Chapter 522: The Battle of Geonosis (10)

520. The Battle of Geonosis (10)

At this time, 8 Rucrehook-class battleships left the geosynchronous orbit of the Geonosis planet and joined the formation of 15 Cole-class battlecruisers led by Severance Tann.

Tang Xiao's figure appeared on the screen in front of Tann, and he smiled lightly and said, "You've done a good job, Tann. Let's go, we've already helped Count Dooku a lot, the war has already begun, we should go to our own It's planned."

"If the commanders of the Republic are only at this level, I think we can indeed plan more." Severance Tann stretched out her index finger and twisted her hair around her fingertips, "Come on, come here just It’s just a few shots, and there’s really nothing interesting here.”

Tang Xiao smiled, indeed, what Severance Tann said was true. Their own fleet of the Fourth Civilization really only fired a few shots, whether it was involved, mobilized, or melee, all of them were the fleet of the Confederacy of Independent Galaxy. The 15 Cole-class battlecruisers here even The shield didn't even touch it.

And this time the goal has been achieved. During the Battle of Geonosis, it was impossible for the Republic to destroy the transport fleet of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Although the battle situation on the ground was still the same as in the plot, it lost the support of the fleet in space. , the results they can achieve will definitely be very limited.

Even speaking, in order to take the 200,000 troops back, the battlefield here may involve more troops and fleets from the Republic, making this battle a war of attrition.

If this is the case, then the next step of the plan can indeed be a little more adventurous.

Tang Xiao looked at a planet on the star map, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.


At this moment, on Planet Geonosis, the frontal battlefield of the main lair, the battle situation has begun to become more and more cruel. The Confederation of Independent Galaxies assembled an army of 1.1 million robots on the front, and launched wave after wave of offensives against the landing sites established by the clone army of the Republic.

Moreover, there are a large number of heavy armor units in this robot army, including 7,500 large OG-9 nest spider robots with a height of 7.32 meters, 15,000 DSD-1 dwarf spider robots that can walk on upright walls and mountains, and 4,100 firearms. Hail missile robots and more.

But this army of robots didn't have much tactical command, they only knew how to charge forward foolishly, and were soon destroyed in pieces under the firepower of the clone army.

The ground troops of the clone army deployed hundreds of solid positions relying on 2160 AT-TE all-terrain tactical walkers, and deployed more than 8000 E-Web heavy-duty blaster machine guns. A heavy-duty blaster machine gun that combines reliability and portability, it is a very cost-effective weapon that the Republic has rarely seen in recent years.

Behind the position, 100 SPHA-T all-terrain self-propelled artillery provided terrible long-range firepower. This self-propelled artillery was 140.2 meters long and 20.6 meters high. Even firing can directly blast a sea of ​​fire hundreds of meters long and more than 20 meters wide in the steel torrent of the robot army!

After the 1,000 LAAT/I assault transport planes transported all the troops, they also began to rely on air supremacy to bombard the positions of the robot army unscrupulously.

In addition, the clone army also deployed more than 100 TX-130 Saber suspension tanks as a mobile force, focusing on cleaning up those high-threat units in the robot army.

Faced with such a luxurious firepower configuration, even if the robot legion of the Confederation of Independent Galaxies had five times the number, it would not be able to shake the strong position of the clone army. Hundreds of robots were destroyed almost every second.

The destruction of those expensive heavy combat machines also gave Earl Dooku a headache in the command center.

In the sky, Jedi Master Adi Gallia led a team of 15 Jedi Knights flying Delta-7 fighter jets and 40 clone pilots flying V-19 Riptide fighter jets against the Sabos battle group that had invaded the atmosphere. The spaceship launched an assault.

After a long period of combat, the fighters of the Sabos Chapter were shot down in large numbers. Faced with the extremely fierce Jedi fighters rushing towards them, they panicked and wanted to escape. As a result, one of the battleships accidentally entered the range of fire from the ground troops of the Clone Legion. , was intensively bombed by more than 30 SPHA-T self-propelled artillery, and crashed within 5 minutes.

The remaining two warships were also shot down by Adi Gallia later.

After Severance Tann's fleet departed, the forces of the Galactic Republic regained the upper hand.

In order to save the defeat, General Grievous, who was busy commanding the transport fleet to pack and leave as soon as possible, ordered Trabo's 10 Generosity-class frigates to immediately enter the atmosphere of the planet Geonosis to support operations.

At the same time, Earl Dooku also began to mobilize fleets from other directions to come over for reinforcements. After learning that Master Windu and Master Yoda were here, he also wanted to win the battle and send the core of the Jedi Knights headed by them Catch them all.

The remaining 50 or so Jedi Knights led by Master Windu also took over control of the clone army, with each Jedi Master commanding a separate force. Although these Jedi masters have never attended military academies, they have the ability to predict danger, and with the professional assistance of clone officers, their combat capabilities are further enhanced.

The clone army destroyed a large number of robots along the way, and then they stepped on the robot wreckage to fight back. The 200,000 clone army broke through the robot army's battle line from 7 directions to form a gap, dividing the robot army.

In the previous attack, the robot legion that lost most of the heavy combat machines was routed, but these robots who did not know fear continued to attack, and were then destroyed by the powerful firepower of the clone army - this actually accelerated the progress of the robot legion. destruction.

As the battle line continued to advance, even the spherical core ships of some Rucrehook-class battleships were destroyed by the firepower of the SPHA-1 self-propelled artillery that entered the range because they were too late to take off.

Seeing that the battle situation was not good, Newt Gunley, Thorn Hill and others hurriedly escaped in a spaceship, and Earl Dooku also left the army to the battered General Grievous and left. The Geonosian Grand Duke Bogle-Inferior led the Geonosians to hide in the city network they built underground, and dared not come out for the time being.

At this time, Trabo's fleet finally arrived late, and launched an air battle with 13 cheerer-class assault landing ships, finally saving a little bit of defeat.

Here, General Grievous finally sent the transport fleet away, and he also came to the scene to command it. Under his strict orders, Pogle-Inferior once again dispatched 150,000 Geonosian soldiers and more than 400,000 robots from other places to join the battle.

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