The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 478: The Galactic Republic's Road to War (Part 1)

476. The Galactic Republic's Road to War (Part 1)

The results of the activities of these members of the ‘loyalty committee’ in the outer ring star region can be imagined.

Some members of the loyalty committee were even beaten to death by angry people!

However, they used their actions and even their lives to earn enough political prestige for Palpatine.

Not only that, Palpatine also let the media controlled by him spread the pictures of those members of the "loyalty committee" being beaten to death, hanged or even burned to death by the people of the outer ring star area on the galaxy information network, and then he stood up and spoke sternly. ordered these media to take all the videos off the shelves.

But this information has already been spread out, and it has had an extremely bad influence, making the planets in the middle ring star region, which has been vacillating, also begin to think that those people in the outer ring star region are all terrorists.

So in the public opinion and on the Internet, the media of both sides began to spit, and the people of both sides also developed great hostility.

People in the Central sector began to think that it was because the Galactic Republic had to pay too much for the bumpkins in the Outer Rim that their lives had been bad. The people in the inner circle think that it is enough for those people in the outer circle to be slaves, and don't delay them from making a lot of money.

As for the planets in the inner circle of Master Ren, they just hope to fight as soon as possible so that their military industry can make more money.

However, at this time, Speaker Schiff Palpatine once again showed a sympathetic attitude. He claimed that he would not give up his efforts for peace at any time, and he continued to help the outer ring planet in his public speeches in the media. District planet speaks.

"I always believe that when a person can't even eat enough, all his actions can be forgiven."

"Before blaming the planets in the outer ring, we should first reflect on ourselves, can we do more for them?"

"If a foreign enemy invades, I will lead everyone to the battlefield without hesitation. But now, I must exercise the utmost restraint, because we are all a family, a family, and we should not fight each other."

These deceptive speeches almost deceived everyone. If there is a Nobel Peace Prize in this world, it is estimated that Palpatine has been elected for several years.

After that, Palpatine went to the Jedi Temple in person and visited Master Yoda.

He and Master Yoda discussed the future of the Milky Way for a long time. When he finished the conversation and came out of the living room, he asked a question earnestly: "Master Yoda, do you think war will really break out?"

Master Yoda just shook his head and said: "The dark side covers everything. What cannot be seen is the future."

"I will try." Palpatine finished his sentence, surrounded by the speaker's guard in red armor, and stepped onto his own shuttle.

On the second day, 24BBY, March 21st, Schiff-Palpatine delivered a public speech in the holographic network of the entire galaxy. The grandeur of this speech can be said to be unprecedented. Almost all the media were broadcasting his speech. At this time, the previously bickering media showed a high degree of unanimity, and it also showed the extent to which Schiff-Palpatine's political power has swelled after he was re-elected .

The speech lasted 12 minutes. Palpatine showed an image of being wronged but still insisting on peace. People feel that as long as it is against him, it is anti-humanity.

Palpatine said that even though everyone in the galaxy is thinking about war now, he is also fighting for peace.

At the end of the speech, Palpatine extended an invitation to Count Dooku: "I hope to have an open, fair, face-to-face debate with Count Dooku. I know that there are many people on both sides who are eager to take our The dispute turned into an all-out war, but I don't think such a dispute should go to such an extreme result, and we should all have enough wisdom and reasons to find a solution by sitting down together."

"I propose to conduct this negotiation on the neutral planet Botavi, or any other neutral planet. As long as Count Dooku is willing to come and negotiate, he knows how to find me, and my communication remains open 24 hours a day. Of course , For security reasons, I will not discuss the time of the negotiation publicly, and Earl Dooku can ask me to make an appointment at this time."

Speaker Schiff-Palpatine's speech is regarded as his last effort for peace. Almost all the media are exaggerating Palpatine's invitation to negotiate this time. They all claim that Palpatine has already If you are as benevolent as possible, if you are still obsessed with this situation, then Earl Dooku will undoubtedly take full responsibility for the war.

But Earl Dooku did not attend the appointment, nor did he send out any information. He just continued to carry on his business in silence, constantly attracting more planets to join the Separatist movement.

In fact, his reaction at this time was discussed with Darth Sidious a long time ago. This is a necessary means to go to war.

Because of the particularity of the Galactic Republic's political system, Palpatine must not be the one to start the war, otherwise no one will support him. Earl Dooku must bear the responsibility of launching the war, and implicitly, super enterprises such as the Interstellar Banking Association, the Trade Federation, the Fourth Group, the Enterprise Alliance, the Merchant Guild, and the Technology Alliance also bear this name. Called the black pot of war.

This is also a foundation for eradicating these enterprises in the future and using their accumulation and capital to become nutrients when the new order is established.

Count Dooku did not respond, and no response was the best response, his silence expressed his will to war.

This meaning was also seen by the congressmen of the entire Galactic Republic.

Only then did everyone truly realize that war is within reach!

After a month of waiting, Palpatine had to regrettably announce that the peace effort had failed and the door to negotiations had been closed.

But he still emphasized that before everything became irreparable, even at the last second, Count Dooku could dial his communication and talk to him about a peaceful solution.

After that, Schiff-Palpatine returned to the Galactic Council and officially put the possibility of war on the bright side. He proposed the "Military Creation Act" (the Military Creation Act) in the Council, intending to re-establish Armed Forces of the Galactic Republic.

He set a plenary vote on the bill on May 16.

And this bill is also the first step for the Galactic Republic to go to war.

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