Chapter 663 The Battle of Christopher Sis (17)

661. The Battle of Christopher Sith (17)

22BBY, August 11 at 6:41 PM GST.

Crystal City, the capital of the Christophersis planet.

Explosions, gunshots, and roars were heard here almost non-stop, clones, robots, and Christopher Sis mixed together, launching this extremely cruel battle.

Especially in the core area of ​​the battle between the two sides, the defense line of the commercial center, the battle was even more intense. In this once prosperous commercial center, almost equivalent to a city within a city, the total number of troops invested by both sides has exceeded 400,000!

"Squall Company! Quickly go to the east side of the building for reinforcements! There are a large number of undead over there!"

"The shield of the Battleship Hall has been penetrated, Zi... prepare to retreat!"

"Air support...! Where is the air support? Si... Separatist stealth fighters are everywhere!"

"G-7's... The army's position has fallen... It's the... Black... team!!"

"Residents spread out quickly! The isolation zone grows... the east side... grows a gap! We need to grow..."



At the height of the battle, almost all the command channels, tactical channels, and squad channels of the Republic Army, except for the almost non-stop hissing, there was nothing left.

Rex dropped the communicator abruptly, and said to Anakin Skywalker on the side: "No, General, the entire communication is completely paralyzed! Could it be that the communication tower was destroyed?"

"This is impossible! Even if the communication tower is destroyed, our battleship can still function as a communication node!" Anakin looked solemn, "Even if the Hall is forced to retreat, there are still two Cheer-class ships above Crystal City." Battleship! Our communication cannot be terminated! Unless there is a problem with the communication tower and the battleship at the same time."

"Then... what if it's really the communication tower and the battleship that went wrong at the same time?" Ahsoka Tano said with a frown.

Anakin-Skywalker fell silent, and after a while, he said, "Communication must be re-established! Let's go to the communication tower immediately!"

"General, the entire battle situation is in chaos now. The black army has not been resolved. Although the living dead have been restricted to the north of the city, they may break through the blockade at any time, and those mutated Injolis... we The problems emerged one after another, but none of them could be resolved in the end." Rex said in a deep voice, "I'm worried that this is just part of a series of separatist plots..."

"Communication is the foundation of everything. Separatism may be trying to cut off our communication and let us perish in chaos." Anakin said, "Restoring communication is urgent! I think, on the battlefield in outer space, Obi-Wan Doing the same thing."


At the same time, on the outer space battlefield of the planet Christopher Sis, relying on the terrifying sea of ​​missiles of the Martha-class missile heavy cruiser, the fighter force that the Galactic Republic is proud of finally encountered a serious challenge!

Contrary to the Javelin-class missile frigate that mainly targets the opponent's capital ship, the Martha-class missile heavy cruiser is extremely fierce, but the main combat target is fighter jets or small battleships.

The missiles supporting the Martha class are the 'Fire Cloud' series missiles, which come in three sizes: large, medium and small. The main way of killing this type of missile is to produce a cloud of radiation after the explosion, and in the windless space, this kind of missile can The radiation cloud can exist for a long time, constantly compressing the activity space of the opponent's fighter.

A saturation attack of a Martha class can cover a range of thousands of kilometers, and the fighters involved in it will be destroyed by the dense radiation clouds everywhere if they are not careful.

Moreover, this does not mean that the Martha class poses no threat to capital ships. The radiation cloud of the 'Fire Cloud' series of missiles is actually a kind of high-energy particles with powerful energy. The physical properties of these particles are between energy bodies and entities. During this period, once it acts on the shield, about 30% of the high-energy particles will directly damage the battleship armor without triggering the shield reaction, which can be described as extremely vicious.

This is also the first shield-piercing weapon of the Fourth Civilization. The Salarian scientist Arroyo attaches great importance to this weapon, because it is related to the development of a series of shield-piercing and even armor-piercing weapons in the future.

With the fire cover of the Martha-class heavy cruiser, Severance-Tann assembled the fleet and launched an attack on the Republic fleet with an artillery formation. She split the fleet into two, from the direction of the north and south poles of the planet Christopher Sis at the same time. assault.

Woolf Ularen took off a full 5,000 fighter jets to meet them, and it took heavy losses to stop Severance Tann's crazy attack.

And at this moment, bad news came from the ground battlefield!

The bad news is that there is no news!

"Check the communication immediately! Why can't any of the ground forces on Christopher Sis be contacted now!" Obi-Wan Kenobi said loudly.

"All communication devices are completely normal and undamaged, and all communication signals sent to the ground have been received, and there is no sign of damage to the ground base station." The communications soldier said.

"Then if this is the case, why is the communication interrupted?" Obi-Wan frowned, and suddenly he felt something, turned to look at the communication department, and found that the signal device over there was constantly sending messages, "What messages are we sending? "

"It's a request for help. The current battle situation is not optimistic, and I also think we should ask for help." Admiral Wulf Yularen said.

"You also think you should ask for help, so you didn't order this order?" Obi-Wan grasped the point at once, and he walked over quickly to check the message, "...our fleet...was attacked by Dawn Planet A's fleet is attacking, requesting support..."

He was startled suddenly, "No! We haven't identified the number of the Separatist support army at all. Why does this information accurately state that this is Dawn Star A Fleet?!"

Wulf Yularen also immediately sensed that something was wrong, "Hurry up and terminate the signal transmission!!"

"No... can't be terminated..." After a while of operation, the communication soldier turned his head in astonishment.

"Damn! Our communication system has been hacked! Check it immediately!" Obi-Wan said loudly.


"I just received the news that our communication has been disrupted, and the focus of the separatist attack has shifted to our communication facilities! There is a special force coming, we must block them!" In the central communication tower of Crystal City, Sly Sergeant CI-3331 speaks to his soldiers.

"I'm a little worried. From just now, it's as if we've been isolated by this war. I don't even know what we're doing? The crowd of undead people I mentioned before didn't come." A clone soldier's intuition was a little wrong, but he Can't tell why.

"Because of this, we can't make any mistakes! We have lost contact with the space fleet... the communication tower, don't lose it." Slippery said earnestly.

After a while, the slippery head suddenly pointed in one direction, "Here we come! It's over there! Fire!!"

"Fire!!" The clone troopers hiding behind the bunker immediately shot at the approaching shadow.

Over there, Rex quickly led the team to cover on the spot, "Bastard! The separatists have indeed occupied the communication tower! Prepare to fight! We must take it back!"

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