Chapter 648: The Battle of Christopher Sis (12)

646. The Battle of Christopher Sith (12)

When Anakin Skywalker received the emergency report from the rear, he was leading Rex and Riptide Company to launch an assault on the robot army of the Federation of Independent Galaxy. When the foot robot team was about to attack in depth, the sudden alarm made Anakin almost livid.

"General! The situation seems to be a little bad! All the troops we sent to investigate the crash site of the transport ships have lost contact without exception! According to the last communication they sent, it seems that monsters attacked them." Commanded by the clone who stayed behind The official said in the communication.

"Monster? Did Separatism bring something here?" Anakin frowned.

"General, what should we do now? This city is too big. We used instruments to scan and found nothing abnormal. Moreover, there are too many and scattered crash sites, and we don't have enough power to investigate every place, Christopher West. The local army of the Sri Lankans I don't think is up to the task of dealing with the situation."

"Is there any more information?" Anakin asked.

"Unfortunately, General, there are no more." The clone commander said.

"I think the purpose of separatism to disperse the transport ships is this. Moreover, in the darkness of the city, I feel a lot... I don't know how to describe it, it's just a very uncomfortable atmosphere." Ahsoka Tano Looking at the darkness in the distance, his face was full of worry.

Anakin-Skywalker looked at the large number of B-2 battle robots rushing towards them in the distance, cursed secretly, and said: "Our actions have been discovered, retreat! Command center, help me find the one closest to us The crash site, I will take Rex and the others to check immediately."

"Okay, the crash point closest to your current location is about 8 kilometers away, and I have marked it." The commander said.

Anakin picked up the personal terminal and looked at it, nodded, and said to Ahsoka: "Okay, little devil, after I go to finish it, you and Rex quickly retreat!"

After speaking, he drew out his lightsaber, and rushed towards the robot rushing in the distance alone.

Dense blaster beams were launched like raindrops, and Anakin swung his lightsaber like lightning, rebounding almost all the blaster beams back, and those B-2 super combat robots that rushed up were immediately knocked down ten times by his own firepower. Multiple.

But these robots kept pouring out like an endless stream, and Anakin Skywalker could only fight and retreat.

At this time, a petite figure suddenly jumped down from the other side. She wielded two green lightsabers. After a burst of dazzling attacks, several robots around were chopped into pieces. Who is this figure but Ahsoka?

"I told you, retreat first with Rex and the others, little brat!" Anakin snapped.

"I think I can help you better here, Tian Xingzi. Anyway, I am also your apprentice." Ahsoka said playfully.

"Temporary apprentice!" Anakin corrected, he glanced at Ahsoka, finally approved of her behavior, and said, "In that case, have you seen the building next to it? The Force told me that this building is completely Relying on two pillars, I will attract the robot's attention, you pass from the left, and bring down this building!"

"No problem, leave it to me, Tian Xingzi!"

"Don't call me this again! Brat!"

As Anakin spoke, he rushed up again. While waving his lightsaber to block the blaster beams and rockets, he raised his hand and pushed, and the powerful force immediately blew away all the gravel and debris on the battlefield, smashing more than a dozen robots on the other side like sand waves.

A moment later, there was a loud noise under the building next to it, and then it collapsed with a bang, completely blocking the way. Many robots were pressed down by the building, and more robots were blocked behind. Although there was a series of explosions almost immediately, it obviously took more time for them to blast a passage.

Then Ahsoka Tano got out of the dust in a disheveled manner, coughed twice, and all the sand came out of his mouth, "I think you definitely did it on purpose, Skywalker!"

Seeing her distressed look, Anakin raised the corner of his mouth, and said with some pride: "Oh, this is just a serious tactical order, little devil. Let's go, let's see what's inside the Separatist transport plane thing."


At the same time, in the eastern outskirts of Crystal City, the headquarters of the robot legion of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy.

Ten APOD-33 transport planes descended from the sky, the hatches opened, and a group of soldiers wearing the newly developed second-generation N-7 combat armor filed out and lined up on the square.

Seeing that the number of this army is only about 800, but both in terms of equipment and momentum, it is far more elite than any army I have seen before. There is also some fear in my heart.

At this time, one of the soldiers, who was very burly and even had a large battle armor, came up, gave a military salute to Worm, and said sternly: "I am the commander of this unit, Justin- Colonel Levi's. Our combat mission is to conduct interspersed operations in the city and disrupt the deployment of the Republic's army. The identification friend or foe system has been connected, and we will set off in 10 minutes."

"Where... are you from?" Worm Lostham looked at the words 4TH. on the chests of the combat armor these people were wearing, and asked after taking a breath.

"This is not within the scope of my answer." Justin Reeves nodded at him, his tone polite but still very blunt. After he finished speaking, he ignored Worm, but returned to his troops and began to form and complete the team.

Worm just noticed that on the waist of his combat armor, there was a pink bunny doll.

In 10 minutes, not less than 1 second, the 800 soldiers started to move in unison, and quickly disappeared into the night.

This army is naturally the Fourth Legion - the most elite force of the Fourth Civilization.

Moreover, they have undergone a comprehensive change of clothing. Compared with the Liberator-type combat uniforms that are still commonly equipped in the Fourth Civilization Army, the N-7 combat armor can provide more comprehensive protection and assistance for the wearer, and It can be connected with universal tools and has a series of functions including night vision, scanning, and digital network.

For the Fourth Civilization, the biggest problem with this kind of combat armor is... expensive. Therefore, only the Fourth Legion is currently eligible for equipment.


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: The second-generation N-7 battle armor... Well, it is actually the N-7 in "Mass Effect 2". 】

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