702、Happy New Year

But no matter how upset he was, Wilhof Tarkin had to admit that after the fall of the Republic's 19th Army, he had to face Dawn Planet's proven military strength of more than 150 large warships.

Therefore, while Tarkin kept asking for help from the Republic, he also actively adjusted his strategic deployment on the other hand.

He built a line of defense and a hyperspace blocker on the planet Dolla between the planet Glenzon and the planet Eliadu controlled by the dawn star. On the other hand, he was also strengthening the traffic arteries in remote areas The connection between the planet Erminus, coercion and lure, this neutral planet must not give up its position to let the separatist fleet pass, otherwise it will be at your own risk.

At the same time, it stepped up its attack on the planet Surust, striving to take this critical and deadly industrial world as soon as possible.

And he is still actively looking for foreign aid. He contacted the governor of the 20th Army of the Republic, hoping that the 20th Army can solve the problem of the planet Jager-Dur as soon as possible, launch an offensive on the planet Jinyan, and involve the forces of the planet Dawn from the north.

The governor of the 20th Army is super domineering, and his name is Octavian Grant (Note 1). He comes from a noble family in the Sapani sector, and he thinks very highly of himself, and he also has a lot of common language with Tarkin. They are full of contempt for non-human races, and also think that those low-level residents are just screws to maintain their rule.

However, Octavian Grant also has his own difficulties. On the one hand, the fleet of the Confederacy of Independent Systems has already captured the planet Bestine in the inner ring star area, and there is a tendency for troops to penetrate directly into the core circle, so he is sending the main force The fleet is concentrated on the planet Bestin and the separatists are fighting fiercely.

After all, if the aristocratic families in the inner circle feel unhappy, he, the aristocratic family in the outer ring star region, is really not enough.

At the same time, since the Jivin's planet Jager-Dur controls several surrounding hyperspace waterways, and declares neutrality to refuse the passage of the Republic fleet, even Octavian Grant can't force his way through Jager-Durr. The planet Er went to attack the northern part of the area controlled by the Dawn star.

In addition to military deployment, a crazy intelligence war started between the Fourth Civilization and the 18th Army. The two sides infiltrated each other like crazy. Basically, in the confrontation area between the two sides, it is abnormal not to shoot more than a dozen spies every day.

After all, Wilhuff Tarkin was not a layman with a civilian background like Suramar, the governor of the 19th Army. His emphasis on intelligence work can be said to have reached another level. He not only collects military intelligence, but also collects all information about Dawn Planet, including eating habits, language habits, dialect pronunciation, marriage customs, etc., all information about Dawn Planet is never lost.

It is precisely because of his comprehensive requirements, and through the torture of Colonel Lotter, the former intelligence chief of the 19th Army, that at least 70% of the previous strategic deception process was deduced. Then, through the cooperation of Schiff-Palpatine on Coruscant, the hidden eyeliners in the intelligence department of the capital of the Republic were cleaned up.

And the noble lady who had an affair with 007 that led to the leak of information, and the deputy minister of intelligence who was caught, were also directly sent to prison by Palpatine's decree.

And 007 successfully escaped from Coruscant through the cooperation of Ni Yongxiao's gang organization.

Naturally, even if the Fourth Civilization was also unable to take the initiative to attack the 18th Army, their actions did not stop either.


Plop! A man who was stripped naked and only wearing a pair of underpants was thrown into the bathtub with his hands tied behind his back.

He looked around in horror, but there was no one there, but there seemed to be a large area in front of him where the air was slightly distorted. He was terrified, and tremblingly said: "You... who are you... Wow! Uh..."

Before he finished speaking, a piece of flesh was cut off from his arm, and he screamed out in pain, but the cry was blocked by something, even though his face was covered with veins, he couldn't make any sound.

"Your brain has been hinted by voodoo. You can't make a sound over 20 decibels." A voice came from the empty air in front of you.

The tone of the voice was very strange, as if the tongue could not be straightened when speaking, word for word.

"Now, I ask, you answer. If you answer wrong, you will be knifed." As soon as the voice finished speaking, it cut off a small piece of flesh from the man again.

The man opened his mouth wide as if he wanted to scream loudly, and his body was also struggling violently, but he still couldn't make any sound. He struggled for a long time before he broke out in cold sweat, leaned against the edge of the bathtub, and nodded slightly.

"Your name," the voice asked.

"Lu... Gas." The man resisted the pain and replied in a low voice.

"Your job."

"Network maintainer..."

"Your wife's name."


"Your son's name."

"Mauro...please, don't hurt my family, please..." Lugas sobbed softly.

"Your address."

"No...don't! Don't hurt my family! No...uh..." Lugas's voice became louder and louder, and then suddenly another piece of flesh was cut off from his chest, he couldn't make a sound, and began to struggle violently again .

After a while, he bowed his head in resignation and said softly, "Leilly District, Qima Street, No. 224, Apartment 002 on the 179th floor..."

"Very well," said the voice, "you have learned to obey."

The air in front of him twisted violently, and a pair of translucent red eyes suddenly appeared in front of him, scaring Lugas back and forth. Then waves of red energy flashed past, and a burly black man with dreadlocks appeared, playing with a sharp butterfly knife in his hand.

It's a ghost, Gabriel Tosh!

"Do you know what voodoo is?" Tosh said as he tore a lock of hair from Lugas's body and braided it with a straw man. In the end, he took this very rough and scary-looking little straw man to the pool of blood flowing out from under Lugas, stained some blood, and muttered.

A red light sank into the straw man.

"You will, obey." Tosh picked up the butterfly knife and stroked it lightly on the straw man's hand, "Because, you are mine."

I only saw a wound appear out of thin air on Lugas' arm at the same time! !


[Note 1: In fact, at this time, Octavian Grant had not been promoted to the governor of the 20th Army. He was named the governor of the star region more than ten years later because of his meritorious service in eliminating the remnants of the Confederacy of the Independent Galaxy. But because there is no record of who the governor of the 20th Army was during the Clone Wars, Master Jing, who controlled the time rules, pulled him out in advance to be the governor. 】

[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Octavian-Grant. 】

Thank you for the 666 starting coins rewarded by the Emperor-class Star Destroyer! ! Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by the silent heart! !

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