Chapter 557 Bloody Battle at Bespin (13)

555, Bloody Battle Bespin (Thirteen)

Tang Xiao has already seen their chance of victory - fear!

Although on the current battlefield, the fleet of the Galactic Republic still firmly controls the advantage with a huge fighter group of more than 8,000, and the ghost fighters of the Fourth Civilization have to start shifts, let the pilots rest, and charge the stealth system. able.

This has made the air power of the Fourth Civilization more and more stretched, and has shifted from full-scale air combat to focused escort. Only when a place really needs air power, will it concentrate the power of ghost fighters and spear-class frigates to break through the fighter group of the Republic to perform tactical missions.

But fear has already taken root in the hearts of everyone in this expeditionary army of the Galactic Republic!

Fear... Fear of the unknown, they have only now discovered that they know nothing about this opponent. Cole-class battlecruisers, 40-meter caliber guns, stealth fighters, strange frigates...

Fear... For powerful fear, whether it is a 40-meter-caliber supermatter railgun, a stealth fighter, or a spear-class frigate, they can easily destroy, tear them apart, and kill them. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, because even if you win the whole battle, when a stealth fighter flies in front of you, you are still irresistible.

Fear...fear of failure, because when the Marines of the Republic discovered that their opponent had such a powerful army, they first thought that they might lose the battle.

"Assault by the whole army!!!" In the frontline headquarters, Colonel Xiao Guanghua almost exhausted all his strength to issue the final order.

Hundreds of thousands of B-1 combat robots rushed out from the assembly point, facing the fierce artillery fire of the Republic's defense line, and rushed forward fearlessly. They picked up the cheap but powerful E-5 blaster rifles in their hands and fired wildly, almost without aiming. No, the overwhelming firepower is already enough to cover every inch of land in the front.

Hundreds of siege tanks smashed through the obstacles blocking the road, four crawler tracks set up a stable bracket, two 90mm caliber artillery merged into one 180mm caliber heavy artillery, and then fired with deafening roar!

Dozens of giant mechs guard the core of these battlefields. The two quadruple-mounted Hellfire Scattering surface-to-air missiles on their bodies are constantly firing, blasting a barrage of death in the air, making those dive-down Republic fighters not To return in vain is to be torn apart under the powerful anti-aircraft firepower.

On the periphery of the defense line of the Republic Landing Field, the powerful AT-TE walkers stood still like rocks in the raging sea. The strong shields carried the bombing of the siege tanks, and countless red blaster beams hit the shields. There are countless ripples like rain. And the walker's anti-infantry scattered lasers and the heavy artillery on its back burst into scorching flames from time to time, and the high-explosive shells and laser beams harvested the robot army rushing in pieces.

But when the figure of the 6-meter-high wolf mech holding a huge shield appeared on the other side of the road, it also heralded the loss of the defense line.


Four triangular Delta-7 fighter jets flew like lightning over Cloud City. Even though there were already thousands of fighter jets fighting around here, their speed did not slow down at all, and they continued to increase their afterburner.

The speed of these fighter jets can even reach an acceleration of 200G in some moments. You must know that this is in the atmosphere!

The friction between the shield and the air even ignited flames, which made these 4 fighters look like 4 burning meteors!

Neither the stealthy Wraith fighter jet nor the Spear-class light frigate can pose a threat to them. They don't even need electronic equipment to directly lock the position of the Wraith fighter, and fire in the direction where the opponent is dodging a second or two earlier.

Jedi Masters Green Beatty and Aiden Ward led their apprentices to wreak havoc in the air outside Bespin Cloud City. They flew to every direction where their own fighter jets encountered powerful enemies, and rescued one Republic pilot after another with their own power life, while...

It also brought death to the pilots of the Fourth Civilization.

"Master, I can't see where the end of this kind of battle is..." The endless killing made Green Betty's apprentice, Ulu-Ulix, feel physically and mentally exhausted.

"This is a war, Ulex. It is a war to resist division and maintain the unity of the Republic. Even if there is no end in sight, we must continue to fight. It is the duty of our Jedi Knights to protect the Republic." Green-Betty said.

"Separatist stealth fighters and flea ships are the biggest threat to our pilots. If we don't try to attract their attention, our pilots will pay more lives." a nickname.

At this moment, the surrounding anti-aircraft firepower suddenly increased, and Green Beatty felt as if a dark cloud was coming from the sky, covering the light.

"Separatist warships! They are advancing!!" Ulu-Ulex exclaimed loudly.

Green Betty looked up, and sure enough, he saw a huge battleship approaching them. As the distance continued to shorten, the body of the battleship became even bigger, and there was almost no end in sight.

Almost every one of the close-in defense guns on the battleship was as big as a building poured firepower wildly, while the main guns in front were also firing continuously.

He didn't come here, the target of these warships was Yuncheng!

I only saw on the radar that the formation of the Separatists has begun to change. The original tight formation of the 7 Higra-class battlecruisers and 39 Cole-class battlecruisers has been dispersed and formed into a claw-shaped array. Surrounded directly towards Yuncheng from all directions! !

"What are they going to do?" Uru-Ulex yelled, "Do they want to destroy Cloud City?"

"What did you say?" Green-Betty was taken aback, but this idea also took root in her heart, and she began to agree with her apprentice's words.

At this time, the voice of Admiral McGlenn also came from the communication, "General, the firepower of the separatist warships is increasing. I don't know what they want to do, but I can be sure that our warships will definitely not be able to withstand it." Such shelling!"

"Whatever they do, stop them!" Greene Beatty said.

"If this is the case, I think we have a chance!" Admiral McGlenn said, "The No. 29 battleship, which has been confirmed as the flagship of the Separatists before, is rushing forward, and its flank has lost the cover of other warships! "

Green Beatty's gaze became sharper, "Send 10 squadrons of fighter jets and 2 squadrons of bombers over here immediately! Let us... sink the enemy's flagship!"


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: Siege Tank. 】

[Attachment 2 of Easter egg chapter: AT-TE tactical assault walker. 】

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