478. Investigation

The outer ring of the Milky Way, the Drazkor Galaxy.

White light flashed past, and two latest Delta-7 fighter jets, driven by the hyperspace ring, left the hyperspace and appeared in this hidden galaxy.

"Master, we are here." A young human Jedi apprentice clicked a few buttons in the cockpit to let the fighter escape from the hyperspace ring.

Inside the other fighter jet was a Mon Calamari Jedi Master, his flounder-like face was already covered with wrinkles, "Let's look for clues here, Layun."

His name was Yakin, an older Jedi Master and Layun's mentor.

The Jedi apprentice named Layun looked at the large space station outside, frowned and said, "This space station has been abandoned."

Indeed, this large space station with a diameter of more than 500 meters is in a state of darkness, and the engine used to maintain the synchronous orbit is not running. Gravity pulls past.

This planet is a satellite of a dead planet without any signs of life, so the gravity is not strong.

"Ten years ago, Edra Katis and her master were attacked by interstellar pirates near the Sarka galaxy. At that time, they were driving a civilian spaceship without any weapons, so they were shot down by pirates. At that time, everyone thought that Both of them died." Yakin sighed, "But 2 years ago, Edra Ketis appeared in Nashada, and she has fallen to the dark side."

"When their spaceship fell, the master rescued her, but she was still captured by the pirates. Those pirates sold her to the Siresex Group, and here is the clue we traced. The Siresex Group An auction was held here, and Aedra was sold as a commodity." Yajin continued.

Boom! Layun slammed his fist on the console and growled, "Those bastards!"

"Control your emotions, Layun. I know you had a good relationship with Edra back then, and you even had some other ideas. But remember, I have reminded you countless times. First, you know that the Jedi The Order of the Knights does not allow two people who are sensitive to the Force to marry, let alone a Jedi Knight. Second, Edra is different from before, and if necessary, we will kill her." Yakin said .

"If possible, I want to bring her back to the Jedi Order, alive." Layun said through gritted teeth.

Yajin sighed, "I came here voluntarily to investigate, not to let you get stuck in the past, but to cut off the past. Love, fear, anger, these will cause the power of the dark side to erode your heart, I can't Let you follow in the footsteps of Edra."

"My heart has never been so firm, master." La Yun said in a deep voice.

"Let's find out the reason for Aidla's fall first. This space station obviously had an accident. You see, a hole was blown out at the control console. You go into the space station and have a look. I'll go to the surface of the satellite to find clues." Ya After Jin finished speaking, he controlled the fighter jet to enter the thin atmosphere of the satellite.

Layun entered the space station from the hangar platform, which has obviously been artificially emptied. Such a huge space station, and it is used as a space station for luxury villas, has no value. The cost of moving or dismantling is very high. Why not Just throw it away.

After searching, master and apprentice Yajin and Layun finally found clues in the control center where a gap was blown out.

Layun found a piece of fiber from a twisted piece of metal, which should be a piece of cloth torn from a woman's clothing, and there is a broken card inside the piece of cloth.

"This thing is...wait a minute, information card? K0-T7, scan it for me." Layun took the card over and let his navigation robot scan and analyze it through remote communication.

Soon, he got the result, "The Fourth Group? Is the Fourth Group involved in this auction? What relationship do they have with the Ceresex Group?"

Yajin's voice came from the communication, "I also found the wreckage of many spaceships on the satellite, and there was a battle here. Why did the Fourth Group and the Sirius Group have anything to do with each other? I asked Master Coleman to Help us check with the Ministry of Commerce."

La Yun, who was investigating at the space station, suddenly saw something floating in the distance through the porthole. He used the Force to look into the distance, but found that it was a B-1 battle robot!

Instead of calling his master, he returned to the hangar platform, got on his Delta-7 fighter jet, chased after the wreckage of the B-1 combat robot, and dragged it back to the space station with a tractor beam.

"This robot is still in good condition, but it has no energy." In the hangar, Layun looked at the robot and thought, "K0-T7, try to see if you can activate it."

The navigation robot stretched out a small mechanical arm, inserted it into the charging slot of the B-1 robot, and began to release electric energy with a bang.

The B-1 robot started to move immediately, but because of the lack of power, its movements were very weak. It said in an intermittent voice: "The goods... send... Sojo... Planet Lun..."

"Planet Sojoran?" Layun returned to the cockpit of the fighter jet and looked up the name on the star map, but the result was blank.

At this time, Yajin sent a message, "Master Coleman helped us go to the Ministry of Commerce to check. According to the data records of the Ministry of Commerce, the Fourth Group has no relationship with the Sirius Group. However, 10 years ago , A mysterious sum of money was remitted to the Serisex Group, and then the group held an election for the board of directors. The reason for the election was the accidental death of the original director Seve Sirethex. The source of this money... is the first A trust fund under the four groups. It seems that this is an illegal transaction that has not been registered, and someone is covering up the existence of this transaction."

Yakin thought for a while and continued: "I think some of our clues match up. The last time Edra Ketis appeared in Nashada, she massacred more than 700 people in a gang. And this gang is related to a gang called Ni Yongxiao's gang leaders are in a hostile relationship, and Ni Yongxiao's backside is likely to be the fourth group."

"So, Edra's fall may have something to do with the fourth group?" Layun was rapidly operating on the computer, trying to decipher the data of the B-1 robot, while replying to his master. , but the action is still orderly.

"At least we know that the Fourth Group participated in this auction, and after the auction, they gave Seresex Group a large sum of money." Yajin said in the communication.

At this time, La Yun slammed on the keyboard and said loudly: "It's done! Master! I found a planet that doesn't exist on the star map! Planet Socholun!!"

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