Chapter 492 The meeting between the two parties

490. The meeting between the two parties

On the second day, Speaker Schiff Palpatine delivered a speech in the parliament. He once again expressed his hesitation on the issue of war. negotiations between.

"It's something I absolutely don't want to see my compatriots in the same galaxy fight each other." Palpatine has repeatedly emphasized this point.

But in his speech, he still said that the current situation no longer allows him to wait hopelessly like this, and he must make another preparation. Palpatine told those congressmen that he hoped to see the passage of the Military Creation Act, not to increase his power, nor to provoke war, but to prepare the Republic for the worst.

He also hypocritically said that once Earl Dooku agreed to start negotiations and the negotiations went smoothly, he would terminate the bill without hesitation and return the power to the parliament.

The "loyalty committee" he created in the parliament also began to play a role at this time, and the members of it also began to promote his actions. Under their propaganda, Palpatine has indeed become the one who has worked hard for peace. Last minute people.

The second vote on the Military Creation Act will take place a week later in GST.

Regarding this bill, the new ring faction members headed by Francis Underwood expressed strong indignation in comparison with some members of the outer ring star region who still remained in the parliament. They claimed that if Parliament passed the bill, it would be a violation of democracy and proof that the republic wanted to wage war on its own initiative.

Francis Underwood even threw the cup directly in the middle of the parliamentary venue. He loosened his tie, pointed at Palpatine's nose and roared loudly: "If this reactionary bill is passed, then this It will be the darkest day in the 25,000-year history of the Galactic Republic!! Because today, you, a dignified Speaker of the Republic, chose war!!"

"I have repeatedly emphasized that peace is my original intention." Palpatine said with a smile.

"Then stop voting on this bill!"

"Unfortunately, in the end, democracy still has the final say."

"Well, in this case, the day this bill is passed is the day we withdraw from the Congress of the Republic!! Please remember, Schiff Palpatine! It was you! You single-handedly pushed the Republic into war, pushed Towards a split!!" Francis Underwood yelled angrily, and then rushed out of the venue without looking back.

Following his leadership, many councilors from the Outer Rim Star District also stood up and left the venue, expressing their thoughts.

Back in the office, Francis Underwood took off his tie, straightened his neckline, and asked his chief of staff, Douglas Stamp, indifferently: "How was it just now? I feel like I've used too much force." gone."

"I think it's just right under the circumstances, sir." Douglas nodded slightly, showing a somewhat sinister smile, "After you make such a fuss, even if we can't control the overall situation, it will cost Palpatine more Just focus on winning votes."

"This is the last thing I can do." Francis took off his suit and changed into casual clothes. "I will leave Coruscant in the afternoon and return to Dawn Planet. I am worried that if I leave It's too late, Palpatine won't allow me to leave completely. Our final declaration, please come and publish Doug, as long as I'm not here, Palpatine won't do anything to you." Fran Sith Underwood said.

"Leave it to me, sir." Douglas Stamp nodded and replied, "An agent code-named 004 already contacted me yesterday. Mrs. M from the intelligence department will guarantee my safety."


At the same time, the outer ring of the Milky Way, the main planet LS (Raxus Prime).

A burst of dazzling white light flashed, and five 1,100-meter-long Cole-class battlecruisers left hyperspace and entered the planet's gravity well.

Tang Xiao was sitting on the main seat of the flagship with his legs crossed, with a stern expression, looking at the planet in front of him through the holographic projection.

Severance Tann still stood like a soldier, her legs standing straight behind Tang Xiao like compasses.

In addition, there are 10 Higera-class battlecruisers accompanying them. This is the fleet brought by Gross Shelby in the name of the Fourth Group.

Around this small planet, there are already a large number of fleets gathering.

Among them is a huge fleet composed of 1 Ruckrey Hook-class battleship converted from a cargo ship, 10 Higra-class battlecruisers, and 5 Shenyi-class destroyers. The logo on this fleet shows that it belongs to the Trade Federation.

There is also a fleet of 30 Generosity-class communication frigates, which is the fleet of the Interstellar Banking Association.

Technology alliances, business guilds, and enterprise alliances have also brought large-scale fleets, and their fleets are mainly composed of disobedient-class light destroyers and generous-class communication frigates.

However, this terrifying fleet that can easily sweep across an entire star region is gathered here not to fight, but to... sign an agreement.

The situation between the Outer Rim Star Region and the Republic has reached this point, many things have come to the fore, and there is no need to gather quietly like the underground party.

What's more, today's meeting is different from usual.

After the fleets of various corporate giants docked in their respective areas, the representatives of each enterprise took a shuttle to a giant closed space port on the main planet of LSax.

Stepping out of the shuttle, Tang Xiao looked at Sang Hill, the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association who also just arrived. They exchanged glances and continued walking towards the venue.

The meeting place was not big, and Earl Dooku was already waiting at the door, and then more than 30 people came one after another, and that was the whole meeting.

Dawn Star, Interstellar Banking Association, Commercial Guild, Trade Alliance, Enterprise Alliance, Technology Alliance, Fourth Group, Semiles Planet, Yago-Dur Planet, Geonosis Planet, etc. have highly developed industries. The planets of the system and the heads of corporate giants are among them.

In fact, these more than 30 people are already the only ones who are qualified to attend the meeting among the thousands of galaxies in the large outer ring star region that the entire separatist movement can radiate.

Seeing Severance Tann following Tang Xiao, Earl Dooku couldn't help but take another look, and said with a smile, "If I'm right, this should be from Chiss, right? It looks like Your Excellency Tang Xiao is indeed so powerful that he can even find Qisi people who have never come out of the unknown star field. And..."

Earl Dooku's face changed slightly, "He's still a Force-sensitive person..."

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