Chapter 559 Darkness

557: dark

"Lord Sith!" Glenn Betty gritted his teeth looking at the figure.

Darth Malthael jumped directly from hundreds of meters in the air, and landed lightly in front of them. This action alone showed his exquisite and powerful control over the Force.

Looking at the person in front of him who was wearing a black cloak, the hood was pulled down to cover his face, and no matter how he looked at him, he couldn't see his true face clearly. Green Betty and Aiden Ward only felt that the hairs on their bodies stood on end. They have never felt such a sense of oppression!

But he didn't attack right away, but stretched out his fingers and waved, a Warthog off-road vehicle drove up behind, and a group of heavily armed soldiers pushed and shoved a person over!

"Ulex!!" Green Betty was shocked.

Her apprentice, Ulex, was captured! How can this be? It has been less than ten minutes since they fell, and Ulix is ​​still a Jedi Knight no matter what, and the Sith Lord on the other side is on his side. After all...

However, when she saw the soldiers holding Ulix clearly again, she understood everything.

The armor on those soldiers was more complete than ordinary soldiers, and the combat uniforms were also tailor-made to fit almost every inch of their skin and muscles. Moreover, they held a gun in their hands and another long gun in the slot on their backs. There is also a pistol at the back of the waist! With such a combat load alone, he is definitely not an ordinary soldier.

"Master... help me!" Ulu-Ulix yelled in a crying voice, his bruised nose and swollen face obviously suffered a lot.

Standing next to him was the commander of the Fourth Army, Justin Reeves. He couldn't stand Ulex's appearance, so he went up and kicked him to the ground.

"Let go of me! You bastards!!"

Snapped! Another slap flashed past.

"You will let me go! You will let me go now!" Ulu-Ulex raised his hand to Justin Reeves, yelling hysterically, trying to use his half-baked force to influence the other's thinking, but instead What came was a hard butt of the gun.

"Surrender, Jedi Knight." Darth Malthael said lightly, "You are too weak and ignorant. The vastness of the Force is beyond your imagination, and you are still clinging to light and darkness. abandoned."

"You... despicable Sith!" Ulu-Ulex fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Justin Reeves bent down and grabbed his hair, pulling his head up, facing Darth Ma Sail.

Darth Malthael squatted in front of him, stroked his mud-stained hair, and said softly: "Look at you, so weak, poor, and helpless, what you pursue, what you believe in, after all What was given to you? Look at your master again, who is she standing with? Another Jedi Master... know why?"

"Don't bewitch me! You devil!!" Ulu-Ulix yelled loudly, the nosebleed from the injury just now flowed all over his mouth.

"Because your master thinks you are a burden, and thinks that she has a better chance of winning with another master. Hehehehe... Years of teaching, in exchange for such a result..." Darth Malthael sarcastically Said.

"Don't listen to him! He's trying to seduce you! Remember the guidance of the Force! Remember the light!" Green-Betty said loudly.

Darth Malthael turned around to face the two Jedi masters, his blood-red lightsaber swayed slightly, and the fourth attacking sword move, Ataru!

He has recently started to reduce the number of times he uses the seventh-style sword technique Zhu Yue, because he feels that the seventh-style sword technique is too dark and disorderly, and only aims at killing. If he continues to use it, it may affect his sanity. So he also began to use more orthodox lightsaber swordsmanship, and it happened that his servant, Aidra Ketis is a master of the third and fourth swordsmanship. Also very fast.

"You should see clearly by yourself, the light can't shine in every corner... and death... all living beings are equal!!" As soon as he finished speaking, his figure turned into a cloud of smoke, moving towards Green-Betty and Aiden- Ward rushed straight over!

The lightsaber swordsmanship is fully unfolded, the powerful force affects everything around, stones and steel bars are fired like bullets, and the speed of Darth Malthael is like a fighter jet galloping on the ground, fast and powerful , Powerful, even if he faces two Jedi masters at the same time, he is still able to handle it with ease.

No, it made the two masters completely incapable of fighting back!

Here is the battlefield, where countless lives are dying, and in such a place, the power of Darth Malthael is almost limitless!

Countless grievances rushed over, like waves washing over Glenn Betty and Aiden Ward's minds. The terrifying force of the dark side even made them hallucinate, as if they were in hell, with countless bodies The mutilated corpses surrounded them as if they were demanding their lives.

Darth Malthael had the upper hand, but the two Jedi masters still resisted desperately. The wounds on their bodies were constantly increasing, and they were scratched by things like rubble and steel bars controlled by Malthael. Dodge the deadliest attacks.

There was a bang~~ The powerful force of the three collided, forming a powerful storm in the center of the battlefield, and they separated. Green and Aiden hurriedly adjusted their breath.

Darth Masail had no effect, he beckoned back, Justin Reeves pushed Ulu forward, and then his powerful force directly pulled Ulu out of thin air and grabbed it in his hand, turning back Looking at the two Jedi masters, he said, "Surrender, otherwise, I will cut off his hands and feet in front of you."

"You despicable villain!!" Green Betty yelled angrily.

"Surrender? Or resist?" Darth Malthael asked again with a grim expression.

"Master! Help me!!"

"I will save you! I will!" Green - Beatty said loudly.

Swish! ! ! With a flash of the blood-red lightsaber, one arm of Ulu-Ulex was completely separated, and he rolled all over the ground and let out a series of screams.

Darth Masail kicked Ulu over, "Look, I'll do what I say."

"Today! I will definitely execute you!" Green Betty roared, waving the lightsaber and rushed over again.

Restart the battle!

However, this time, Green Betty was unsteady because of anger, and the cooperation between her and Aiden Ward was no longer tacit, and the battle became more and more chaotic.

Darth Malthael suddenly seized the opportunity, raised his hand and set off a powerful wave of force, hitting Green Betty's chest like a bullet, she spurted a mouthful of blood, and was knocked backwards.

Seizing this momentary single-handed opportunity, Darth Malthael's lightsaber enveloped Aiden Ward like a dragon!

When Green Betty got up, what he saw was the blood-red lightsaber, which chopped off Aiden's head!

"Aiden!!" Green yelled, but the corpse would not respond, and was kicked away by Malthael.

"Master..." Ulu-Ulex's weak voice came from beside him.

Green turned her head and saw Ulu standing behind her with a lightsaber in one arm. She felt a little relieved in her heart and said, "There is still a chance, Ulu, let us fight side by side! We..."

Before she finished speaking, Uru's lightsaber pierced her chest! !

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