The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 438 God's Domain

436. God's Domain

The core of Geth's survival is the virtual network.

The most critical point of G-project research is also this virtual network, and the first research result of this team is the cluster neural network.

This network can connect all the robots in the entire Dawn Planet to the Internet through countless cluster neural base stations, and allow these robots to share their redundant computing power to handle more things. For example, a B-1 robot is engaged in handling work, it does not need too much logical judgment, so its extra computing power can help a robot engaged in mechanical manufacturing to calculate the complex blueprint.

Countless such robots are connected, some contribute excess computing power, and some use more computing power. Such a dynamic network will be able to maximize the performance of these robots, thus improving the Dawn Planet. Those robots work at least 30% more efficiently.

And this cluster neural network is just the primary form of the geth network.

The network of geth is like a huge puzzle, and every individual geth is a piece of the puzzle. When they are alone, they are only such a small piece, but as the number of geth grows, the puzzle will become more and more complete and bigger and bigger.

And at this time, all that each individual geth can use is this whole magnificent puzzle!

Therefore, if you want to build geth, their bodies are one thing. The real core is actually their program and this extremely powerful geth network.

Obviously, the G-Project team has achieved breakthrough results on this network, and according to their previous research reports, they have conquered the material composition of the geth body.

The regular body of a geth is not cold, hard metal, but a light alloy of great toughness and a synthetic tissue of great strength, similar to muscle. This structure gives geth far more flexibility than other robots, allowing them to easily perform a variety of actions, whether in work or in battle, they can exert extremely strong effects.

In fact, once the geth body is developed and the geth network is developed, then the G-Project can be declared a success. Moreover, according to the original plan of the scientists, the restriction program implanted in the geth program can restrict their actions for at least 5 to 10 years and make them loyal to the fourth civilization.

But now, since these geth have rebelled, there is only one possibility—they have broken through this limit.

How can it be so fast? Tang Xiao frowned, and began to think about the worst-case scenario in his mind, that is to blow up the space station completely, clear out this batch of geth, and then recreate another batch.

However, it is expected that this will delay the progress of the G-project by more than a year, especially if the two quarian scientists also die, maybe this time will be further extended.

For the fourth civilization, which is racing against time to seek development, this delay will be very uncomfortable.

Following the direction with the most corpses, Tang Xiao went all the way forward. Gunshots also started coming from another direction inside the space station. The marines brought by Zavarov began to board the space station and started exchanging fire with those geth.

At this time, he also came to the place where the corpses were densest, which was the cafeteria.

At the entrance of the cafeteria, there were more than a dozen corpses of guards, and there were also many remains of B-1 robots. There were also many B-1 robots wandering around, but these robots had no purpose, they just wandered around. kill.

The canteen door had been destroyed by a strong external force. Seeing the darkness inside the empty door frame, Tang Xiao's heart sank. He had already sensed that there was no living person inside.

After clearing away the robots wandering around, Tang Xiao walked into the cafeteria. Under the light of the red lightsaber, the cafeteria was in a mess, and the corpses of researchers were everywhere. Tang Xiao knew most of these people.

Because most of the researchers of the G-project were transferred from the former computer engineering department, which is also a relatively early department, and Trimy Bullard is also the third master of the Fourth Civilization. So many of these corpses on the ground were even awakened by Tang Xiao himself. Seeing them turned into cold corpses and lying on the ground now made him feel very uncomfortable.

The corpses of two quarians were found in the refrigerator. The power of the refrigerator had been cut off. It was estimated that this was the last hope of the researchers here, but they were still found and killed by robots.

Luo Feng's body was also at the door of the refrigerator, his heart was smashed into a hole, and his ribs were completely collapsed.

A black smoke rose from Luo Feng's body and was absorbed by Tang Xiao. He also got together the last fragment and understood the whole cause and effect of the matter.

"All the tests have passed! Adaptability, sturdiness, system calculation, logic...all succeeded! But why are these things still just robots? Tell me why?" Trimmy Bullard pointed at the screen Said aloud on a long and dizzying string of codes.

After finishing speaking, he took another big gulp of Coke.

"According to our research, the geth network has been built, and each individual geth will indeed upload all the information he gets to the network, and everything is uploaded according to the design documents." A quarian engineer said.

"But what Brad said is right, even if they are connected to the geth network, these B-1 robots are still robots, not geth." Luo Feng said from the side, "the processing power and logic displayed by these robots Capabilities are no better than they were before in synaptic neural networks."

Another, older quarian engineer sighed and said, "Maybe something was outside of these design files. Our memory has faded a lot, but I think we quarians were creating the When I was with Adams, I didn't expect them to have that kind of thinking. The reason we chose virtual intelligence is to avoid this, can only be said that during the research and development process, there was a little accident..."

"You told me that the appearance of the Geth was just an accident? Then all our efforts for so long have been in vain? Absolutely not." Trimmy Brad shook his fat head, but his words were very firm, "The Geth is what I saw The most perfect design ever! We are not creating a race of robots, we are creating a life!"

"Creating life, this is the domain of gods..." Luo Feng shook his head.

"We have made it perfect according to the design documents... But the Geth still cannot be born. It can only show that the Geth is indeed God's creation. It is the God who gave us a flash of inspiration, and then the Geth was born." The elder said the quarian engineer.

"There is no evidence that the so-called gods have ever interfered with our experiments. I think the formation of the Geth still needs an opportunity. Now there is enough information in the Geth network, how to dynamically use this information to become a thinking factor for each of them , is what we need to understand next," said another quarian engineer.

Terimi gulped down a bottle of Coke, looked at a basically completed Geth basic entity in front of him, and said to himself, "Since life is the domain of gods... then we are also created by gods ?”

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