The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 496: The Growth of Civilization (Part 2)

494. The Growth of Civilization (Part 2)

Compared with the army, the situation of the Navy of the Fourth Civilization is much better. At present, the total number of the navy is 6 million, and it has three main fleets and more than 30 escort fleets.

The size of the escort fleet is very small, each of which is centered on a gray horse-class escort aircraft carrier, with about 10 obsolete frigates. The configuration of these frigates is different, and the most important thing is to use waste. The Hammer-class light frigates and Pulse-star light frigates used by the Fourth Civilization Navy in the past were all handed over to the escort fleet.

Moreover, as the war approached, the production capacity of the Fourth Civilization began to tighten. The carrier aircraft on these gray horse-class escort aircraft carriers did not use ghost fighters anymore. All the ghost fighters were dispatched back to the main fleet, so the gray horse-class Most of the carrier-based aircraft on the escort aircraft carrier use vulture robot fighters.

More than 30 escort fleets are planned to be further expanded to 50, mainly to protect the safety of the waterways between the fourth civilization and those peripheral resource production areas and industrial areas.

Now the main peripheral industrial areas of the Fourth Civilization include five places:

1. The Semirs Planet Industrial Zone, which was jointly built by Tang Xiao and the Semirs after he established the Higra Aerospace Group, is also the first peripheral industrial zone of the Fourth Civilization. At first, it was mainly used to build small and medium warships such as Vengeance-class light destroyers and Apocalypse-class light cruisers. Later, with the establishment of the Freemasonry, this industrial area also began to expand, mainly used to build Cole-class battlecruisers.

The scale of this industrial zone is average, and only 20 Cole-class battlecruisers or 150 other small warships can be built at the same time.

2. The industrial area near the Injoli galaxy is formed by the combination of several surrounding galaxies. It is mainly located in the Golden Nice Shipyard in the Nice galaxy, which was jointly built by the Higra Aerospace Group and the Trade Federation. It mainly produces the Higra-class battlecruisers, and the raw materials are supplied from the Amador satellite in the Chalinor galaxy. The Vechi 7 military colony is in charge of guarding, and the labor force mainly employed in the mining area comes from the Emalian galaxy.

This is the second outlying industrial zone of the Fourth Civilization. The Golden Nice Shipyard was occupied by the Injoris during the Inchorian riots in 33BBY. Later, it was seized by the Fourth Civilization by taking advantage of the Inchoris' mortgage compensation. hands. After 11 years of operation and construction with the Trade Union, it already has the ability to start construction of 100 Higra-class battlecruisers at the same time.

3. Yager-Dur Planet Industrial Zone, which is a super-large industrial area invested by the Givins in order to build Ragnarov-class Titan battleships during Hego-Damask II's lifetime. It was built in Jager-Dur On an inconspicuous satellite on the outskirts of the planet. The scale of this industrial area is very large. Titan battleships below 20,000 meters can be built, as well as Cole-class battlecruisers and Sowa-class aircraft carriers. The latest Martha-class heavy cruisers are also built here.

The Yage-Dur Planet Industrial Zone is currently operated and controlled by the Damask Holding Group. Its radiation range includes the raw materials and artificial origins of more than 120 outer galaxies. It is also one of the largest legacy left by Darth-Plagues. one.

And hesitantly, the planet Jager-Dur belongs to the inner ring of the Milky Way, so the existence of this industrial zone is also highly confidential and requires heavy defense. Among the current 30 escort fleets, 18 are active around this industrial area.

And in order to protect this industrial area and prepare for the upcoming war, Tang Xiao asked the Jiwen people to invest more than 20 Laz-class heavy engineering ships, more than 300 small engineering ships, and more than 2,000 SCVs to build a super-large interstellar base outside the dock. ——Argonev-class interstellar base!

4. Ondelong Planet Industrial Zone, after Tang Xiao took the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association, Sang Hill, on board, he entrusted it to Tyron Heavy Industries, and let Tyron Heavy Industries and the Interstellar Banking Association jointly build it. And Thorn-Hill immediately exerted his enormous influence as the co-chairman of the largest economic entity in the galaxy, directly employing the planet Onderon.

The Onderon planet is a planet located in the inner ring of the Milky Way, with a diameter of more than 15,000 kilometers, a suitable climate, and four satellites. The Interstellar Banking Association and Tyron Heavy Industries invested in the planet Onderon together, and built a huge dock and industrial base on the planet's largest satellite, Dxun.

Although this planet is located in the inner ring, its political orientation is very close to separatism. The construction of this super-large industrial base has accelerated this process. A year ago, Earl Dooku and Thorn Hill launched a coup on this planet, supporting a powerful minister named Sanjay Rash and overthrowing King Ramses Dundup.

After that, Mina Bonteri, a member of the Onderon planet, began to be consistent with Francis Underwood, and publicly opposed Speaker Palpatine's "Military Creation Act" in the previous parliament. Voted and walked out angrily.

After openly supporting separatism, Planet Onderon has also accelerated the construction of a huge industrial base on the Deksen satellite, which has brought millions of jobs to the planet and more than 1 billion financial credits per year Taxes have greatly eased the economic situation of the planet Onderon, making the position of the usurper Sanjay Rush more stable.

The Onderon planet will also become one of the peripheral industrial areas of the fourth civilization, and is currently researching the behemoth-class battlecruiser. In addition, Tyron Heavy Industries has also transferred some industrial businesses here to build a large number of military equipment such as ghost fighters, siege tanks, and Valkyrie guided missile frigates.

5. Orville III planet industrial base. This is the industrial planet of the Ailu people. In the previous war with the Ailu people, the Ailu people were defeated and forced to sign an unequal treaty with Dawn Star Planet, and had to pay huge war reparations. But because the treasury of the Ailu people was cheated by the mercenaries secretly sent by Darth Sidious, the Ailu people who had no money had to use the production capacity of Orville III as a mortgage.

So Dawn Star took over the industrial base, and worked with the trade union to transform and upgrade the industrial base. Although the Orville III planetary industrial base is large in scale, its technical content is very low. At present, it can only be used to produce some light weapons, ammunition and some backward light frigates.

In addition to these five peripheral industrial areas, the largest production capacity of the fourth civilization comes from the star ring around the Dawn star. With the support of the almost inexhaustible mineral resources of Planet Dor, the Star Ring of the Dawn Star was built almost day and night, bringing a huge fleet of 200 battleships to the Fourth Civilization!

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