signed this order, voluntarily. By the way, he didn't fight me, he was on the planet Nashada at the time, just sent me a communication That's all."

" he a Jedi Knight?" Claire was shocked.

A smile appeared on the corner of Francis Underwood's mouth, "The promise he made to me is the Prime Minister of the Empire. Now this step is still far away. I wait for the day when he fulfills his promise. No, it should be said, I have more confidence than ever that he can deliver on that promise."

He raised his wine glass and greeted out of the window, "To the Emperor of the Empire."

After speaking, he drank most of the glass of wine in one gulp.


The outer ring of the Milky Way, the planet Kessel.

This planet once held more than 10,000 prisoners, and more than 10,000 staff were on it. Then the prisoners rebelled, killed all the prison guards, gained autonomy, and then it became a home for smugglers.

Up to now, there are more than 40,000 people living on this planet, most of them are engaged in smuggling, bounty hunters or mercenaries.

The hyperspace passages here are intricate, and many people even call the passages here hell. It can be said that it is the highest honor for a spaceship pilot to be able to fly the spaceship smoothly through the Kessel Passage.

This is just like the old Sichuan-Tibet Highway back then. Drivers who can complete this route will not be able to drive on roads around the world after they come out.

However, such a channel is not worth mentioning to those who are sensitive to the powerful force.

With a flash of white light, a black Hammerhead-class cruiser and 4 gray horse-class escort aircraft carriers escaped from hyperspace and appeared on the outskirts of Planet Kessel!

Without any notice, the hangar platform of the Gray Horse-class escort aircraft carrier unfolded, and hundreds of half-moon-shaped Higra stealth fighters rushed out, flying directly to every spaceship sailing around the planet, and then without warning , fire and shoot!

Higra stealth fighters have entered the invisible state one after another, and those spaceships modified from cargo ships and civilian ships can't even see their enemies!

This is a one-sided massacre!

Then hundreds of ghost fighters took off, rushed directly into the planet's atmosphere, and launched a brutal bombing of the residential area on the planet's surface!

The pilots didn't care whether it was a residential building or a barracks that appeared on the fire control radar. They only received one instruction——

Shoot at every moving target, and wherever a target might be hiding!

Huh~~~~嗖~~~~~ A formation of ghost fighter jets flew by at ultra-low altitude and high speed. In the invisible state, everyone could only see a twist of the air and the sound of the surrounding wind.

Immediately afterwards, dense pulsed lasers fell from the sky, hit the ground and set off a series of small explosions, and then cluster rockets were launched!

boom! boom! boom! boom! ! A crude residential building built later caught fire during the explosion and then collapsed. There were countless screams and cries for help from the ruins.

There are adults and children, men and women, old people, and the wounded...

But then the distortion of the air flew over again, and the dense pulsed lasers fired at the place where these screams came from!

Soon, the scene fell into silence, and there was no sound other than the sound of flames burning.

Then, every resident with a communicator received a public frequency communication at the same time.

【...Among you, someone has leaked the information on the planet Irene and the planet Krant to the Galactic Republic. Handing over people can save their lives. 】

A large number of transport planes flew out and began to directly land on several major settlements on the planet.

【...Maybe you want to ask, why do you have to suffer such an indiscriminate disaster. And my answer is, some of you have done things you shouldn't do, and offended people you shouldn't have offended. 】

A large number of fully armed Kali people wearing giant god security combat uniforms filed out of the transport plane.

【...I am, the angel of death, the angel of death...the one who brings death. Welcome, your death...]

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