Chapter 565

563、Sell abduction

Darth Malthael was not in a hurry to get the Sith artifact right in front of him—Little Klesh's gauntlet, he was just looking at the murals carefully.

Through these murals, he also began to learn about Lucien Del Rey's life, especially his early and long battle with the Sith Lord Hasan. Little Clash's gauntlet was in the hands of Hasen at the time. With the powerful power of this gauntlet, Hasen was almost invincible, and no one could defeat him.

But in the end, Lucien Del Rey still won, he killed Hasen and sealed Little Clash's gauntlet. But he was still involved in a scandal of genocide against the Mandalorians. In the end, the Jedi Covenant was forced to disband. He also lost his eyes and exiled himself as a sinner.

However, although Lucien Del Rey could no longer see the scenery in front of him, his cultivation was getting deeper and deeper, and he could already see a more distant future. He bought the remote moon with the inheritance of the Dray family and built a magnificent temple on it, preparing to re-establish the Jedi covenant here.

However, the new Jedi covenant was not rebuilt, and Lucian Del Rey gave up this idea. He also came to the end of his life here, and the grand Jedi temple on the Del Rey II satellite has been silent until now. Thousands of years of wind and frost.

"This is not just a mausoleum, it is also connected to an even larger temple! It was built by Lucien Drey for his unfulfilled wish - the covenant of the new Jedi!" Darth Malthael said in a deep voice .

"This place is more dangerous than we imagined." Justin Levi's said: "There is a dark compartment under the surrounding 20 pillars, and there is a robot squatting inside each, which is in an inactive state."

"It's best not to provoke those robots, you don't touch anything. All the objects in this tomb have been nourished by the power of Little Klesh's hand guard for 3,000 years. Everything here is indestructible ’” said Darth Malthael.

"So... you haven't touched this gauntlet all this time?" Tur-Ulan still had lingering fears about the huge robot just now.

Darth Malthael stepped forward, stood in front of the stone coffin, and said indifferently: "Since you are here as a guest, you must inform the owner here. Wake up, Lucian Drey, after all the After three thousand years, you should also open your eyes and take a look at this dark and decaying galaxy."

A phantom slowly appeared from the coffin, and then slowly solidified under the guidance of Darth Malthael's death power. A gray beard and long hair draped around his shoulders. The majestic image of the old man gradually appeared.

"Who... are you? Why did you wake me up from death..." the old man asked slowly.

"I am a confused soul, and I want to ask for the guidance of my ancestors." Darth Malthael bowed slightly, "Master Lucien Del Rey, after 3,000 years, the Milky Way is once again in crisis of destruction, Jedi The samurai group has been unable to reverse all this, so I need your guidance."

"Your power is full of ominousness and death! Who are you?" Lucian Del Rey's soul suddenly opened his eyes. There was nothing in his eye sockets, but he seemed to be able to see through everything.

Darth Masail beckoned, Justin Reeves stepped forward, rolled up his sleeves with a heartbeat, then pulled out a dagger and slashed his hand, blood dripping immediately.

Then, I only saw Darth Malthael raising his hand and brushing lightly on Levi's wound, a force of life injected into it, and the wound immediately began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, "Life and death, originally The two sides of the universe... If your predecessors, as the leader of the Jedi Covenant, are still obsessed with the pros and cons of all things, then you are no different from the current Jedi Order."

"What do you want to express? What happened to the current Jedi Order?" Lucien Drey asked sharply.

"Your eyes can see through the future... why don't you see for yourself..." Darth Malthael sighed, and sat cross-legged while supporting the coffin, not polite at all, like an old acquaintance.

Lucian Del Rey opened his hands and groped in the void, his empty eyes glowed with a strong light, "Darkness...I only see a piece of darkness! I can't see the future."

It’s right if you can’t see it, an imperceptible sneer flashed across the corner of Darth Malthael’s mouth, “The galaxy has split, two major forces have divided the galaxy into two, and a civil war affecting the entire galaxy is starting, every day , Countless innocent lives died because of it.”

"Has the Sith Empire not perished yet!!"

"No, the Sith Empire was completely destroyed 1,000 years ago, and the Galactic Republic won the war. However, after 1,000 years, the power of the dark side has come back, and now the two sides in the war are the Galactic Republic and the independence from the Republic...independence Confederation of galaxies. And the leaders of both sides, one is called Darth Sidious, and the other is called Darth Tyranus." Darth Malthael shook his head and sighed.

"I don't quite understand what you mean. Why is the leader of the Galactic Republic named Darth?" Lucien Del Rey asked.

"Because Darth Sidious is the current Speaker of the Galactic Republic." Darth Malthael said.

"This is impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible. Darth Tyranus is the apprentice of Darth Sidious. The whole civil war is a conspiracy of Sith. Through this war, eliminate dissidents, weaken the strength of the Jedi Order, and then When the time is right, replace it...Although the Sith Empire has been destroyed, the Sith can fulfill their ambitions by usurping the Galactic Republic," said Darth Malthael.

"Is the Jedi Order just a display?" Lucian Del Rey roared.

"A Sith Lord with this wisdom and ability to sit on the speaker's seat is no longer something that the Jedi Order can fight against. In fact, as you can see, the future of the entire galaxy is shrouded in darkness, The power of the Jedi Order is also weakening day by day, and after experiencing such a civil war, the result is doomed." Darth Malthael said.

"So what's your role in it?" Lucian Del Rey asked.

"I was not accepted by the Jedi Order, so I left alone and now serve as the governor of a planet. In this war where both sides are enemies, I am struggling to survive." Darth Malthael said.

"Why aren't you accepted into the Jedi Order?"

"Because of my research...the force of life."

"It doesn't make sense!"

"The force of life contains life, and naturally it also contains death... and the end of life is eternal life..."

"If I were still alive, I would never exile you."

"Oh? Then..."

"I will kill you directly! The blasphemer who wants to seek eternal life! Get out of here!!!"

Darth Malthael smiled instead of anger, he said slowly: "Soon you will know that I am your only bond in this world, but the future of the Milky Way is heading towards the abyss step by step... ...we will see you again."

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