406. Scourge Corps

The Kapisi-class land-based aircraft carrier is 568 meters long, 237 meters wide, and 44 meters high. It is equipped with 4 point defense turrets, 1 surface-to-air missile launcher, and 8 vertical cruise missile launchers. A factory with a manufacturing module that can build large vehicles with a maximum length of 150 meters.

The design empty weight is 125,000 tons, and the full load weight is 194,000 tons. It can carry up to 80 fighter jets, with a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour. It adopts the function of a cold nuclear fusion reactor.

At the same time, this land-based aircraft carrier also has a resource recovery module, which can recombine and recycle the materials decomposed by the foreman-level rescue vehicle using mineral cracking rays, and use it to build more combat vehicles.

The land-based aircraft carrier now appearing on Tatooine, because the chassis uses the chassis of 8 Jawa desert crawlers, so the load-bearing structure has been modified, and the overall weight has also increased to 181,000 tons, with a full load of 24 tons. tons. In addition to the reduced load, the maximum speed has also been reduced to 48 kilometers per hour.

The most troublesome thing is, because the chassis is still a little unstable, so the advice given by the engineer is-it is best not to let this land-based aircraft carrier receive too much direct attack, especially a kinetic attack, otherwise it may fall apart. However, this is the best that can be done under the harsh conditions of Tatooine.

In order to unify the logistics, the GTG surface-to-air missiles originally equipped on the Kapisi-class land-based aircraft carrier were changed to the Long Arrow surface-to-air missiles used by the missile towers, which can minimize logistical pressure. After all, in Tatooine, a place full of yellow sand, logistics is everything, which is quite similar to Alamein.

The engineers of the Fourth Civilization also tried their best to integrate with the materials and technology of the world of "Star Wars". Finally, they invented the method of using explosive gas instead of the traditional warhead to manufacture missiles, which further reduced the restrictions on the source of missile materials. , and the power of the concentrated explosive gas is no worse than the previous version of the missile.

Now the small missiles of the Fourth Civilization basically all use the technology in "StarCraft", including the Hellfire long-range air-to-air missile used by the giant mecha, the long sword surface-to-air missile used by the missile tower, and the Gemini air-to-air missile used by the ghost fighter. Models such as missiles unify the technology system and reduce logistical pressure.

Of course, large-scale ship-to-ship missiles are mainly in the "Stars" technology tree, this is a later story.

Coupled with the fact that a few days ago, Brederick Rubble led a team to rob a large amount of explosive gas stored in the Saabos factory. After receiving sufficient supplies, the factory of the land carrier aircraft carrier started at full capacity and produced thousands of missiles, so it was able to Unscrupulous saturation attacks.

And that triangular fighter is the SJF-14 variable-wing fighter, 20 meters long, equipped with 10 Gemini air-to-air missiles, one ultraviolet laser cannon, can only fly in the atmosphere, the maximum take-off distance is 380 meters, and the maximum speed is 4.2 Mach. If the shield is fully opened, the maximum speed is Mach 10, but at this speed, ordinary pilots can't react at all, and second, they can't fight.

The combat maneuverability of this kind of fighter specially developed for combat in the atmosphere is better than that of those fighters that use both air and space, because the excellent aerodynamic performance of the SJF-14 fighter can maintain high maneuverability without opening the shield, while the two If you use a fighter, you must turn on the shield to catch up. But if the shield is turned on, the fighter jet cannot fire unless it is equipped with an expensive one-way shield.

Gardura is the name of this huge land-based aircraft carrier.

In the spacious bridge, dozens of officers and technicians at all levels are commanding and operating. These people are basically supported by the fourth civilization. There are more than 400 people on the whole ship, and they also maintain The core operation of this land-based aircraft carrier.

In addition, there are a total of about 500 Jawas engaged in damage control and maintenance work, and 3,000 B-1 combat robots are enriched, which can be used for chores and as a Marine Corps.

After all, there are also bounty hunters and mercenaries recruited by Bradrick-Gravel and Gardura from various places on this land-based aircraft carrier. Most of them are pilots of aircraft and those combat vehicles. There are also about 500 people.

Of course, the strongest fighting force among them is a team of more than 40 people with the two brothers Bradrick Gravel and Magtan Scar plus the T-850 robot Jason Statham as the core. They all insisted on fighting guerrilla warfare against Jabba during the most difficult period, tempered in countless battles, and this team is also the most loyal team.

When they were desperate, the fourth group showed them a way, and helped them build this huge land-based aircraft carrier, giving them the opportunity to compete in Tatooine and dominate. They have already sworn to be loyal to the fourth group . Now this team is basically the captain of each combat team, and when necessary, it can also be gathered to form a powerful elite force.

A ferocious black flag fluttered above the island of the land-based aircraft carrier. There was a ferocious white skull in the middle of the black flag. Behind it were three weapons: a warhammer, a long sword, and an axe. Below it was written in the characters of the Fourth Civilization—— Scourge.

Gardulla the Hutt was lying on the huge reclining chair specially built for her in the center of the bridge, enjoying the service of two female slaves comfortably. She watched the ongoing battle outside through the screen and laughed loudly, "Ha Hahahaha! Jabba! Do you have today too? Hahahahaha!! Wait for me in your nest! Sooner or later I will pull you off the throne!"

Broderick Gravel sat on another seat, and Magtan Scar on the side put his feet on the table, full of bandit air. After more than two years of tempering and dormancy, these two Botha people have also changed from the brave and ruthless bandits in the past to the current tyrants.

They are the actual leaders of the Scourge Corps that Tang Xiao tailor-made for them.

"The foreman-level ambulance came back and recovered 80 tons of materials." A subordinate came to report.

"80 tons of materials, hehe, we can make 5 more fighter jets by picking and choosing. Now there is still a shortage of pilots, let people go to the underground world to watch, hire a few good pilots to come over, or let our boss send some more The pilot is coming." Rushi cut off a large piece of meat with a dagger and chewed it in his mouth, "Also, since we've been discovered, we should go too."

"The SCV engineering team should build another 10 missile towers around to cover our departure. In addition, there is a sandstorm brewing in the west, and we can use this sandstorm to leave." Jason Statham said.

Magtan-Scar smiled coldly, got up and came to Gardulla and said, "Master Gardulla, we are going to retreat. Before we leave, how about giving Jabba some presents?"

"Okay! Okay! I know, did they send 4 cruise missiles yesterday? Shoot them all at Jabba's palace!" Gadulla didn't care about the sarcasm in Scar's words at all. Her only hope now is this land carrier, the nominal leader of the Scourge, other than that, she is nothing.

She knew this, so it didn't matter if she was a puppet.

As long as Jabba can be killed, Tatooine can be ruled!

"Today's battle is just the beginning, and the most dangerous battle may be tomorrow." Bradrick-Gravel cut another piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth, "Our boss has already secretly gone to Nashada to talk to Alok -Bessadi negotiated. Tatooine is our bargaining chip, and we must not fail."

Jason Statham's red electronic eyes flickered, and said: "Tatooine is a key traffic artery connecting the middle ring, outer ring and Hutt space of the galaxy. As long as you can control Tatooine and have a good relationship with the Hutts, The entire Hutt space is our strategic rear. Moreover, the Republic Fleet will never enter the Hutt space, and joining forces with the Hutts, the Hutt space is an endless treasure."

"So, for the sake of the boss, take down Tatooine... Hahahaha!" Bradrick Gravel laughed wildly.

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