Chapter 500 Leaving Coruscant

498. Leaving Coruscant

If Palpatine just laughed it off when Earl Dooku reported to him yesterday that Newt Gunray of the Trade Federation asked to kill Padmé Amidala before signing the agreement, then now Palpatine really wanted to chop Padme into pieces and kill him directly!

Better add Newt Gunley!

One of these two guys is stupid and the other is bad. The stupid one doesn't think about the political impact of assassinating Padmé Amidala at this time. The underdeveloped "Military Creation Act" suffered another setback.

However, in order to maintain his image as a guardian of peace, Palpatine couldn't tear his face and force the bill to pass.

Of course, it is obviously impossible to kill Newt Gunley, so we still have to attack Padmé... Palpatine began to figure out how to deal with Padmé. It is obviously impossible to kill her, which will make " The Military Creation Act is stillborn again, or is it...

Send her away?

After Padmé's speech, the parliament once again entered into a heated discussion. At this time, Schiff Palpatine smiled and said to Padmé: "I have postponed the vote on the "Military Creation Act" before. During this time, there may still be criminals around. , I think, how about you go back to Planet Naboo to avoid the limelight?"

"This is my battlefield, and I will not leave! I will fight to the end for peace here!" Padmé Amidala was extremely firm.

Seeing her resolute expression, Palpatine secretly sighed, and the anger in his heart increased a bit.


As promised, the Jedi Order sent Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to protect Senator Padmé Amidala.

At the same time, Zam Wither, hired by the bounty hunter Jango Fett, also took action. She manipulated a drone to quietly break open the windows of Padmé's mansion at night, sending two A poisonous insect goes in.

With the protection of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, the assassination undoubtedly failed. The master and apprentice pursued all the way, and they were about to catch Zam Weather, but she had already been silenced by Jango Fett, who knew that something was wrong.

Being assassinated twice in a row in one day made the Jedi Knights feel very shameless, although they have basically lost their face in the past ten years or so.

Master Windu also began to worry that such an endless assassination would one day succeed. After all, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no one to prevent a thousand days from a thief. He tried to persuade Padmé Amidala to return to the planet Naboo, but Padmé's attitude was as firm as ever - just don't go, absolutely don't go, even if killed.

Padme's heart is the same as that of Der Spiegel, she knows that now is a good time to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, and she must not return to the planet Naboo halfway.

But this time, Palpatine had already seized the opportunity.

The Jedi Knights divided Obi-Wan's mentor and apprentice into two groups. Obi-Wan Kenobi went to track down the assassination and find out who was behind the scenes, while Anakin Skywalker continued to protect Padmé.

At the same time, Master Windu asked Anakin to seek the help of Speaker Palpatine, and asked Palpatine to persuade Padmé.

Palpatine was ecstatic about this, and he also wanted to drive Padmé away, but he had no excuses, and now the Jedi Knights came here because they were sleepy and met the pillow. The Jedi Knights want to find him to persuade Padmé to leave Coruscant, but he is still waiting for the Jedi Knights to help him persuade Padmé!

He had a long talk with Anakin Skywalker who came to negotiate, and reaffirmed Skywalker's talent and ability, and repeatedly hinted that Anakin had surpassed Obi-Wan.

Anakin-Skywalker was not very popular with the Jedi Knights. He was 10 years old when he joined the Jedi Knights. And Master Yoda's approach is more of suppression.

They hope that through this method, Anakin can face up to his talent, control his emotions, and not be arrogant because of his strength.

In fact, although they don’t want to see Anakin very much, Master Windu and Master Yoda still do their best for Anakin. With the gradual display of Anakin’s talent, they also began to believe that Anakin-Skywalker is the chosen one. son's statement. As a result, they were more cautious about Anakin's training, and many times they were even unwilling to send him on missions that were too dangerous, fearing that Anakin would have negative emotions during the mission.

But the Jedi Knights were walking on thin ice cautiously, but they didn't expect Speaker Palpatine to rush over and poach the wall frantically. The Jedi Order taught Anakin that he was no different from anyone else and needed to maintain a humble heart. However, Speaker Palpatine often used the opportunity of teaching to tell Anakin that your talent is stronger than anyone else, and one day Master Yoda will be stepped on by you.

The Jedi Knights taught Anakin that you should be cautious, but Palpatine told Anakin that with your strength, you can control your aggressiveness, and you can complete the task better.

The Jedi Knights did not allow Anakin to participate in too dangerous missions, and even the previous border exploration plan, after discovering that Cholus-Serbos was unreliable, called Anakin and Obi-Wan back in advance. But Palpatine told Anakin that the Jedi Order did not let you perform tasks because they looked down on you, because they were afraid that your talent would surpass them.

The saying "good advice hurts the ear" has not been wrong since ancient times.

Palpatine always speaks according to Anakin's meaning, of course it sounds much better. His stealthy digging made the Jedi Order's education of Anakin Skywalker go to waste, and planted a seed in Anakin Skywalker's immature heart.

After being praised by Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker went to find Padmé Amidala contentedly.

At the same time, Speaker Palpatine also directly issued an administrative order to Padmé Amidala, ordering her to leave Coruscant and return to the planet Naboo, and to return when the "Military Creation Act" officially began to vote. return.

In the executive order, Palpatine also specifically mentioned that letting Padmé leave Coruscant was the intention of the Jedi Knights, and he was just pushing the boat along.

The Jedi Order wanted Palpatine to persuade Padmé to leave, but Palpatine issued an administrative order in the name of the Jedi Order to force Padmé to leave.

So it was the Jedi Knights who were responsible again.

Padmé Amidala had no choice this time. She found the congressman's assistant Jar Jar Binks and told him to stand firm on his political stance and not allow anyone to take advantage of it. , everything will be discussed when she returns to Coruscant.

J-Ja-Binks had matured a lot, and he promised, patting his chest that it would be absolutely fine.

But what Padmé Amidala didn't expect was that, a few months later, the problem was Jar Jar Binks.

At this moment, Padmé Amidala, together with Anakin Skywalker, was quietly preparing to leave in a passenger spaceship as a war refugee.

Padmé, who was working like needles in the ordinary cabin of the spaceship, suddenly heard a voice calling her, "Padmé, why are you here?"

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