Chapter 539 Raid on Kyle Station

537 , Raid on Kyle Station

On May 25th, a fierce battle was raging on the planet Geonosis, and at the same time, a small fleet composed of 3 Apocalypse-class light cruisers and 1 Gray Horse-class escort aircraft carrier came near the planet Tatooine, And hidden in the asteroid belt of the galaxy.

In one of the Apocalypse-class light cruisers, Severance Tann, the commander-in-chief of the Fourth Civilization B Fleet, is sitting in his seat, looking at the holographic projection in front of him. It is the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association Sang- Hill.

"I just got word that while the Galactic Republic was raiding the planet Geonosis, they had a task force raid an industrial platform near my planet Siskeen. This platform is a large operational Machinery production base, I hope you can help me recover it completely."

"I don't like going around in circles, Muun people. Either tell me the truth, or I'll leave now." Severance Tann crossed her legs and said lightly.

"Well, I investigated why the Republic is interested in this industrial platform, and the result is that... a spy named Borgga Bu-Day got a very confidential information, which is related to the Galactic Republic's ongoing A secret weapon built. The Republic intercepted Bu-Day's communications and captured the spy on my industrial platform. I hope you can raid this platform to see if the spy is sent away, of course, if It would be the best if my industrial platform could be recovered intact." Thorn-Hil said, rubbing his hands.

"What about the scope of the news?" Tenn asked.

"This is just an ordinary military operation, from Dooku's point of view." San-Hil's expression was a bit cunning, "So, for the sake of the secrecy of the operation, before confirming Bu-Day's whereabouts, your actions It cannot be known by the Republic. Also, I must remind you that regardless of whether Bu-Day is still on the industrial platform, the Republic's clone task force still occupies it."

"You'd better pray that the information this spy possesses is important enough, otherwise, it would be a felony for me to miss the good show." Severance Tann stood up and said coldly.

"The master also issued an order, so, I will help you, Thorn Hill...for the dead angel...hehehehe..." Edra Ketis licked his lips, twisting his waist like a water snake Limbs followed Severance Tann out of the bridge.


Severance Tann and Edra Katis took the shuttle to an industrial platform near the planet Sesken that Thorn Hill said. Cesken is a gas giant, but there are not many available elements, but this planet has an asteroid belt around it, and there used to be a large number of metal-rich asteroids in the asteroid belt that could be mined , but after decades of collection, the resources in the asteroid belt have been exhausted.

This industrial platform is actually a large-scale manufacturing space station with a diameter of more than 2,500 meters, called Kyle Station. This is a factory built by the Damask Holding Group of the former Heige-Damask II. Later, when Heige died and the Damask Holding Group was reorganized, it was sold as a non-performing asset, and was later acquired by the Interstellar Banking Association. And converted into a factory.

When Severance-Tann approached with the shuttle, they found that their previous caution was unnecessary-because a battle was taking place at the space station.

A Geonosian assault team broke in here on four battery-class transport ships, trying to recapture the industrial platform, where a fierce exchange of fire was taking place.

Edra drove the shuttle to land from a hidden hangar under the industrial platform, and then entered the maintenance channel of the industrial platform according to the data provided by Thorn Hill.

"The control center has been occupied. If we act rashly, we will undoubtedly be discovered." Severance Tann said, looking at the heavily guarded control center ahead.

"This is your problem, not mine." Aedra Ketis showed a cruel smile, and his figure turned into a black mist in a flash, rushing towards a patrol team outside.

Swish! ! The blood-red lightsaber protruded out instantly, as if a blood-colored rainbow flashed across, and the heads of the two clone soldiers were cut off in an instant. The other 7 or 8 clone troopers in this patrol reacted instantly, turned around and raised their guns to shoot, but all the blaster beams they fired were bounced back by Edra's lightsaber and hit themselves.

The composite alloy armor of the clone soldier was overwhelmed after blocking the rebound of several blast energy beams, and a hole was burned out immediately, and the human body inside was instantly blasted into a big hole by the huge power of the blast energy beam, and died almost immediately.

"There are intruders! Hurry up! Sound the alarm!!" A clone soldier opened the communication and shouted loudly while shooting, but then his voice stopped abruptly, and the blood-red lightsaber of Edra Ketis was gone. penetrated his throat.

Then, with a swing of the lightsaber, the head of the clone soldier fell off, and he was already the last member of the patrol.

Eddra Kaytis glanced at Severance Tann's hiding place from a distance, put two sky-blue skinned fingers on her lips and blew a kiss, and then instantly turned black Fog, rolling towards the clone troopers rushing over!

"A lunatic, but more or less useful." Seeing the direction in which Edra Ketis was going away, Severance Tann sneered, turned and walked in another direction, "But your level It is impossible to mobilize the core strength of the defenders, unless the opponent's commander is an idiot."

As she walked, she raised her hand and quickly operated on the universal tool worn on her wrist, "Fortunately, the Geonosians are also eyeing this industrial platform, so let me take a look at this Kyle station." How many things are left that can be used..."

While speaking, she used a set of authorization codes to send instructions to the Geonosian transport ship.

This is Trabo's authorization code. When she was fighting on the Geonosis planet two days ago, she asked Trabo to temporarily hand over his fleet command to her, so there was Trabo's authorization code. At this time, Trabo was leading his fleet to fight the Republic fleet on the planet Geonosis, and this set of authorization codes was still valid.

She directly ordered this Geonosian commando force with a number of about 1,000 to storm the energy center at all costs and cut off the power supply.

This would allow the commander of the clone army to activate the backup power, and all attention would be on the Geonosians.

And she remotely controlled her shuttle to come to the factory area where the power was cut off and no one would pay attention to it, and asked the energy robot on the spaceship to connect the spaceship's energy to the factory, and immediately began to produce combat machines!

This chapter is late because I found and played the game with the protagonist of Severance Tann... I just want to say, it is really a bad game... The game in 2002 is just a game The feel of 1982 is not as good as the oldest Dune 2... All the icon materials in the game are directly cut out from the movie screen and pasted...

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