Chapter 519: The Battle of Geonosis (7)

517. The Battle of Geonosis (7)

Mabel Garson stared blankly at the screen. He didn't have any strength in his body. During the communication, the warships Liya, Borg and Valiant kept sending distress signals. Now the only three remaining ships in space are cheering. The Zerg-class assault landing ship was surrounded by heavy siege.

Moreover, after witnessing the horrific scene of friendly warships being destroyed, the morale of these officers and soldiers completely collapsed, and they lost all fighting spirit.

At the same time, Nim, the leader of the pirate group Rock Avengers who participated in the battle before, turned his head and fled with his six Mel-class cruisers when he saw that the situation was not good. Severance Tann didn't bother to pay attention to these little shrimps, and sent a few vulture robot fighters to chase after them and it was over.

Mabel Garson was in a desperate situation. Now that he had seen the powerful firepower of the Cole-class battlecruiser, he also understood what Severance Tann meant just now—she wanted to take advantage of her fleet to rush out. Launch a deadly attack on them when they enter the atmosphere of the planet Geonosis!

According to his original plan, he hoped that the seven Cheerers in space could hold back the separatist fleet for an hour, so that he could unload all the ground troops before leading the planetary war. All 13 cheerers on board returned to outer space, and gathered all the warships to fight to the death with the separatist fleet.

But he never expected that Severance Tann's target was never those 7 warships, but the 13 warships in the atmosphere! If he had just rushed out of the atmosphere regardless of dismounting his troops, he would undoubtedly have been hit head-on by Tann! Under the power of the main gun salvo just now, at most half of his 13 warships could rush out.

Because when the battleship rushes out of the atmosphere, all the shield power must be concentrated on the thermal shield, especially for such a huge battleship as the Cheerer class. It is a must kill!

However, even so, half of the warships he rushed out and merged with the warships in space, there are still 14 battleships, not to mention that he can win, but at least he still has the power to fight.

But because of his greed, he lost the final chance to fight. Severance Tann directly destroyed 4 Cheers-class ships with the salvo prepared for him, completely defeating the power of the Republic in space. In other words, Tann was prepared with both hands from the beginning, so she magnanimously accused him of being a fool through the public channel, and magnanimously stated her plan.

Yes, Mabel Garson is too greedy! He not only wanted to fight the separatist fleet, but also wanted to preserve the ground troops. After dismounting all the troops, he went to space to fight. It's messy.

Now the Republic has only 3 warships left in space, and the morale of the officers and soldiers has collapsed and no longer has the will to fight. The Separatist fleet can adjust its direction very calmly, aim all its firepower at the planet Geonosis, and wait for him to break out of the atmosphere. of this moment.

Indeed, because of his hesitation, Mabel Garson has already lost the last chance of the fleet decisive battle!

This is a dead end!

Severance Tann really hated iron and steel at that time, and finally had a chance for a fleet decisive battle, but it turned into a one-sided massacre, with no sense of accomplishment. Although she was sure that even if the two sides staged an upright decisive battle, under her command, the opponent would not have the slightest chance of winning, but at least there was such a process, right?

Mabel Garson only remembered the Jedi Knights at this time, but Master Yoda had already led the army to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker just now, and he still had another task to meet Winnie. Master Du's group of Jedi knights has no time to care about him now.

In desperation, Mabel Garson still connected to Master Yoda's communication, told the other party his desperate situation, and asked Master Yoda for guidance.

Master Yoda sighed, but his eyes were still extremely firm. He said slowly: "Retreat immediately, let the remaining warships stand by and wait for reinforcements, our entire army."

This is also the last resort. This battle of the Galactic Republic is destined to be a failure. What can be done now is to make this fiasco look less miserable.

Mable Garson had to inform the three battleships Borg, Lia and Valiant, "The situation is urgent now, the separatist fleet has aimed at the direction of the atmosphere, I can't break out of the atmosphere at the risk of encountering a concentrated attack... Rescue It won't come, please... disperse and evacuate... leave here..."

The captains of the three warships cursed angrily during the communication. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that, surrounded by 10 Generosity-class frigates and 15 Cole-class battlecruisers, there was only a dead end for dispersing and fleeing.

Mabel Garson's face turned black. He listened to the scolding in the communication, and finally couldn't bear it and turned off the communication.

A moment later, the three Cheer-class assault landing ships successively sent communications to Coruscant—‘Strong enemies are waiting for foreign aid to cut off, our ship will fight to the last man, long live the Galactic Republic. '

After all, they still maintained their last dignity as soldiers of the Republic. They did not surrender to the separatists who split the country, nor did they run away like cowards.

In fact, in their view, those separatists are all enterprises and businessmen. How can there be any reason for the state apparatus to surrender to the armed forces of a company?


At this moment, Tang Xiao was sitting with Earl Dooku in the stands of the arena, admiring the execution of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

Just like in the plot, Count Dooku turned the execution into a grand event, chaining two Jedi Knights to a pillar in the middle of the arena, and then unleashing beasts to kill them in public.

In the end, Anakin and Obi-Wan were extremely witty, and actually used the terrain to kill those ferocious beasts!

Tang Xiao just watched quietly. Although what happened on Geonosis planet is completely different from the plot of the movie, many things that should happen will still happen. For example, he is now looking at the Colosseum, which is exactly the same as the plot, except that Padmé is missing, and Rock-Johnson went to nowhere in the previous battle, so he is very interested to see it , Will the next development be the same as the plot?

At this time, Earl Dooku turned around and said to Tang Xiao with a smile: "It was the governor who had the foresight to arrange the fleet in advance. And it seems that the Chiss commander is indeed very powerful, congratulations. "

"Where, only when each of us is strong can we build this new order together." Tang Xiao said politely.

Thanks to the book friend 20180709234916574 for the 5,000 starting coins! ! Thanks to the book friend 20200825081214976 for the reward of 160 starting coins! !

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