The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 443 Force Sensitive Person

441. Those who are sensitive to the force

"Yuri-Olov went to Jabba's place?" Hearing the news, Tang Xiao was a little surprised, but it was basically within his expectation. "This guy disappeared for so long, what did he do?"

Baron Helmut Zemo stood behind Tang Xiao, adjusted his glasses and said, "Since the end of the civil war on Celia, he has no intention of returning to Planet Dawn. Of course, I also know that you have He was not given any duties, so it was not surprising that he would leave without saying goodbye."

Tang Xiao nodded.

Zemo turned the screen, "Then he went to the Corellian galaxy, brought a batch of weapons to the gangsters there, and seemed to have saved some money from there, and then went to talk to Dreyer from Blood Dawn Den Voss made several trips to the weapons business. He mainly sold weapons from the Fourth Group. Later, when the business grew, he established relationships with several industrial companies in Corellia, and used his network to Continue to sell arms. Then, there is the business between him and Jabba... According to his current property, he has spent all he has on this business. Therefore, we can easily bankrupt him, we need to do ?"

Tang Xiao waved his hand and said, "No need. For an arms dealer like him, having no position is the best position. If he is only doing business for us, there are many people who can do business without him. If he said it, it should be like Now, let him find channels to sell weapons by himself. For example, if it weren’t for him, how could we sell the eliminated Hammer-class frigates and the Knight-class frigates that have not been adopted by the military to Jabba?”

"So, you mean continue to support his business?" Zemo asked.

"Treat him as a relatively close outsider. When it comes to business, just do whatever you want, just give him some discounts that others don't have. Remember our principle, the weapons for sale cannot threaten our active weapons , that's OK." Tang Xiao didn't even raise his eyes.

"Understood." Zemo bowed slightly and stepped back to leave Tang Xiao's office.

When Zemo went out, Tang Xiao stood up, looked at the scenery outside the window, took a deep breath, and said to himself: "Let's go to the Injory galaxy, if there is a problem with the G-project before, Things are not very stable on the Injori planet..."

He pressed a button, told his assistant to call Eddra Katis, and waited in the office.

However, while he was waiting, a shocking news came suddenly.

Daphne Clemente, Minister of Administration, anxiously sent a message to Tang Xiao: "Your Excellency! Something has happened!"

Tang Xiao frowned. In his impression, Clement had never been so panicked. Could it be that something serious happened? He hurriedly said, "Calm down first, and tell me what's going on?"

"Jedi Order, the Jedi Order is on our planet..." Daphne Clemente was still panting, and it sounded like she had run all the way back to her office to send the message.

"I know that Master Coleman Truber is on our planet. Don't worry. Although he is a Jedi Master, his strength is very weak, and he is not as good as Edra. He can become a master mainly because he Achievements in the field of diplomacy, um... um? Wait a minute... What did Coleman Truber come to our planet for?" Tang Xiao suddenly thought of something, and his expression changed.

"Census! It's a census!!" Clement said loudly.

Tang Xiao slapped the table violently, even he himself was not calm, "That's right! The census!! Could it be..."

"That's right! Could it be this! On Dawn Planet, we found people who are sensitive to the Force!!" Daphne Clement almost shouted.

"Force sensitive? How many are there?" Tang Xiao asked quickly.

"Three...or two..." Daphne Clement was a little uncertain.

"Is it three or two? Why can't you even figure this out?"

"The specific situation is a bit complicated, you should take a look! Now Coleman Truber is in the administrative hall of Dawn City, Dawn Star."

"I'll be here right away! Mastermind, prepare the shuttle for me!" Tang Xiao said as he turned around and walked out of the office.

As soon as he opened the door, he bumped into Edella Katis who was just about to come in. He didn't have time to say anything, but said: "Now there are Jedi knights at Dawn Star, don't run around. Go to Ni Yongxiao's side, He seems to be in some trouble with Nashada."

"What's the trouble?" Aidela was a little reluctant to go.

"We colluded with the Besardi family and robbed the Desilijic family's Bonta night pod race, what trouble are you talking about?" Tang Xiao waved her to go quickly, and ran to the hangar in three steps at a time Platform, took the shuttle almost all the way to Liming City, the capital of the Dawn Star.

In the city hall, Jedi Master Coleman Truber in a brown robe was already waiting. He was a Wurk with rough skin like a hippopotamus and a hard bony plate on his head. Although he looked strange, he had a kind expression.

Behind Coleman Truber, there are three children standing a little stiffly, and their parents are also there.

Tang Xiao said hello to Coleman Truber, counted the number of children in his mind again, confirmed that it was three, and then began to think about whether to send Daphne Clement to tutor kindergarten math.

"Your Excellency, I am very honored to have discovered these three... or two Force-sensitive people in the Dawn Star. With great sincerity, I invite them to go to Coruscant and receive training in the Jedi Temple , and become an excellent Jedi Knight, and jointly guard the peace and tranquility of the galaxy." Coleman Truber bowed slightly without being humble and said, his words were very appropriate, and he deserved to be a Jedi Master who has ascended to the position of Jedi Master by engaging in diplomacy.

In the near future, he will also be one of the Supreme Council of the Twelve members of the Jedi Order.

"Three... or two?" Tang Xiao heard Coleman say the same, and counted the number of children, and it was indeed three. So I began to doubt myself, and I planned to go to kindergarten some time to study mathematics.

"This is Jing Fang, 5 years old, he is a very good force sensitive person." Coleman Truber touched the little boy's head and said with a smile.

But his appearance still frightened the little boy back a few steps, and he wanted to hide behind his parents with some timidity.

"Don't be afraid, sister! If this buffalo man dares to take a step closer, I will definitely smash his nose!" A somewhat milky but very nice voice came.

Tang Xiao turned his head and only saw the two little girls. They are about 6 years old, with blond hair, and they look very beautiful and cute, just like two dolls.

They looked seven points alike. The taller one was hiding aside in fear. She was wearing a blue dress, while the shorter one tried his best to make a fierce expression, staring at Coleman viciously. , she is wearing a red dress.

Coleman also wanted to touch the little girl's head, but was stopped by the little girl's little pink fist, so he smiled awkwardly, "This is Sister Luna, their a bit special."

"Special? What kind of special method?" Tang Xiao asked.

"They... only have the sensitivity of the Force when they are within 10 meters of each other." Coleman said with some uncertainty.

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