The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 432 Breaking the Technical Barrier

430. Breaking down technical barriers

In fact, the successful development of the M-15 Defender assault rifle and the M-4 Ninja dart submachine gun was mainly due to the discovery of a key technology——

Element Zero (Element Zero), referred to as eezo.

This was successfully developed by Arroyo Barlow, a master-level Salarian scientist who was awakened together with the legendary Salarian Professor Modin, and is currently in charge of the cutting-edge project warship research and development department.

In fact, it is not a matter of research and development, but Arroyo-Balow has determined a substance that can replace element zero—Hypermatter—based on long-term comparison and transformation.

Hypermatter is a kind of superparticle matter that can only exist in hyperspace. This kind of substance can be constrained by the magnetic field in the real space. Once it conducts electricity, the charged superparticle speed will be accelerated to infinity, and in the process annihilation. In the process of superparticle annihilation, powerful energy will be generated, and it can even break through the shackles of hyperspace and affect the real three-dimensional space.

The hyperspace engine in the world of "Star Wars" is based on this as the original force. The charged superparticles are annihilated under the condition of infinite acceleration, and through an orderly reaction, the spaceship can enter the hyperspace across the three-dimensional space, and A force that is accelerated far beyond the speed of light.

It is worth mentioning that there is actually more than one kind of super substance, and the energy produced is also different according to different refining processes. From the hyperspace fuel that can be seen everywhere in the Milky Way, to the core element (Coaxium) that is only a theory and has not yet been put into production, they are all different types of hypermatter.

Coincidentally, element zero is also a kind of dark energy that will form a kind of dark energy after conducting electricity, and generate a mass effect field, thereby changing the mass of all substances in the field, allowing it to increase or decrease infinitely, and allowing the matter to Matter accelerated to superluminal speeds in a mass effect field.

Arroyo-Barlow found through research that the hyperspace and mass effect fields are very close to the physical model, and they accelerate matter to the state of superluminal speed, and they are all completed after leaving the three-dimensional space—because the three-dimensional The maximum speed in space is the speed of light, and no one can break this physical rule.

This major discovery has broken through the technical barrier between the world of "Mass Effect" and the world of "Star Wars" in one fell swoop.

Because the steel needle acceleration module of the previously developed M-8 Avenger assault rifle can also be replaced by electromagnetic acceleration, the more powerful M-15 Defender assault rifle and M-4 Ninja dart submachine gun must use the zero element To drive to meet the design requirements.

This technological breakthrough was originally an accidental idea when Arroyo Barlow tried to use his original scientific experience in the world of "Mass Effect" to interpret the technology in "EVE"-he wanted to use the element zero engine to replace the spaceship power system in the world of "EVE", and found that there seems to be no such thing as zero element in this world, and the unique inquiring nature of the Salarians made him devote himself to finding the zero element with great enthusiasm. element substitutes work.

The result is that the development of the spacecraft has not made much progress. Instead, the connection between the zero element and the supermatter of this world has been clarified.

After he handed over this research result to Chi Jianjun's scientific research team, they worked out something in a short time.

The arrival of the hypermatter-powered M-15 Vindicator assault rifle and the M-4 Ninja Dart submachine gun represent what may be the first firearms in the Star Wars universe that can pierce deflector shields with live ammunition. The steel needle accelerated to a very high speed by the super matter will produce a certain annihilation effect due to the effect of the super matter during the acceleration process, which can directly act on the deflector shield, causing the shield to suffer great damage.

It's just that the power of these two firearms against deflector shields is relatively limited, but after all, they have pointed out a completely different path.

This is also a completely different path from the world of "Star Wars", but it leads to the same goal. In this world, because of the existence of explosive gas, scientists have not put much effort into live ammunition. Because the blast energy beam is a panacea attack method, it not only has the high heat of an energy weapon, but also can explode, producing a shock wave that is not inferior to a kinetic energy weapon, and it is indeed enough to continue to develop.

So these scientists never thought of using the hyperspace fuel of the spacecraft to make guns-not because it is useless, but because blaster weapons can already meet the needs of weapons.

But the requirements of the fourth civilization are more than that. Their attitude towards a series of weapon technologies based on blast energy gas, such as blaster guns and turbo laser cannons, is directly to use doctrine. But for themselves, they can use more strength to take a completely different path.

The result of this is that the Fourth Civilization will at least not lag behind the Republic in terms of blast energy technology, but is far ahead in terms of kinetic energy weapons. This will make the Republic have to spend twice as much cost and energy to deal with it.

At the same time, this technology can also be applied to the two types of warships being built by the Fourth Civilization—the 40-meter-caliber semi-axis base gun of the Cole-class battlecruiser, and the one of the Ragnalov-class titan battleship. The terrifying 500-meter-caliber shaft-based gun, if accelerated by supermatter, will further increase its power.

Of course, the consequences are also obvious - cost money.

For example, according to the data in the hands of the Fourth Civilization, the hyperspace engine of the Higera-class battlecruiser, when the engine power reaches its maximum, consumes 30,000 tons of hypermatter per second if converted by a conventional fusion reactor. React material!

This is why these warships need to replenish hyper matter after a few hyperspace jumps.

Of course, using super matter to launch bullets does not mean that bullets enter hyperspace, and it does not need to consume so much, but after all, this thing burns money! This cost is much higher than lasers, electromagnetic acceleration, etc., and even slightly more expensive than purchasing explosive gas alone. But the advantage is that it can be used to drive a spaceship and shoot bullets, making it much easier to replenish.

In short, after unlocking the technology of replacing the zero element with super matter, what will be presented to the fourth civilization will be a brand new path. At the same time, the final birth of this technology also made a breakthrough in another secret plan that Tang Xiao valued so much.


When Tang Xiao got the news, he was on the planet Geonosis, and this news made Tang Xiao, who had become colder and colder since he practiced the way of Sith, almost cried out!

"Governor! It's not good! Something happened! Trimmy Brad, who was carrying out that secret project on Planet Sojoran...he...he's dead!!"


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: M-4 Ninja Dart submachine gun. 】

[Attachment 2 of Easter Egg Chapter: Super Matter. 】

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