Chapter 686 Hunting the Venomous Fang (4)

685. Hunting the Venomous Fang (4)

Earl Dooku smiled and said: "There have been some mistakes in the battleship Fang's recent actions, and its existence should have been noticed by the Republic by now."

"This is terrible, Earl Dooku. As far as the mission of the battleship Fang is concerned, it should be kept mysterious so as to give the Republic enough deterrence." Tang Xiao said.

"General Grievous's performance during the battle of this warship was not very good. The Fang Fang is now deep into the hinterland of the Republic-controlled area. In the ensuing encirclement and suppression, we will not even be able to provide reinforcements in time. The largest of the Fang Fang The Achilles' heel is the low hyperspace engine level." Count Dooku said.

Tang Xiao nodded. In fact, the same problem existed on the Titan battleship Plague. In a sense, the Fang and the Plague are very similar, sacrificing other parameters for the energy supply of their super weapons.

Earl Dooku continued over there: "Actually, during the previous raid on Planet Sarabine, I was very impressed by General Severance Tann's ability. In my opinion, she should be the commander. The Fang Fang is the best candidate for a super warship. So, I want to hand over the Fang Fang to her command, what do you think?"

Tang Xiao thought for a while, then smiled slightly: "This is my honor, and it is also the honor of General Tann. I am very sure of this."

"The Venom is currently performing a mission near the planet Naboo. After the mission is over, I will send the battleship back to Parmante Harbor for repairs. At that time, General Severance Tann can go to Parmante Harbor. , to take over this battleship," said Earl Dooku.

Tang Xiao nodded and said, "For the current situation, I have a suggestion."


"Because of Governor Suramar's incompetence, my fleet was lucky enough to win the battle with the 19th Army of the Republic. At the same time, because of your excellent leadership, the main force of the Republic's Mobile Fleet suffered heavy losses on Planet Fallin. Now it is time for the Galaxy to This is an opportunity for the Republic to fear," Tang Xiao said.

"That's right, the Republic's defenses are constantly retreating, which also shows the fear in their hearts!" Count Dooku said.

"So, why don't you spread the word about the existence of the Venom Fang?" An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of Tang Xiao's mouth, "Whether it is for the Republic or our Confederation of Independent Galaxies, the existence of the Venom Fang will be of great importance. A blockbuster, for the Confederacy, it will ignite the enthusiasm of the people! For the Republic, it will be a deep-rooted fear!"

Earl Dooku's expression became serious, and he said slowly: "You should know that this suggestion may also make the Fang lose its stealth."

"Poison Fang, there is no more secrecy." Tang Xiao replied lightly.

"I have to say, what you said has some truth." Earl Dooku said, "What about the extremely powerful Plague? Can Lord Death Angel reply?"

Tang Xiao said: "He did agree that the Titan battleship Plague would join the Confederation of Independent Galaxy battles, but after that, there will be no further details. In fact, the suggestion I just made also includes the Plague. The existence of super warships will dispel the Republic's will to resist and allow them to retreat without a fight."

"Then, that's it." Count Dooku finally nodded in agreement.

"I will also make General Severance Tann ready to receive the battleship Fang." After Tang Xiao saluted Earl Dooku, he turned off the communication.

"He agreed?" Another figure came from behind Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao turned his head, looked at Helmut Zemo who was standing in the shadows, and said coldly: "Unless he knows the ending of the Fang, he won't have any doubts about this proposal. I want Yes, it’s just to protect the Plague, as for the Fang, it’s not within my scope of consideration.”


"8,000 meters!!" A Republic warship scientist slapped the table and said loudly, "According to the data of this separatist super warship, we need at least one warship of the 8,000-meter class if we want to defeat it steadily! In order to have enough energy strength to resist the EMP attack!"

Another gray-haired scientist quickly tapped the keyboard on his terminal, entered a series of formulas for calculation, and then projected the light screen on the table and said: "If you want to design an energy core that can directly counteract this super EMP attack , we need a hull of at least 12,000 meters."

"Be conservative, estimate 17,000 meters." Another scientist said.

"Place an order with the Kuat Power Shipyard as soon as possible. We need to have such a super battleship within 8 months at the shortest, so that we can compete head-on with the Separatist fleet." The white-haired scientist turned his head and looked at Palpa behind him. The holographic projection of Speaker Ting said.

"With all due respect, respected scholars." Palpatine said slowly with a warm smile on his face: "The supply of the entire line of Hydia's hyperspace channel has been paralyzed because of this super battleship. If we continue to If we wait for 8 months, I am afraid that all along the sea route of Hydia will fall into the hands of separatists."

"However, it is impossible to defeat this super warship by relying on the strength of a conventional fleet. We have conducted many simulations. Unless a huge fleet of more than 50 hunter-class ships is assembled to launch attacks from multiple directions at the same time, otherwise, there is no possibility of defeating it." It." The scientist shook his head and sighed.

"Perhaps, at this time, we need to rely on the power of the Jedi Knights." Palpatine said, "Gentlemen, there may be more than one separatist super battleship. There are many things we need to consider."


"...The above is the conclusion of our scientific research and technology team on this super warship. In other words, unless a miracle happens, we still cannot find a way to deal with the attack of this warship." Palpatine said in the communication Said to Master Windu and Master Yoda.

"We can't let this super battleship continue to wreak havoc, we must find a way to deal with it. Thank you for your support, Mr. Speaker, we will come up with a plan as soon as possible." Master Windu.

"I am sure that the Jedi Knights may be this miracle. Then, the future of the Republic will be guarded by you." Speaker Palpatine saluted seriously, bowed deeply, and then closed the communication.

"There is some truth to the speaker's proposal." Master Yoda said, "Miracle is what the Force is."

Master Windu nodded thoughtfully.


"I heard from the master just now that the whereabouts of that super warship has been captured." In the corridor of the Jedi Temple, a pair of beautiful figures in red and blue dresses walked forward and talked.

The Jedi Knights and Jedi Apprentices they met on the road all avoided them in fear.

The twins of the Force, Luna-Dream and Luna-Magic.

"The Venom... the governor can always see very far..." Luna Meng said lightly.

"You have to remember, sister, this name is unknown to the Republic." Luna Huan said.

Suddenly, as if feeling something, they looked towards a room ahead, where there was a faint sound of arguing, they looked at each other, and walked over.

"...This is the price you paid for your big mistakes! Teacher Windu, to win the war, we should directly bomb the Geonosis planet from the very beginning!" Their master, Depa, came from the room. -Voice of Billaba.

Although blocked by the force barrier, they still heard a little bit of the quarrel through the keen force of the twins.

"You should consider how many civilians there are, and even how many of our Jedi exist!" said Master Windu.

"This is a war. See how many civilians and Jedi knights have died in the war. Don't you regret it?" Depa-Bilaba said.

"I am a Jedi Knight, this is what I believe in." Master Windu said.

"Jedi knights cannot win wars, generals can." Depa-Bilaba said in a deep voice.

"This is a very dangerous thought, Master Birabha." Master Windu frowned, and suddenly he turned his head, looked in the direction of the door, and said, "Come in, twins."

Luna-Meng and Luna-Huan exchanged glances, opened the door and walked in, and bowed deeply to the two Jedi Masters in the room, "Master Windu, Master Bilaba, please forgive us for being presumptuous."

"Okay, it's not your fault." Depa Bilaba could be said to be doting on the dream sisters, and he forgave them almost immediately, "What can you do with me?"

Luna-Huan said: "We want to participate in this operation to destroy the Separatist super battleship."

Thanks to the book friend 161106052407890 for the reward of 500 starting coins! ! Thank you for the 200 starting coins rewarded by Wushuang 灬茻o Soul Song! !

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