Chapter 645 The Battle of Christopher Sith (9)

643. The Battle of Christopher Sith (9)

The scene of thousands of missiles being launched at the same time and then exploding at the same time is spectacular even in the vast space!

A sea of ​​missiles was launched densely, and then exploded at the designated location. The explosion of each missile formed a deadly radiation cloud in space, and this radiation cloud was still expanding. In just over ten seconds, Within a short time, the radiation cloud completely covered thousands of kilometers in front of the fleet!

The Galactic Republic fighter group flying at full speed directly crashed into it!

The fighter jet that came into contact with the radiation cloud began to disintegrate almost instantly, the shield was melted, the metal was brittle, and within a few seconds, it was directly broken into pieces by the radiation cloud containing powerful radiation energy!

The fighter jets piloted by Obi-Wan Kenobi were at a slightly rearward position. After sensing the danger, he immediately ordered all the fighter jets to turn around, but it was still a step too late, and he just watched this horrific scene.

In the first wave of 1,100 fighter jets, at least 800 directly rushed into the radiation cloud, and then their communication was cut off instantly, and they were broken down into space dust by the radiation cloud before they could even let out a final scream.

"All fighter squadrons, retreat immediately! Repeat, retreat immediately!!" Obi-Wan Kenobi shouted in the communication. And Woolf-Ularen's retreat order was also sent at the same time.

The remnants of the Galactic Republic fighter group actually started to turn around and flee. The terrifying scene of this wave of missile salvos made them lose every courage to fight.

However, before flying too far, ten dazzling light beams passed them, and then directly hit the Jaeger-class battlecruiser in front of the Republic fleet!

A total of three Jaeger-class battlecruisers were hit, and the shields were pierced almost instantly. The aftermath of the attack fell on the armor, and fragments flew across it! One of the hunter-class hangar platforms was penetrated, and the cabin inside suddenly ignited a raging fire. The fire was ignited by the oxygen produced inside the battleship, and was quickly extinguished by the vacuum of the universe. With the continuous ejection of air, the flames spurted hundreds of meters away.

"Our three warships suffered heavy damage and all lost their combat capabilities!" The combat staff turned around and said loudly to Admiral Woolf Ularen.

"Immediately analyze the opponent's attack! Is it a kinetic energy weapon? The Cole-class battlecruiser on Planet Dawn is equipped with shaft-based kinetic energy weapons." Wulf-Yularen asked.

"No, it's an energy weapon! According to the analysis, it's a cluster of fusion ions confined by a magnetic field!" A technician immediately drew a conclusion from the computer data.

"Damn it! Where did these separatists get so many powerful warships? First there was the Cole class, and today there are Martha-class and such unknown warships!" Wulf Yularen slammed a fist on the control On the stage, "The whole army retreats and retreats to the other side of the planet Christopher Sis for defense!"

The Republic Fleet immediately began to turn and move, and at this time, the Separatist Fleet was fully fired!

The triple-mounted main guns on the front of the Martha-class heavy cruiser fired powerful pulsed lasers, and the quadruple-mounted anti-ship missile launchers on both sides were all turned on, and the 5-meter-long large anti-ship missiles were launched directly!

The nearby Republic fighter jets immediately focused on these missiles and fired to intercept them. The laser cannons on the Jaeger-class battlecruiser also fired at full force, but these missiles were also equipped with shield generators, and their speed was extremely fast. Still dodging irregularly.

Fighter and near-fire intercepted about two-thirds of the anti-ship missiles, but hit all the rest!

The huge power of the large anti-ship missiles caused the shields of the Jaeger-class battlecruisers to flicker continuously. Not only that, the explosion also exploded a cloud of orange radiation. These radiation clouds actually penetrated behind the shields under the action of the magnetic field , directly began to damage and disassemble the armor of the Jaeger-class battlecruiser!

The maintenance robots equipped on the battleship were launched from the cabin one after another, trying to repair the constantly damaged battleship armor, but they were directly broken into pieces by the radiation cloud as soon as they approached!

The radiation cloud lasted for nearly a minute before it gradually dissipated, and in that area, the battleship's armor had already been decomposed into a large hole, and the exposed wires and electronic components were constantly emitting electric sparks.

Under constant blows, the fleet of the Galactic Republic kept retreating. They flew along the equator of the planet Christopher Sis, finally got rid of the pursuit of these warships, and hid on the other side of the planet to reorganize.

The battle lasted less than 20 minutes, but the Galactic Republic's fleet lost nearly 900 fighter jets, and three Jaeger-class battlecruisers were severely damaged and lost their combat capabilities.

The fleet of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy did not continue to pursue. After they merged with Admiral Trench's fleet, the hangar doors of these warships opened, and dozens of APOD-33 transport planes flew out, heading towards the planet Christopher Sis. landing.

At this time, the screen on Admiral Trench's flagship bridge showed the indifferent face of Severance Tann, and she said coldly: "The fleet of the Republic is temporarily retreating, but this victory is not decisive. open up the situation on the ground as soon as possible before they perceive the operational mode of our warships."

"If you're talking about those transport planes just now... tsk tsk tsk, that's not enough." Admiral Trench tapped his palm with a pointer, and said slowly.

"Dawn Planet can't send too many troops to participate in this battle, but the contents of these transport planes are enough to surprise the Republic's ground forces." Severance Tann said coldly, "We still have 3 After an hour of preparation, we will launch a general attack on the fleet of the Galactic Republic, and then, take advantage of the chaos to launch the plan!"

Dozens more spaceships left hyperspace and came to the battlefield, including 30 Xingzi-class maintenance drone motherships, and some supply transport ships. These transport ships immediately went to the vicinity of the Martha-class heavy cruisers and began to replenish the missiles, and some went to the I-shaped battleships to replace the capacitors.

Those I-shaped battleships are surprisingly Behemoth-class Battlecruisers! The second-generation main battleship of the Tyrannian Empire in "StarCraft"!

This is also a battleship jointly researched and manufactured by the Fourth Civilization Tailun Heavy Industries and the Interstellar Banking Association after Tang Xiao and Sang Hill reached an agreement.

In "StarCraft", the first-generation main battleship of the Tyranid Empire is the Leviathan-class (Leviathan-class). This kind of warship is not technically difficult, but its combat performance is also very general. As an improved second-generation main battleship, the Behemoth class is a very powerful and practical warship that has been baptized in wars in the plot of "StarCraft"!

Behemoth-class battlecruiser, with a length of 1300 meters, has an I-shape as a whole and powerful firepower. Equipped with 4 heavy-duty pulse laser cannons as the main guns, 8 secondary guns, and 50 sets of close-in defense systems. What is even more frightening about this warship is the semi-axis-based energy weapon equipped on it——Yamato Cannon!

The Yamato Cannon creates a cluster of fusion ions containing extremely high energy through magnetic field confinement, and then launches it at a super-high speed through electromagnetic acceleration! One shot will consume more than half of the stored energy of the battleship's reactor, and then it will take a long time to recharge.

But the power of this Yamato cannon has been demonstrated on the Jaeger-class battlecruiser just now!


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Behemoth-class battlecruiser. 】

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