Chapter 668 The Battle of Christopher Sis (final)

Galactic Standard Time, 22BBY, August 12th at 9:00 PM, Crystal City, the capital of the planet Christopher Sis.

Under the desperate eyes of countless pairs of Christopher Sis, the clone troopers re-boarded the Cheerer-class assault landing ship, preparing to evacuate.

Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano escorted the general of the Confederate Army of the Independent Galaxy, and Walm Lostham walked slowly onto a shuttle, silent all the way, only Walm Lostham Still muttering and begging Anakin to let him go.

But neither Anakin nor Ahsoka paid him any attention.

They succeeded, and finally launched a deadly raid, successfully captured the commander of the ground battlefield on the Christopher Sis planet, Walm Lostham, and forced him to stop the robot army.

However, they also failed. The army of the Republic suffered a crushing defeat on the planet Christopher Sis, even if they captured Worm-Lotham, it would not help.

Now that the battle has been fought, a lot of information on both sides has been made transparent. The commanders of the separatists are Admiral Trench and the notorious Severance Tann!

According to the Republic's intelligence on Tann, a mere Worm-Lotham is not enough to stop her. Once she finds out and takes over the command of the army, the robot army will be even more terrifying and fierce. The offensive tore the Republic army to pieces!

The last thing Anakin and the others can do is to evacuate as soon as possible before Severance Tann reacts.

The shuttle flew into the cheerer-class hangar, and several clone troopers came over and took Worm Lostham away and put him in a cell. Anakin took a deep breath, his eyes full of fatigue.

"Master..." Ahsoka Tano came behind Anakin, lowered his head, crossed his hands, and even the tentacles on his head drooped. In fact, if this wasn't a battlefield, or in the army, maybe she would have cried aloud.

This cannot be blamed on her, after all, when she stepped into the battlefield for the first time, she faced such a terrible battle, a battle where she was restrained everywhere and completely defeated.

"Get on the plane and get ready to fight." Anakin said blankly, "There is...another hell waiting for us."

The Cheerer-class assault landing ship increased its engine output, broke free from the shackles of the planet Christopher Sis's gravity, rushed out of the atmosphere, and came to... that other hell!

In the near-orbit space near the equator of the planet, the fierce battle has been going on for a long time. Fragments and parts of battleships are everywhere, and the incomplete wreckage of more than a dozen Jaeger-class battlecruisers and Generosity-class frigates are floating in space, and explosions explode from the wreckage from time to time.

In the space, the remaining battleships of both sides are still fighting frantically. Laser cannons and missiles are like a huge net covering the battlefield.

There are only 7 Jaeger-class battlecruisers left in the Republic Fleet. Most of these battleships have suffered serious damage, and there is even a battleship that has tilted over, which shows that the gravity stabilization system of the battleship has been damaged. gravity state.

But even so, these battleships are still fighting desperately, not retreating a step!

Not only the battleships, but the remaining fighter formations of the Republic are also fighting with their last strength. The number of fighters still fighting is less than 1,000. They are looking for every gap on the battlefield full of deadly radiation clouds. Confederate battleships attack.

They can't retreat, because once they retreat, the clone warriors on the ground will only die! As the Navy of the Republic, the Republic allows them to sit among the most powerful warships, so they don't have to go to the front line, braving the rain of bullets, fire and smoke, but at the same time, they must also shoulder their responsibilities.

The fleet of the Federation of Independent Galaxies is bombarding the opposite side, but it is still a little tired. The main reason is the limitations of the Behemoth-class battlecruisers and Martha-class guided missile heavy cruisers in this long-term war of attrition.

Severance-Tann also understood this point, so she rushed forward, relying on the Martha-class guided missile heavy cruiser's missile salvo to severely damage the Republic's fighter formation, giving her own side an inconspicuous advantage. upper size.

Although the cost of a Jaeger-class battlecruiser does not seem high, but in fact, if you add carrier-based aircraft and pilots who need at least several months of training, the cost of a Jaeger-class battlecruiser is at least double Can't stand it.

The Republic fleet has 20 Jaeger-class battlecruisers. If fighter jets are counted, the combat capability is actually much higher than other warships of the same number.

But still can't stop this fleet from going down!

The cheerer-class assault landing ship that took off from the Christopher Sis planet and returned to space, stepped into such a hell!

More than 100,000 people in the Republic Fleet have died in this hell. These 100,000 corpses are floating in the cold space, scattered among the wreckage of parts all over the sky, drawing blood one after another for this terrible battle Stained marks.

Anakin-Skywalker closed his eyes, took another deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, there was even a hint of killing intent, "Fighter Squadron, attack!"

The Delta-7 fighter jets rushed out of the Cheer-class hangar platform like lightning, followed by Ahsoka Tano, and they threw themselves into this desperate battle without hesitation.

One after another, the cheerers broke free from the gravity of the Christopher Sis planet and rose into space. However, when the fourth cheerer-class ship came up, there was no response from the planet, and the remaining three warships never had a chance to escape.

Anakin-Skywalker drove a fighter jet to face the swarming vulture robot fighter planes. He expanded his force to the maximum, and countless complicated trajectories passed through his predictions. The operation of each enemy plane He saw the direction in his eyes and reacted in advance.

"General, we must retreat! No one can come up on Christopher Sis..." Woolf Ularen's voice came from the earphone.

Anakin-Skywalker took one last look at this emerald green crystal planet, without saying a word, turned around and flew to the flagship of the fleet, the Negotiator HMS Jaeger-class battlecruiser.

When they came to the bridge, Admiral Woolf Ularen came over and said: "During the previous battle, General Kenobi flew the fighter plane repeatedly, but later the fighter plane was hit by an enemy ship. Fortunately, he tried his best to fly the fighter jet away. Came back, but was still seriously injured and is being treated in the medical bay."

"Retreat... Where is the retreat route?" Anakin could barely straighten his tongue when he spoke, extreme exhaustion, pain, and self-blame tormented his heart.

"All the hyperspace channels have been blocked. Our only way out is to return to the planet Tatooine, and then leave through the Hutt space. I only hope that the Hutts will return the favor you gave to save Gardulla. I will admit it." Wulf Ularen said with a sigh.

The warships of the Republic began to retreat towards the periphery of the gravitational circle. After they left 2 more severely damaged warships, more than 500 fighter pilots left voluntarily.

Under the reflection of lasers and missiles, white light began to flicker, and the remaining 5 Jager-class warships and 4 Cheer-class warships of the Republic fleet entered the hyperspace channel and retreated in a panic from the planet Christopher Sis.

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