Chapter 528 Bloody Battle at Bespin (4)

526. Bloody Battle at Bespin (4)

An APOD-33 transport plane broke away from the Rucker Hook-class battleship and flew towards the marked landing site.

Inside the transport plane, Huang Yehao and his good brother, Cummings from Semiers, stood in front of two rows of soldiers on the left and right—as veterans of the Fourth Civilization Army who had been on the battlefield, they There are also many opportunities to be promoted, but because of repeated disobedience to discipline, Huang Yehao is only a platoon leader until now.

Now his establishment belongs to the Third Infantry Division of the Fourth Civilization Army, the 97th Regiment, 4 companies and 4 platoons.

Huang Yehao looked at the 38 subordinates sitting in two rows in front of him. Seeing the uncontrollable nervousness on these people's faces, he clapped his hands and said loudly: "Okay, brothers, our mission this time is to capture the cloud. The Melas Hotel in Area 5 on the east side of the city's landing area. This hotel has an independent energy supply and can be used to erect turrets on it. According to intelligence, there are about 70 wandering Bespin soldiers in the hotel. Find them Get rid of it, there are 100 B-1 battle robots and 5 B-2 super battle robots fighting with us, take it easy, Bespin and those people are just cowards."

After finishing speaking, he pointed out the window, only to see a formation of vulture fighter planes bombarding a tall building ahead, but instead of firing missiles, they kept firing blaster machine guns, "See, our The air force has already started bombing the target, just go and feel the atmosphere of the battlefield."

At this time, the transport plane began to descend, and the driver's relaxed voice came from the intercom above the cockpit: "Okay, friends, the landing field is clean, this landing is very smooth, enjoy the battlefield, hahahaha!"

Huang Yehao finally sorted out the M-15 Defender assault rifle in his hand, put on the helmet of the Liberator battle suit, pulled off the transparent mask, and then pulled the bolt with a click. Other soldiers also began to arrange their equipment in an orderly manner.

The transport plane vibrated a few times, and then the hatch opened, and a strong smell of gunpowder smoke came out, which shocked all the soldiers.

"Let's go! Get off the plane! Don't block the door, enter the hotel as soon as possible! Go!" Huang Yehao said loudly, kicking a soldier out of the transport plane.

The soldiers in the 4th row immediately moved forward in groups of 5 according to the usual training, covering each other.

At this time, a huge C-9979 landing ship flew over and hovered in the sky, and then hundreds of robots fell directly from a height of tens of meters. After landing, these robots immediately unfolded from the folded state and began to move towards the The hotel door rushed in.

The C-9979 transport ship in the sky is still advancing slowly, and it is dropping robot troops at every predetermined position. On the way, one after another APOD-33 transport planes can be seen landing, and a large number of them are wearing dark blue Liberator models. Fourth Civilization soldiers in combat uniforms stepped off the transport plane and headed in different directions.

There are gunshots and explosions everywhere in the city, but they are very scattered. On the one hand, it is because the resistance of the defenders of Yuncheng is getting weaker and weaker. On the other hand, the army of the Fourth Civilization did not use too many heavy weapons. None of the tanks were brought.

Huang Yehao's 4th row had just advanced to the entrance of the hotel, and fired a series of blast energy beams from upstairs, destroying several B-1 combat robots in front. .

The soldiers quickly found a bunker to hide in. Huang Yehao turned on the universal tool on his wrist and called up the terrain scan map around the hotel. He pointed to the left and right and said, "Cummings, this is the kitchen, and this is the maintenance channel. I split up two teams and go in from these two directions, and you help us provide fire suppression."

"Hahahaha, leave it to me!" Cummings laughed loudly. He climbed behind a bunker, raised a dual-mounted six-barreled machine gun installed on his huge body, and then faced the front of the hotel in a burst of madness. The strafing!

In a few seconds, thousands of bullets were fired, leaving the hotel door full of holes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Huang Yehao led two squads from the 4th row to rush into the hotel from both sides. After throwing a few flash bombs inward, he slammed the door open, and the Bespin soldiers in front of them, covering their eyes and screaming, were immediately opened by him. The gun fell to the ground.

The hotel was huge, and those Bespin soldiers were either killed or ran around in the previous battle, and there were still some who wanted to organize resistance but were all wiped out by well-trained fourth civilization soldiers.

The more than one hundred robots that had rushed into the hotel before were also searching around.

Huang Yehao kicked open a door, and there were several exclamations from inside. Looking up, he found more than a dozen terrified hotel staff and gorgeously dressed guests hiding inside, and there was a nobleman in front of them. Dressed man holds a pistol in his hand.

"Okay, put down your weapons, no one will hurt you." Huang Yehao raised his hand and pressed down.

The man with the pistol cried, "You separatist dogs! Invaders! Executioners! Butchers!! I will never surrender!"

"Okay, for you, the war is over, and it doesn't matter whoever rules you. Now put down the gun, no one will hurt you, but you need to put down the gun! This is for your own good." Huang Yehao gradually raised his voice.

"No... I don't believe you guys! Get out! Occupy wherever you like! But don't come here! Don't come here!" The leader was obviously frightened and said loudly.

"Put down the gun!!" Huang Yehao said sharply.

"No..." The man burst into tears but insisted.

"I said put it down..." Before Huang Yehao finished speaking, a B-2 super combat robot from the next room suddenly kicked down the wall and walked over. The right arm capable of machine guns fired without hesitation!

Whoosh! ~~~ The bright red blaster beam was launched quickly, and the residents were immediately smashed into a sieve, and a stench of burnt flesh permeated the air.

"Cease fire! I fucking tell you to cease fire!!" Huang Yehao yelled at the robot.

The B-2 super combat robot stopped firing, retracted its right arm to its chest, and said in a dull voice: "The threat target has been eliminated."

Huang Yehao looked at the pile of inhuman corpses in front of him, his face was gloomy, he turned his head and looked at the soldiers behind him with equally pale faces, and said: "These robots are set to fire at all targets with weapons. Take it upon yourself! Go!"

But he said so, and his expression was extremely gloomy and serious all the way.

The battle didn't last too long. After the organized resistance of the Bespin soldiers was broken, the robots quickly completed the job of finding people from house to house. Huang Yehao and Cummings came to the top of the building, where their soldiers were setting up a missile tower with the help of robots.

He picked up a cigarette and took a deep puff, looking at the smoky city, without saying a word.

The battle in Cloud City didn't last too long. The 10,000 defenders couldn't compare with the Fourth Civilization in terms of number, equipment, or training. In fact, they were already defeated in the initial bombing. The largest scale of resistance under the Communist Party did not exceed 200 people.

Four hours after the start of the war, Cloud City was captured!

Afterwards, the Fourth Civilization began to divide its forces to attack other floating cities in Bespin. Bespin's defense fleet saw the situation was not good and fled with Miera Figo and Santamaria.

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