Chapter 524 War Declaration

522、War Declaration

After Tang Xiao and Severance Tann returned to the Endor galaxy, Earl Dooku announced the establishment of the Confederation of Independent Galaxy immediately. According to the previous combat plan, their military operations also started immediately.

At the Supreme Military Commander's Meeting, Tang Xiao stood at the head of the meeting wearing a mighty military uniform and officially issued a combat order.

"As I said 13 years ago! The war has broken out! This is a galaxy war that can easily destroy any planet and wipe out any civilization! But at the same time, it is also a battle for the foothold of our fourth civilization! Our The goal is neither to defeat the Galactic Republic, nor to help the Federation of Independent Galaxies! Our goal is our own living space! The flag of the fourth civilization should be planted in every corner of the galaxy! We are the fourth natural disaster! Not docile Kitten! Starting today, the entire galaxy will see our power!" Tang Xiao said loudly.

His expression was even a little ferocious because of the excessive force, and the powerful dark side force was unscrupulously blown out, making everyone present feel the tremor from the depths of their hearts, and even the depths of their souls!

"So today! Now! I brought war for everyone! I am honored to announce the beginning of war." He slammed his fist on the table, "Remember this sentence! I am a natural disaster !"

"I am a natural disaster!" Everyone present, General Xian Hui, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Lieutenant General Cheng Shitao, Deputy Commander of the Army, Qi Jian, Chief of the General Staff, Mrs. M, Minister of Military Intelligence, and Admiral Igor Zavarov, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy General, Admiral Matt Horner, Commander of Fleet A, and others immediately stood up and saluted.

Even Severance Tann, who usually looks down on anyone and scolds whenever she opens her mouth, looked at Tang Xiao seriously, and stood at attention to salute. There seemed to be some strange look in her eyes.

"All armies obey orders!" Tang Xiao said loudly: "Fleet C is defending the Endor galaxy, and all other armies are dispatched! Attack the Galactic Republic!"

"Fleet A, Matt Horner!"


"Execute Plan B and attack the gas planet Bespin! Code name, 'Operation Explosion'! Within a month, I want to see all the gas factories in Bespin provide explosive gas for our fourth civilization!" Tang Xiao Said.


"Admiral Xian Hui, the main force of the army cooperates with the actions of Fleet A! Destroy Bespin's resistance, and don't give them a chance to destroy the refinery!"


"Fleet B, Severance Tann!"

"You split into two groups. The main fleet settled on Planet Seria and urged them to sign a contract with us. Remember! It's with us, not with the independent galaxy confederation!" Tang Xiao said.

"I shouldn't be allowed to go this way, I can just send a lieutenant general to go. Tell me, what is my mission?" Severance Tann stroked the curly hair on her forehead and asked.

"It's a secret mission. It involves information about a secret weapon of the Galactic Republic. It just so happens that the chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association Sang Hill is following up on this matter. We must get this secret weapon. My apprentice, Ed La Katis will join the battle as your assistant, and she will also be responsible for your safety. This is not an easy task, but remember, no matter what happens, I hope you can come back alive." Tang Xiao said.

Severance Tann stroked her hair and smiled faintly: "What, are you worried about me?"

"I hope everyone here can survive the war! You are irreplaceable!" Tang Xiao paused and added, "Even if death is unavoidable, at least leave me a whole body and notify you in time. I, I will revive you."

After finishing speaking, he took a step back to give up his seat, stood at attention and saluted everyone present, and said in a deep voice, "Then, I wish you all the best of luck!"


The war machine that the Fourth Civilization has been warming up for a long time is finally fully activated at this moment!

22BBY, May 23rd, galactic standard time, at 7:00 pm, Fourth Civilization A Fleet has 10 Sowa-class aircraft carriers, 50 Cole-class battlecruisers, 10 Higra-class battlecruisers, escorting 6 fully loaded The army's Rukrihook-class battleship departed from the planet Anji, the capital of the Eru people, and directly killed Bespin via the hyperspace channel!

Three hours later, the hyperspace channel was stabilized. Fleet B, with 20 Cole-class battlecruisers, Higra-class battlecruisers, and Sowa-class aircraft carriers, escorted 3 Rucrehook-class battleships into the hyperspace channel. To the planet Ceria.

This is also a very troublesome place in the Model star sector.

For example, the Ail people, their planet of origin is not on the planet Anji, but they still moved their capital there because only the planet Anji has a relatively stable hyperspace channel in the entire Moder star region, while those of other planets Hyperspace lanes are unstable.

Especially when passing through large-scale fleets, entering hyperspace channels from other planets is often greatly disturbed. Although the maturity of hyperspace navigation technology prevents such interference from having fatal consequences, course deviation is inevitable. For large-scale fleets, sometimes it is really fatal.

By the way, in the original plot, when the Galaxy Kingdom built the Death Star 2 in the Endor galaxy, the main assembly point was also on the planet Anji.

Coupled with the hostility of the Ail people towards the Fourth Civilization, the transfer of Fleet A and Fleet B was immediately reported secretly to the Strategic Command of the Galactic Republic by the intelligence personnel.

And for the Fourth Civilization, this step must be taken!

Only by stepping out of the Model star area can we have a wider strategic space.

But this is definitely not easy. In this completely obvious strategic offensive direction, the Galactic Republic has enough time and strength to defend these two directions.

Especially in the direction of Bespin, the Galactic Republic's Incom Corporation and Corellian Engineering Corporation both hold large shares here, and this is also one of the Galactic Republic's most important explosive gas production areas. It is definitely not easy to attack here.

Especially the latter. As one of the largest industrial enterprises with the longest history in the Galactic Republic, the Corellia Engineering Company has a terrifying background and strength.

The only thing Tang Xiao could rely on was Geonosis planet's involvement in the Republic's military power, and Severance Tann's secret operations.


At 4 o'clock in the morning on May 24th, the standard time of the Milky Way, the battleships of Fleet A of the Fourth Civilization broke away from hyperspace, and the huge fleet came to the gravitational circle of the gas giant planet Bespin.

The local defense fleet of Planet Bespin has already been alerted and is ready for battle. Without any pleasantries, the fleets of both sides opened fire as soon as they met!

The Battle of Bespin has officially begun! -

[Attachment 1 of the Easter Egg Chapter: The current situation map, the red circle is the planet Dawn, 1 is the planet Ceria, 2 is the planet Bespin, and 3 is the planet Geonosis. 】

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