Chapter 605 Dark Reaper

603. Dark Reaper

A mysterious shuttle has arrived in the Kashyyyk galaxy, the satellite of Alaris.

Since the Alaris satellite was captured by Severance Tann, the satellite was once ransacked by the robot army. Although it was quickly recovered by the army led by Shen Jon, it still caused indelible damage to the planet. .

The five Wookiee military bases on the satellite were destroyed, and the huge scientific research facilities were also turned into ruins under the powerful power of the extractor. This planet has lost its proper function.

After Shen-Jon's army left, the Alaris satellite was completely defenseless. The Wookiees, who suffered heavy losses, are unable to continue to increase troops on this satellite, because they have actually been fighting for several years-since the year before the Battle of Naboo, they have been fighting with the trade one after another. The alliance has been fighting for a full 6 years. Although they are martial arts, the continuous wars have brought their economy to the verge of collapse.

In fact, the reason why the Wookiees are willing to take over the secret project of the extractor, which is obviously a hot potato at first sight, is probably because of their financial problems.

Therefore, at this time, the shuttle landed on Alaris, but no one noticed it, or no one paid attention to it at all.

Count Dooku stepped down from the shuttle. He commanded more than a dozen mercenaries to open the cargo compartment of the modified shuttle, revealing a hollow spherical device underneath.

"Stay vigilant around, don't let anyone approach here!" Earl Dooku gave instructions to the mercenaries.

He then returned to the ship and activated the device.

This hollowed-out sphere is about 30 meters in diameter. After it is activated, it starts to float at a distance of more than 1 meter and rotate slowly, with purple light flashing across it from time to time.

Under Earl Dooku's perception of the original force, he could immediately see a faint light appearing on those mercenaries, and they were slowly sucked into the device, but because the process was very slow, they didn't feel it, and Ordinary people can't see this scene at all.

The same situation also happened to Earl Dooku himself, but as soon as his force was activated, it immediately isolated this force, unable to affect him in the slightest.

With the continuous operation of the device, not even a single grass or tree was spared, the grass withered visible to the naked eye, and the purple light on the device gradually became brighter.

A mercenary staggered and couldn't stand still. Only then did he realize that something was wrong. Looking back at the device, he finally realized that the culprit was this thing.

They ran towards the spaceship, cursing angrily, and unceremoniously raised their guns at Count Dooku.

Count Dooku sneered, raised his hand, and a wave of force immediately blew them away. These mercenaries were already exhausted, and they rolled on the ground several times before being able to stand up. In the end, their strength became weaker and weaker, and they finally collapsed on the ground, and their vitality gradually disappeared.

Not only that, but their corpses were also being continuously absorbed, and the originally well-developed muscles began to shrivel up until they turned into mummified corpses!

Earl Dooku raised his head in satisfaction, looking at the completely dry virgin forest ahead, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The dryness of the jungle is spreading silently. Near here, there are three Wookie settlements, about 110,000 Wookiees live here, and these people will be the first batch of energy for the Dark Reapers!

The Force exists in every human being and even every creature and plant. The only difference is that those who are sensitive to the Force have the ability to establish communication with the Force and thus use the power of the Force. According to their different talents, the way to use the force will be different.

And the energy harvesting device of the Dark Harvester, the Force Harvester, is to absorb the force in these creatures, and then concentrate it to form an extremely powerful energy that can destroy anything. And in theory, there is no upper limit to this power. If enough force energy can be collected, it is possible to destroy Coruscant with one blow!

Bathed in the brighter and brighter purple light of the Force Harvester, Earl Dooku's expression was extremely ferocious, and amidst this powerful dark side power, the darkness in his heart was completely drawn out. The death of 110,000 civilians does not matter to him at all. If necessary, he is willing to pay more lives!

As long as it can destroy the Republic!

It would be even better if... we could destroy Darth Sidious together! In this way, the authority of the Milky Way will be controlled by me alone! Such a thought popped up in Count Dooku's mind for no reason, and he couldn't get rid of it.

After about 3 hours, Earl Dooku saw that the range of the Force Harvester had expanded to the extreme, and the people in the three Wookiee settlements were almost dead, so he turned off the Force Harvester, and He used his force to close the heavy shuttle door, stepped over the corpses of mercenaries, returned to the spaceship and walked away.

On the Alaris satellite, with the place where his spaceship landed just now as the center, everything within a range of more than 300 kilometers has lost its life. Creatures died, plants withered... Only the patches of dry jungle and the already silent settlements still showed traces of life once existed.


At this moment, on the planet Ren-Val, Anakin Skywalker suddenly opened his eyes, stood up and walked out quickly, and saw that his master Obi-Wan Kenobi was instructing the soldiers to rearrange the defense of Bravo Base .

Seeing Anakin approaching, without waiting for him to speak, Obi-Wan questioned: "Anakin! Tell me honestly, is the base's hyperspace communication and detection equipment controlled by Yuri-Olo?" Husband took it away?"

"I feel it! The Dark Reaper is starting!" Anakin Skywalker said with a head on his head.

"You..." Obi-Wan Kenobi's next words were held back, but he still replied, and asked: "You mean, the heroic spirit of Dolma taught you the method to sense the Dark Reaper?" Anakin, I don’t think this Jedi hero can be trusted. How can you trust a person who has been dead for more than 4,000 years? What’s more, when Ulic-Quel-Jorma was alive, most of the time he could be trusted. All as a Sith Lord!"

"I don't care about Dolma, but I feel it! The incomparable darkness when the Dark Reaper is activated! The Dark Reaper uses the original force in the living beings as their energy source, and when the original force is drained, their lives will also be exhausted." It will disappear with it! Count Dooku is conducting a massacre!" Anakin Skywalker looked at Obi-Wan and said word by word.

"But the power in our hands is limited..." Obi-Wan frowned.

"The reinforcements from the Republic will come over at some point! We are leaving now! Count Dooku is on the Alaris satellite!" Anakin said loudly, "That is the life of an entire planet! Count Dooku cannot continue!"

Obi-Wan Kenobi finally nodded and said, "You're right, Anakin, we're leaving now!"


At the same time, Dawn Star, the mothership Glory.

"I can feel it! That dark super weapon has been activated..." A voice rang in Tang Xiao's ear.

Tang Xiao frowned, the power of death began to work, and then a phantom suddenly appeared in front of Tang Xiao, it was Lucien Del Rey.


[Attachment 1 of the Easter Egg Chapter: The Force Harvester—the energy collection part of the Dark Harvester. 】

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