Chapter 585: The Door Opens

583、The Door Opens

At this moment, the outer orbit of the 426 satellite in the Sarabin galaxy.

The fleet of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy has suppressed the Republic's defense fleet with its powerful firepower, because the large battleships have basically been transferred to other places, so most of the defense fleets in these places are small ships.

This is mainly due to the fact that large warships have a higher level of hyperspace engines, which means they can reach their destination faster with fewer jumps.

But now, these small battleships left behind are no match for the Confederation Fleet of the Independent Galaxy at all, not to mention that Severance Tann is in command of this fleet!

Under the command of Tann, the fleet of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy seemed to have every warship come alive. They used flexible movements and constantly changing formations to make the warships of the Republic take care of one thing and lose another, always inadvertently making the formation of the Republic in the middle of the sea. During the artillery battle, he was separated.

Then she immediately launched the fastest Apocalypse-class light cruiser and Vengeance-class light destroyer at sublight speed to launch an assault, directly wedged into the formation of the Republic fleet, so that they could not look at each other from head to tail.

Then, 50 diamond-class transport cruisers immediately rushed to the 426th satellite to start the landing operation.

Deflector shields, especially warship-level or even planet-level deflector shields, actually still have many inconvenient drawbacks. Depending on the shield generator, the manifestations of these shields will vary. In addition to dividing by functionality, such as thermal energy shields, particle shields, etc., there are also many types of divisions by production methods, including one-way shields, two-way shields and the like.

In order to expand the shield to cover the target, the shield generator itself is not under the protection of the shield. For fighter jets, the shield generator itself is not powerful enough to cover the entire fighter jet at any time, so it doesn't matter.

For battleships, many shield generators are built in places that are not easy to be hit in battle.

But for planetary level shields, this will not work. Because the planetary level shield must be shrouded outside the atmosphere, at least it must be 100 kilometers above the ground. Under such circumstances, a huge funnel-shaped defense hole will be formed if it is built above the shield generator on the ground. , which can be easily seized by the attacker (if you are interested, you can see the production process of the Gungan's shield generator in "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace").

Not to mention that to project shield energy from the ground to a super high altitude 100 kilometers away, atmospheric interference and additional energy consumption must also be considered.

Therefore, planetary-level shields are often launched through large space stations or natural moons. The advantage of this is that a comprehensive shield can be generated on the planet, and it can be guaranteed that the shield will never be disturbed by the planet's atmosphere during the projection process.

But the disadvantage is that you have to invest heavily to defend this shield generator.

And this is the purpose of Severance Tann's battle now!

Fifty diamond-class transport cruisers began to land directly against the intensive anti-aircraft firepower on the No. 426 satellite, and an army of 100,000 robots rushed towards the Republic's defense line like a tide!

The Republic's guards resisted desperately, but they couldn't stand Severance Tann's flexible tactics, and their positions fell one by one.

Immediately afterwards, when the battle of the fleet in outer space was decided, and the fleet of the Federation of Independent Galaxies began to provide air fire support for the ground battle, the defenders of the Republic finally fell into a total collapse.

Twelve hours after the attack began, satellite 426 fell!

With a loud bang, the huge planetary shield generator on the 426th satellite was blown up, and Sarabin, the most important energy supply planet in the core circle of the Milky Way, finally lost the protection of the planetary shield, as if it had been faded Like a beautiful girl with the last layer of veil...

While the ground forces began to reload into the Diamond-class transport cruisers, Severance-Tann had returned to a Providence-class destroyer that was the flagship of the battle.

"It was a wonderful battle! General Tann." A human officer in his 40s and wearing a beige military uniform came up to congratulate him.

Although the military system of the Confederation of Independent Systems is still relatively chaotic, this beige military uniform shows that this person was promoted from a civilian official to an officer. His thinning hair was parted in the middle and he wore a light beard.

Severance Tann looked at this person with some disdain, and said lightly: "The fleet sets out immediately to cover the small number of diamond-class transport cruisers that have already been loaded and attack the outer space station of Sarabin first."

The confederate officer maintained the utmost respect for Severance Tann, but he still asked out of his duty, "General Tann, what is the purpose of attacking this supply depot? Shouldn't we wait now?" Shall we launch a general attack on Sarabin after the fleet and ground forces have rested?"

"Zian Finnis, I'm ashamed to call your general rank. Can't your poor strategic thinking understand my current actions?" Severance Tann mocked, "We are now in the core circle of the Republic, and the Republic's reinforcements will arrive in at most 10 hours. Don't you think you will prepare for this?"

"10 hours, how do you know? We shouldn't have such information..." Zian Phoenix obviously had a good temper, and he made no secret of his surprise and ignorance.

Severance Tann glanced at him, but still said: "Within 5 hours after I launched the offensive, the Republic's reinforcements did not arrive, which shows that they have no intention of evacuating our Federation of Independent Galaxies around the alliance planets located in the core circle. The encirclement fleet. In this case, they must mobilize the fleet from the front line, and the front line closest to the Sarabin galaxy is the planet Mingban. The time to mobilize troops from the planet Mingban is between 18 hours and 24 hours.”

Seeing Zian Phoenix looking up the star map with sweat profusely, Severance Tann sarcastically said: "I can't even put the basic deployment and hyperspace channel information on the star map into my mind. Rather than commanding the army, it is better for you to find an electronics factory on a processing planet. By the way, let me tell you that the reason why I want to attack this supply station in Sarabin is because the latest collection of The energy reserve is in the supply station, waiting to be transported. But unfortunately, it was blocked by my fleet."

Following Severance Tann's order, the diamond-class transport cruiser of the Federation of Independent Galaxies rushed directly to one of the supply space stations on the planet Sarabine. Here, the Republic no longer has the defense of the fleet, and it was easily landed by the Diamond class.

Then, a large number of robots began to transport the high-energy energy storage device stored in the supply station, which is enough for Dawn Planet to use for two full years, back to their spacecraft. And pretending to occupy more supply space stations, if these space stations are looted, then Dawn Planet will not need to generate electricity for at least the next 30 years!

Sure enough, the plundering behavior of the robot army made the defense commander of Planet Sarabine misjudgment. He thought that these separatist fleets were here to rob, so he separated his own defense force and sent reinforcements to several other supply space stations.

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