Chapter 509: War Breaks Out (Part 1)

507. The Outbreak of War (Part 1)

That's right, Jango Fett really took Tang Xiao's words to heart.

Unlike another powerful bounty hunter, the second-ranked Cade Bane, Jango Fett knew that he was getting older, so he began to think more about the things behind him.

He promised to provide genes to the Kaminoans. In addition to generous remuneration, there is another condition that he clones a son for himself, and he requires that this son cannot use the technology of accelerating growth and needs to grow up naturally. So this is Boba Fett, just 10 years old this year.

When he was young, it was absolutely impossible for him to agree to this business. Because although the remuneration is generous, if he goes outside to work hard during these 10 years, he can definitely earn more money than this. But the age factor made him choose stability.

At the same time, he also began to bow his head to the powerful, and he also knew that desperate efforts are temporary, but power is for life.

Jango Fett doesn't know Tang Xiao, but he knows that this is the governor of a powerful planet, and he also knows that those who are qualified to sit at the same table with Earl Dooku are all famous figures in the entire galaxy, and none of him Can't afford to offend.

So Tang Xiao asked him to wipe his butt clean, and he turned his head and drove the spaceship back without saying a word. He thought that Tang Xiao was asking him to complete the unfinished task - to kill Padmé Amidala.

As everyone knows, Tang Xiao actually just wanted him not to attract Obi-Wan Kenobi who was following him.

As a result, when Padmé Amidala's spaceship was shot down on a satellite outside Coruscant, Tang Xiao almost cursed.

The killing of Padmé Amidala at this stage is definitely bad news!

If it was before, when Padmé was still in Coruscant, killing Padmé would have been good for Tang Xiao, because this would basically confirm that the Military Creation Act would be completely negated, Schiff-Padmé Alpatin will have to work harder to get his coveted military power.

Because at that time, it is possible to shift this responsibility to those radical congressmen who want to pass the bill.

However, the situation is different now! Padmé's killing at this time will only make everyone blame separatism, and then speed up the progress of the war!

With a bang, Tang Xiao slapped the table and stood up, and said solemnly to everyone present: "Since Padmé was killed, we should also prepare in advance. The Republic will not let it go, I suggest we launch a war now!"

"What are you talking about, Your Excellency Governor, it is a very bad thing that our established plan was disrupted because of the death of a woman." Count Dooku said with a frown.

Tang Xiao was very sure that he was playing dumb, so he took a deep breath and said, "As you know, two spaceships have crashed on the planet Geonosis one after another, and our search team did not find any corpses of the pilots. , so those two people are here. And, they must be Jedi Knights."

The Archduke Pogle-Inferior on the side also muttered in Geonosian: "I sent out all the ace pilots, but they couldn't touch the side of their spaceships at all, so they must be Jedi Knights! "

"My God! The Jedi Knights are actually here! No, we should leave quickly!" Newt Gunley's adjutant, Lune Harkle, was terrified. During the blockade of Naboo, he was completely overwhelmed by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Don't worry! It's just two Jedi knights! If they dare to come, I will deal with them personally! I won't let them hurt you at all." Earl Dooku raised his hand and pressed down. He looked at Tang Xiao With an expression on his face, he continued: "Our established plan remains unchanged, but you are right, we really need to be prepared."

After speaking, he pressed the communicator, and a tall figure appeared in the projection, his face was covered with a layer of armor plate that looked like a beast skull, as the Kali people were used to, and two red marks were drawn on his eyes. robot.

General Grievous.

He was wearing a cloak, and the two IG-100 guard robots behind him were also wrapped in half-length cloaks that were very similar to the Kali style. He bowed respectfully to Count Dooku and said, "Count Dooku, what are your orders? "

His voice was very dull, as if a person had been knocked into an iron can to speak. But in fact it was true, General Grievous's remnant body was still wrapped in this mechanical body, he was just a half-robot.

"Send a fleet to the planet Geonosis, we need to prepare for battle." Earl Dooku said as he glanced at Tang Xiao.

"Now our fleet has entered the attack position. If we adjust our deployment, it will affect our attack plan." General Grievous said.

"Affecting the attack plan and losing all the transport ships, you can choose one." Tang Xiao said lightly.

As a famous general, General Grievous naturally understood what Tang Xiao meant. He turned to look at Earl Dooku, "Earl Dooku, are you sure about this order?"

"Since Your Excellency the Governor of Dawn Star said so, then I am sure." Earl Dooku said.

"Then I will suspend the offensive on the Ruusan planet, and transfer the fleet in that direction back to defend the Geonosis planet." General Grievous said.


At this time, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Johnson had already emerged from the ventilation duct, and what came into view was a huge factory with no end in sight!

In this factory, you can see countless B-1 combat robots on the production line, as well as a large number of terrifying combat machines that cannot be named.

Seeing such a scene, both master and apprentice had extremely ugly faces.

"No one has ever known that there is such a large-scale military factory under the planet Geonosis!" Obi-Wan Kenobi said in a deep voice.

"Then it's self-evident what those transport ships are doing here," Anakin Skywalker said.

"The news must be spread, there must be a communication center in such a huge factory, we have to find it!" Obi-Wan said.

"If I can catch a robot, I should be able to detect where their control nodes are." Rock-Johnson said.

"But it also means we've been found," Obi-Wan said.

"Now that you've decided, let's do it! Let's go!" Anakin Skywalker had jumped directly from a height of tens of meters. He grabbed a robot that was transporting materials in the air and was taken directly into the air. Far.

"Anakin!!" Obi-Wan yelled, seeing that Anakin had flown away, he had to curse, then turned to Johnson and said, "Is he like this since he was a child?"

"No, because I was protecting him when he was a child." Johnson said.

"And now he is eager to prove that he doesn't need protection." Obi-Wan sighed, "You wait here, we will go and grab a robot that looks more advanced. Such a robot should have a communication node."

"I know what to do," Johnson replied.

Obi-Wan Kenobi also turned on his lightsaber and jumped directly. He moved very quickly, and cut down several patrolling Geonosian soldiers as soon as he landed.

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