Chapter 720 Dreamland

719: Dreamland

"Master, you are dreaming." On the second day, Luna Meng said seriously after seeing Depa Bilaba.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it." Depa-Bilaba smiled and touched Luna-Meng's head, and wiped the matter away.

After she walked away, Luna-Huan came over and raised her hand carelessly to lean on Luna-Meng's shoulder, "Jedi knights shouldn't dream, as long as they dream, it must be from the force." Something happened, it’s definitely not a good thing anyway. Except us, of course.”

"We've been in a dream, maybe it's not a dream?" Luna-meng said with her head tilted.

"Haha, I don't know this." Luna Huan laughed heartlessly, "But the master doesn't let us really enter the dreamland, maybe that's the reason?"

Depa Birabha went directly to Karl Vasto's tree house and said directly to him: "We must deal with the separatist air and space weapons, which are the deadliest threat to us. But now we have no warships, so we Their ground control center needs to be destroyed."

She didn't say the Balawai, but the separatism. Deep down, she still didn't want to cause too much killing.

"Pelek Baw." Karl Vasto simply said one word, "Balawai, the capital."

After finishing speaking, he walked over and picked up the two huge shields and carried them on his back and walked outside, "Hunting, eating."

Depa Birabha went out and saw that Karl Vasto had taken a dozen people and sped away on a hover motorcycle. She saw that the Corunai woman who had helped the dream sisters arrange accommodation did not go, so she walked over and asked, "Lian, do you know where Pelek-Bau is?"

This woman is Liane Trevval, a taciturn woman. She whispered: "The capital of the Balawai people is on the only plateau on the planet, with a population of 400,000."

After finishing speaking, she gave a slight salute to Depa-Bilaba, and then walked away to get busy.

On the other side, most of the clone troopers had already mingle with the local residents. They all took off their combat armor and enthusiastically smeared the blaster rifles with Pokta amber to prevent fungal corrosion. Not only their own weapons, but also some blaster rifles and blaster gas tanks in the supplies delivered. After they are maintained, they distribute these weapons to the residents and teach them to shoot.

Depa-Bilaba went to find the dream sisters, called the commander of the clone soldiers, told them about Pelek-Bau, and said: "... a city of 400,000 people, I don't think Kolu The Nai people have the ability to capture there. Separatism can protect women, children, civil servants, and technical personnel in the city, and then send robots and soldiers to the outskirts to encircle and suppress the Korunai settlements."

"That's right, the Korunais have no chance of winning this war." The clone commander CB-1199, the sergeant nicknamed Rainbow, said with a frown, "Every attack by the Balawais can destroy one of their settlements, and the Women and children are killed together. In this way, the population of Corunai will only decrease."

"The autumn of the planet Harunkar will come in mid-October. From then until May of the following year, all inhabitable plateaus and mountains on the planet will usher in severe cold, and the war will be forced to stop. The Corunai people It is to use the time of more than half a year to reproduce. But this is still far from enough, we must find a way to defeat separatism." Depa-Bilaba said, sighing, "This is an extinction related to the survival of the race. Sex wars..."

"Then kill the outer strongholds of separatism one by one." Luna Huan said excitedly.

"Even if we destroy a stronghold every day, the Balawai will return to the city of Pelek-Bau to defend at most, and the separatists will continue to send reinforcements. In the end, it will still not be us who win." Depa - After Bilaba finished speaking, she glanced at the dream sisters, "I want you to sneak into the city of Pelek-Bau, Rainbow, and you also choose a few people to protect them."

"On this planet, we don't need protection, master." Luna Huan said.

"In this large city, the situation is different. Although this matter should be up to me, I think the Corunai people need my guidance more." Depa-Bilaba said.

"Master, do you want to stop this killing? You also saw the captured settlement yesterday." Luna Huan has followed Depa Bilaba for ten years, so she naturally understands her temper very well.

Depa-Bilaba seemed to have made up her mind, she said firmly: "I want to lead the Corunai people to victory."

Sergeant Rainbow said: "General, we all look exactly the same, so if we enter that city, we are likely to be discovered, so there should not be too many people. I also have two brothers who are very clever. One is called Beard. Myself has a big beard so we call him that. There's another named Leaf who was hit by an explosion on the planet Geonosis and left a big scar on his face, the two of them plus Me, this looks different."

Depa-Bilaba nodded, and said to the dream sisters: "Then the five of you will go to Pelek-Bau City, and you must find out the control center of the separatist air and space weapons and destroy it. If possible, destroy their Spaceport, cut off their connection with the outside world."

"Please rest assured, we will definitely complete the task." Luna Meng responded with a respectful bow to Depa Birabha.

"It's no problem, master, even if someone finds out, we're not afraid, let's just let them have a dream." Luna Huan hugged Depa Bilaba's arm and said with a smile on her face.

Depa Bilaba touched the heads of the two sisters lovingly, but the worry on the brows was still strong.


And at this moment, the outer ring of the galaxy, the Hutt space, and the Kront planet.

A very old-looking Jaeger-class battlecruiser is hovering in the planet's atmosphere, at an altitude of more than 50,000 meters, surrounded by dozens of V-19 torrent light fighters performing daily escort of the battleship.

On the ground, the huge Experimental Base of the Extractor Project has been destroyed, and the wreckage of combat robots is almost everywhere, among them are some corpses of Fourth Civilization soldiers wearing Liberator combat uniforms.

Hundreds of clone soldiers were looking for valuable information in the ruins. Jedi Master Shen Jon stood in the control center of the half-collapsed experimental base, looking at the dozen or so corpses that he personally killed here in silence.

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