Chapter 655 Explosion! Second Battle of Bespin

653. Explosion! Second Battle of Bespin

22BBY, August 10th.

The main fleet of the 19th Legion of the Galactic Republic set off from the defense line of the planet Karl and the capital planet Harvin respectively, and arrived at the planet Glenson near the planet Bespin.

After receiving the information, the Fourth Civilization responded immediately. At the age of 71, the commander-in-chief of the navy, Igor Zavalov, set off in person, leading 5 Cole-class battlecruisers and 5 Martha-class heavy cruisers from dawn Depart from the planet, enter the hyperspace channel through the planet Anji, and arrive at the planet Bespin at noon on the same day to organize defense.

Igor Zavalov was also one of the veterans who had been awakened from the very beginning and followed Tang Xiao. He was originally an elite talent, with the characteristic big beard of the northern race, and he was 58 years old when he was just awakened.

Originally, Tang Xiao only liked his experience and stability, and planned to let him wake up master-level or even legendary-level talents to replace him after a transition. One of the biggest contributors to the Fourth Civilization's navy from the first few blade fighters to the huge scale that now has hundreds of warships.

The only time Igor Zavalov went to the battlefield personally was the battle of Malastal Fjord 12 years ago, and that battle also showed his excellent command art. In recent years, he originally planned to retire, but the outbreak of war made him postpone his retirement plan, and he planned to wait until Tang Xiao confirmed the heir to the commander-in-chief of the navy.

And now, he went from behind the scenes to the front stage again, personally commanding the largest fleet battle since the founding of the Fourth Civilization!

At 7:00 p.m. on August 10th, Galaxy Standard Time, 80 Jaeger-class cruisers, escorted by 20 Arquitens-class light cruisers, left the space port of the planet Glenzon, and all entered the hyperspace channel after synchronization.

At 7:30 p.m., following an unusually intense flash of white light, the massive Galactic Republic fleet left hyperspace and entered the Bespin galaxy.

The Second Battle of Bespin broke out!


Admiral McGlenn stood on the bridge of his new flagship, the Longbow Hunter-class cruiser, looking coldly at the huge gas giant planet ahead.

Although from this distance, nothing can be seen except the huge gaseous planet, but under the powerful sensors of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser, the deployment in the entire Bespin galaxy can be seen in a panoramic view.

More than a dozen huge floating cities are floating in the life zone of Bespin, and near the largest floating city - Cloud City, a fleet with 10 large battleships as the core and more than 50 small battleships as the supplementary fleet is very carefully lined up. cloth around.

No, there should be more!

Admiral McGlenn's eyes became extremely sharp. After the defeat in the last Bespin battle, he didn't gain anything. At least, he knew the tricks of Dawn Star.

After earnestly summarizing his previous failures, Admiral McGlenn attributed the failure to his unfamiliarity with various weapons and equipment on Dawn Planet. It was precisely because he didn't understand the fighting style of Planet Dawn that he was defeated in front of their endless new equipment.

Just like now, he understands that there must be a large number of stealth Gauss firepower platforms and hangar platforms around Planet Bespin, and among those hangar platforms, there must be a large number of ghost fighters on standby!

Dawn Planet has very advanced stealth technology, which is well known in the Galactic Republic Army, and the Republic's Military Science Research Department is also intensively developing radars that can counter stealth technology.

In fact, with their current level of technology, it is not difficult to find invisible targets. What is difficult is to make this technology miniaturized and flexible. If this cannot be resolved, and the fighters of the Republic can directly detect the opponent's stealth fighters, then they will always be slow in air combat.

After all, Dawn's cloaking technology won't stand still forever.

Admiral McGlenn's fingers lightly slid across the holographic star map. The other party didn't have many large warships, so he didn't have to face the troublesome Cole-class battlecruiser and the powerful axis installed on it. Kinetic-based weapons, which still makes him very happy.


McGlenn asked: "Didn't the intelligence say that the other party built a huge armed space station on the planet Bespin?"

The staff officer on the side shook his head and said: "We are comparing with the intelligence department, and we really haven't found that huge armed space station in the current detection."

Admiral McGlenn was not in a hurry to issue an attack order. He carefully looked at the holographic star map, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat, and he asked loudly, "How many floating cities are there on Planet Bespin?"

"Well, according to the data before the war, there are 17. The largest of them is Yuncheng, and some of the others are energy floating cities, some are industrial floating cities, and some are agricultural floating cities..." the staff officer said.

Admiral Maglen pointed to the signal of one of the floating cities on the holographic star map, and said solemnly: "No, this is their large armed space station."

"Isn't this... one of the floating cities?" The staff officer frowned.

"I know the locations of the 17 floating cities on the planet Bespin like the back of my hand..." Admiral Maglen said seriously: "The locations of the other floating cities have not changed much, only this one! The factory floating city - Shefa (Shefa)!"

"Shefa City?"

"The location of Shefa City has now moved to the front of Cloud City, and it has broken away from Bespin's life belt, hiding itself in the turbid atmosphere of Planet Bespin, preventing our spies from entering, so there is very little information. Moreover, According to the detection, the energy level of Shefa City has increased by more than 3 times compared to normal conditions!" McGlenn said.

"You mean, separatism transformed the entire city of Shefa into an armed space station? No... If that's the case, this is no longer a space station, it's a fortress city!" The staff officer turned pale with shock.

"I have a little understanding of Dawn Star's plan. If it is a fortress city, there is indeed a chance to block our offensive." McGlenn said solemnly, "But I came prepared! 80 Hunter-class battlecruisers The power will be torn apart along with this fortress city!"

He slammed his fist on the console and said loudly: "All ships attack! Get closer and start a decisive battle!"


At the same time, inside Yuncheng.

A team of fully armed Salari agents escorted more than a dozen people and dragged them into a park square, only to see that there were already hundreds of people standing there in panic, watched by several giant mechs , The atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

The leading Salarian captain said to the Army officer of the Fourth Civilization who was wearing the Liberator battle suit: "After the operation, all those who want to report to the Republic will not be left here. I can guarantee that the Galactic Republic will treat Bespin Nothing is known about the interior of the planet."

The Army officer of the Fourth Civilization nodded and said in admiration: "As expected of a Salari agent, I heard your rumors a long time ago, and now it seems that you are really powerful."

"Don't waste time on these polite words." The Salari waved his hand, turned and left.

The officer looked at the densely packed buildings in Yuncheng, only to see that on top of those buildings, almost every spaceport was filled with a large number of small warships, hundreds of them! And it's all...

Javelin-class missile frigate!

He smiled coldly and said, "That's right, it's not too late."

"You have no right to do this! We are the nobles of the planet Bespin!" shouted one of the well-dressed men in the crowd.

As soon as he started, the others also called out. These people include men and women, old people and children, nobles and vagabonds, everything.

But the officer was unmoved, he waved his hand lightly, and the 30mm rapid-fire guns on the arms of several giant mechas sprayed out scorching flames!

There was no trial, no torture, and even the most basic identification was not bothered.

In this extraordinary period, as long as you send a message to the Republic in violation of the regulations, there is only one way waiting...


Ta-ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta-ta! ! The 30mm rapid-fire gun is so powerful that after the shell hits a person, that person can't even find a piece of flesh!

Those people screamed loudly and ran away, but the Salarian agents around also raised their guns and pulled the triggers!

Ta-ta-ta-ta! Da da da da da da!

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