Chapter 476 The Expansion of the Dark Side

474. Expansion of the Dark Side

Seeing everyone coming together, Master Windu supported his chin with both hands, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone is here now, we need to discuss the incident that happened this time..."

As he spoke, he looked around and sighed, "... Over the past few years, we have had too many sacrifices. Master Mika-Giyet sacrificed on the planet Injori; Master Ki-Adi-Mundi died because of Ser The civil war on the planet Ria has fallen into the dark side, and it is now retreating; Master Ariel Puff sacrificed to save Coruscant; Master Yadel died on the planet Mawan... These are only members of the Supreme Council, and others The Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters paid even more, such as Master Qui-Gon Jinn, and Master Dooku who left the Jedi Order. And now, it's Master Evan Peel's turn..."

He paused again, and then continued: "There are indications that the power of the dark side is getting stronger and stronger, and they will spare no effort to subvert the Galactic Republic and destroy our Jedi Order. Eight years ago on the planet Naboo, West Darth Moore killed Master Qui-Gon Jinn. We kept guessing whether this Sith Lord was a master or an apprentice, but this time, I think I have the answer... the Sith Lord hidden behind More cunning, stronger, and more deeply hidden... We must find him out and give him the justice he deserves!"

Master Windu looked at Anakin again, and asked, "Anakin, when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Evan Peel arrived, you were already alone with Edra who fell into the dark side- Katis is fighting, so before that, when you contacted her, did you find anything?"

Anakin Skywalker thought for a while, and said: "The force of Edra Ketis is in chaos, she has almost no self-awareness, like a beast that only knows how to kill. But after that, after that Sith Lord In front of her, she is very well-behaved. So I think they are subordinate."

"And the Sith Lord also showed contempt for Darth Maul, saying that Maul was not worthy of being his apprentice. At the time I thought it was just contempt for an abandoned child, but now that I think about it...maybe the situation is worse ..." Obi-Wan Kenobi also added on the side, "His words showed two meanings. First, Darth Maul is an apprentice. Second, Darth Maul is not his apprentice. .”

"You mean, Darth Moore's master, maybe someone else?" Master Windu frowned.

"There was a disorder, the force... 11 years ago." Master Yoda said suddenly, "In the Mordel sector."

He sighed, "Disappeared, this disturbance, not long after. Dawn star rises, at the same time."

Obi-Wan Kenobi nodded and said: "Yes, my master Qui-Gon Jinn and I went to investigate and found the Dawn Star Reclamation Group that had just started colony construction, and helped them repel the pirates. Infestation. Now that I think about it... this time on the planet Nashada, the gang leader Kilyak Desilijic of the Hutts complained to us that a user of the dark side force slaughtered a certain gang 700 There are many people...and this gang has just betrayed Ni Yongxiao, and behind him, we believe it is Dawn Star!"

"So, Dawn Star and the Fourth Group may be inextricably linked to this Sith Lord?" Master Windu's eyes shot a touch of coldness, he turned to the other side, and asked: "Coleman Tru Master Bo, when you went to Dawn Planet to conduct a census six years ago, did you find anything?"

Coleman Truber shook his head, "Dawn Star's hospitality was very warm, and I didn't find anything abnormal. In addition, when they learned that Jing Fang and Dream Sisters had the talent of the Force, their administrative minister Daphne - Clement obviously didn't want to release them, but Planet Governor Tang Xiao took the initiative and decisively arranged for them to come to the Jedi Knights for training. I think they are a very civilized planet, although they now support separatism."

"Luna-Meng and Luna-Huan have shown extremely high force talents. Although the younger sister Luna-Huan has a bit naughty personality, their achievements are absolutely limitless. We should thank Dawn Star for providing us with such Excellent apprentice." Although Depa Bilaba is strict, she actually dotes on the amazingly talented dream sisters, so she speaks to them both openly and secretly, and even the Dawn Star behind her is also praised for loving the house and the black.

"But in Ni Yongxiao, I really felt the power of the dark side. Master Evan Peel once tried to use the force to influence Ni Yongxiao, but it didn't work at the first time, but it made him wary. Master Evan thought this Someone from the dark side is protecting him," Obi-Wan Kenobi said.

"It has been hundreds of years, the shroud of the dark side. It is also this time, the conspiracy of the Sith. It is impossible to subvert the conspiracy of the Republic in just a few years." Master Yoda said, "The emerging Sith Lord, this is the only explanation."

He stood up, stood in the middle with a cane, and said firmly: "It is constantly getting stronger, the power of the dark side, fear, is breeding. We must continue to explore, the source of darkness, and also to curb its growth, the emerging darkness .”

The Jedi master Shak Ti who was sitting on the side said: "I have a certain understanding of Edra Ketis, she is indeed quite gifted in the Force, but there is still a big gap compared with Anakin. However, as shown in this battle, she once suppressed Anakin, so...if she was seduced by this new Sith Lord and fell, then this person is more terrifying than we imagined."

She succeeded Master Yadell as a member of the Supreme Council. She usually doesn't express much opinion when she is young, but she takes good care of Anakin, and she is also deeply saddened by the depravity of Edra Ketis.

"But Dawn Planet has been cut off by the Speaker for all trade routes and imposed trade sanctions because of its constant opposition to the Galactic Republic's decision-making. It is one of the planets where the separatist movement is most rampant. If you want to investigate, I am afraid that you will need a fleet to go there. .” Master Windu said worriedly.

"I do have a suggestion. Although the Dawn Star is monolithic, they have been expanding in the Kuna Star Cluster in recent years. They have also had conflicts with the local Ail people, and even fought each other. That is to say, compared to the Dawn Star For example, the situation of the Kuna star cluster is more complicated. This may be our breakthrough, and we can send people to sneak in to investigate." Shak-Ti said.

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