Chapter 502 The Disappearing Planet

500. The Disappearing Planet

But love cannot stop war.

While Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala are enjoying love in their beautiful homeland on Naboo, the entire galaxy is marching toward war.

War is like a runaway horse, no one can hold it back anymore.

On April 21st, Earl Dooku invited leaders of major separatist forces, including Tang Xiao, Newt Gunley, Thorn Hill, etc., to gather on the planet Geonosis a month later to formally sign an agreement, and announced that they would not Then accept the leadership of the Galactic Republic and independently become a new political entity——

Confederacy of Independent Systems!

In addition, the representatives and expatriates of the major galaxies have begun to withdraw from the control area of ​​the Republic. Not only that, fleets of fleets have also begun to move, deploying near the hyperspace channel between the Galactic Republic and setting up hyperspace blockers to prevent The opposing fleet stowed away.

Admiral Matt Horner, commander of Dawn Planet A Fleet, also redeployed A Fleet to the Kuna star cluster, using the Kuna Fang planet where Volgograd-Kanidi is located as the new command headquarters. And he sent 10 Higra-class battlecruisers and several small and medium-sized warships to the planet Anji, the capital of the Eru people, and set up a hyperspace blocker on the hyperspace channel near the planet Anji to cut off the channel.

Intimidated by the strength of Dawn's A-fleet, the Ailu Queen had no choice but to swallow her anger on this matter. Although the Ailu remained neutral in this dispute and neither helped the Republic nor the Separatists, under the threat of force, they had no choice but to Join the ranks of the Separatists by not signing Count Dooku's agreement.

At the same time, the separatist major galaxies have cut off their connection with the Galactic Republic one after another, the signal of the Galaxy Holographic Network has been cut off, and the signals of the major media have also been cut off. In its place are separatists' own networks and media.

All the internet and media frenziedly reported related news, including Count Dooku's speech, including various anti-Galactic Republic programs. The atmosphere of separatism is getting stronger and stronger, and almost all the people have hated the Galactic Republic to the extreme. They think that all their pain and poverty are caused by the nobles in the inner circle of the Republic and the inner planet. Only the rule of the Galactic Republic can see a better future.

Of course, this matter is actually quite similar. In the core circle of the Galactic Republic and those developed planets in the inner ring, how much of their full treasury is the blood and tears of the people of the backward planets in the outer ring? There are too many to count!

It's just that the media ignored one point intentionally or unintentionally when conducting propaganda, that is, those corporate giants that constitute the real strength of separatism were once part of the exploiters! It has been, and it will continue to be!

But now, the flames of war have been ignited, people's emotions are at an all-time high, and various demonstrations emerge in endlessly. Those who support the republic, those who support separatism, and even civil wars of unprecedented scale broke out on many planets!

However, for the war that is about to break out, these mere planet-level civil wars are nothing more than small fights.


On April 29th, Trench, who had been officially canonized as an admiral, came to Dawn Planet and had a secret meeting with Governor Tang Xiao.

The next day, Admiral Trench visited the star ring of the Dawn star and inspected the C fleet that was guarding the Dawn star. That night, Admiral Trench accepted Tang Xiao's canonization and officially became the third fleet commander of the Fourth Civilization, the admiral, commanding the C fleet and defending the dawn planet.

But Admiral Trench will not stay on Star Dawn forever, and the C fleet will not leave here for the time being. He continued to go to the war zone to which the Enterprise Alliance belonged, and assumed his ostensible position—the admiral of the Enterprise Alliance. He also had another team consisting of 5 Shenyi-class destroyers, 20 Generosity-class communication frigates, and 5 Luke-class ships. A fleet of Lihook-class battleships and 10 Disobedient-class light destroyers.


At the beginning of May, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who wanted to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala, discovered a strange planet name——Ka Mino planet.

He went back to the archives of the Jedi Order to check, but found that the Kamino planet did not exist in the archives. So he went to seek the guidance of Master Yoda, the leader of the Jedi Order.

Master Yoda told him that the archives of the Jedi Order are the most complete in the entire galaxy, and many materials are not even in the database of the Galactic Republic. If it is not in the archives of the Jedi Order, it can only mean that this planet does not exist at all, or...

Someone deleted the profile.

However, only the Jedi Knights themselves can delete the data of a planet from the archives of the Jedi Knights. Who is this person?

This incident cast a shadow over Master Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

In fact, they can roughly guess who this person is, but if it is really this person... then it can only show that the series of events happening in the Galactic Republic are premeditated...

Later, under the guidance of Master Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi extended his force through the star map to the starry sky of the entire galaxy. Guided by the force, he discovered The position, the movement of the stars is somewhat abnormal.

There are various indications that it should be a planet that affects the movement of these stars, a planet that no longer exists on the star map.

Obi-Wan Kenobi sat in his Delta-7 fighter and connected to the hyperspace ring. He didn't let his navigation robot turn on the navigation system, but directly used his powerful force to guide the direction.

In this way, he jumped into hyperspace without the assistance of any navigation equipment. This is completely a suicide act!

However, this kind of behavior is not without precedent. In the overseas exploration plan that started 5 years ago, Jedi Master Jolus Cerbos put forward such a theory-using the powerful force of the Jedi Master to forcibly guide the hyperspace channel , find a feasible way out.

Perhaps because of the dark influence of the Force, Obi-Wan Kenobi succeeded! He spanned thousands of light-years of space and found the planet that did not exist on the star map——

Planet Kamino!

The Delta-7 fighter entered the atmosphere of the planet Kamino, sailed through the wind and waves on this planet that was almost completely covered by the ocean, and finally came to a sea city.

The capital of the Kaminoans - Tipoca City.


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Planet Kamino. 】

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