The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 406: War in the Desert (Part 2)

404. War in the Desert (2)

The news of the attack on the Sabos factory has not yet come. In the palace of Jabba the Hutt in Mos Eisley, the holographic projection of another Hutt, Gadullah Besadi, is being displayed in Jabba's palace. in front of Ba.

"Your days are over! Jabba!! Tatooine is mine! Mine!! Take your Desilijic family dogs and get the hell out of here!!" Gardulla said arrogantly in Hutt Roared incomparably, because she was too excited, her two short hands were still waving.

"I'm glad to see you climbing out of a certain ravine on Tatooine, Gardullah. This time, no one can save you! Not even Alok of the Great Council of the Hutts!" Jabba didn't say anything about Gardulla. Dulla took it seriously. In his opinion, Gadulla was hiding deep in the desert of Tatooine. It would be a good idea to save his life. How dare he come forward?

Jabba never thought that Gardulla could hide in the desert of Tatooine and do something. His mercenaries and bounty hunters were always monitoring the entire Tatooine, even if a bug wanted to He had to nod to come in.

As for the information of his upright friend Ifant-Mon was invaded by Super Lotus, the Fourth Civilization had already cracked the communication between him and those bounty hunters, and then used the 'Black Ship' Iron Fang as a cover when it was active Jabba never even thought about the fact that one transport ship after another went to the valley where Gardullah was hiding!

Later, Baron Helmut Zemo brought a group of mercenaries to ask for salary. When the two sides were arguing with each other, Baron Zemo also took advantage of the gap to send a lot of supplies, including Hutt Alok Bessa 90,000 tons of high-quality aviation alloys sent by Di.

Of course, Jabba was very happy that his thorn in the side, Jadullah Besardi, had come to his door.

He slammed the communicator on the head of a bounty hunter opposite, and muttered something in Hutt.

"The Mighty Jabba said that Gardulla has appeared, follow her signal and catch her. The dead Gardulla has 5 million Upi-Upi coins, and the living Gardulla has 20 million Upi-Upi coins." The etiquette robot quickly translated.

"Leave it to me, Lord Jabba!" The bounty hunter looked fierce.

"Smart Jabba says IG-41 will go with you too," said the protocol droid.

As soon as it finished speaking, an IG series assassination robot that looked like a piece of bamboo poles walked in from outside the door. Seeing this robot, a trace of fear flashed in the bounty hunter's eyes, but he didn't dare to disobey Jabba's intentions, so he quickly turned around and left with a few of his bosses beside him.

At this time, the etiquette robot received a communication. It came to Jabba and said, "Master Jabba, just received a communication that the Sabos factory was attacked and the entire factory was evacuated. More than 30 people died, and two spaceships were also shot down."

With a bang, Jabba slammed his short hand on the table and roared loudly in the Hutt language, "Why does Gadullah still have an army! You bastards! Get out of here! If you don't catch Gadullah!" Pull, don't come back!!"

The etiquette robot hurriedly translated his words.

Those who were able to enter Jabba's palace were all bounty hunters and leaders of mercenary gangs. Seeing Jabba's soaring anger, they all showed cruel expressions while drinking and having fun. After saluting, they filed out.

However, just when these bounty hunter leaders were about to go back to gather their troops, another corner of Mos Eisley was bombed again! I also didn't see who the culprit was, only the rockets that suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The bounty hunters under Jabba immediately took off more than a dozen spaceships, large and small, of various models, and these spaceships flew straight towards the direction of the attack like vultures.

However, they found nothing, except the burning house at the explosion site.

The spaceship hovered in the sky for a while, without a clue. Then on the ground, dozens of bounty hunters were fully armed, wearing goggles and cloaks, riding hover motorcycles and galloping towards the outskirts of the city.

But they searched for half a day, but found nothing.

The bounty hunter's spacecraft turned on the radar and continued to scan, expanding the search area along Mos Eisley, but there was still nothing within 200 kilometers of the city.

At this moment, news came again that a space port in the north of the city was attacked!

The bounty hunter drove the spaceship again, but still found nothing, as if the other party had disappeared!

Suddenly, a bounty hunter driving a Z-10 explorer spaceship discovered the clue with the help of his spaceship's more advanced sensing system, and he said loudly, "There is a weak radar signal in the direction of 11 o'clock!!"

Immediately, 4 other bounty hunter spaceships responded, turned around and flew towards this side.

The pilot of the Z-10 Explorer spacecraft (the easter egg in Chapter 26 has a picture) immediately connected to the news of other bounty hunters, "Attention everyone! I caught the opponent's tail! They seem to have anti-detection means!"

"Follow them! I still have a few brothers nearby! I'll let them catch up along the ground!" One of the bounty hunter leaders immediately commanded more than 20 of his men to drive hover motorcycles and gallop in that direction.

The Z-10 spacecraft followed closely, and after flying a distance of about 300 kilometers, four obvious signals suddenly appeared on the spacecraft's radar! Turn on the optical detection, only to see 4 planes painted in khaki all over the body are ahead!

These four fighters are about 18 meters long and are driven by a pair of ducted turbine engines. Obviously, this is a fighter dedicated to the atmosphere! This is really a long time to see on a planet like Tatooine!

"Enemy target found! There are 4 fighters!" Z-10 spacecraft pilot said loudly.

Several other bounty hunter spacecraft accelerated immediately, and their radars also detected the four Banshee fighters at the same time!

"Catch up! This fighter must have a base!" The bounty hunter piloting the Z-10 spaceship had a lot of knowledge and immediately made a judgment.

At this moment, the radar on his spaceship suddenly sounded a piercing siren! He looked down and was shocked, "Six more targets appeared!"

Suddenly, 6 fighter jets in the shape of a flat triangle appeared in the sky. These 6 fighter jets swooped down with their backs facing the dazzling light of the star Tato I, and then directly launched 12 air-to-air missiles!

"Be careful! Missiles!!" The driver screamed, and the crew member in charge of the turret immediately locked on to the incoming missiles. The blaster cannons fired continuously, and several missiles were immediately intercepted, but the six fighter jets Keep firing missiles!

Wave after wave, they fired 3 times in volley back and forth, a total of 36 missiles shot over densely! Immediately afterwards, a dazzling purple laser was fired from the front of these fighter jets!

Swish! ! The purple laser swept across the Z-10 Explorer spacecraft in an instant, and the shield value dropped sharply!

Then, boom! boom! boom! boom! A series of explosions came! It's the spaceships of several other bounty hunters! They also failed to intercept all the missiles, and immediately 3 spacecraft were shot down by the missiles!

"Retreat! Retreat!!" The bounty hunter exclaimed loudly, but the 6 fighters had already rushed up! This kind of fighter jet is extremely flexible, and the purple laser is very powerful, and the missiles they carry are also very advanced. The remaining bounty hunter spaceship entered the dogfight state and was shot down without holding on for long!

no doubt! This is an advanced fighter specially designed for combat in the atmosphere!

"Open the shield to the maximum! Let's withdraw! Run, run!!!" The pilot of the Z-10 explorer-class spacecraft yelled hysterically. The co-pilot quickly added all the energy supplies to the shield, boom! boom! ! The spaceship was hit by two missiles, and the shield rippled for a while, but finally resisted.

"Tell Lord Jabba! It's in this direction! They must have a base! It's in this direction!!" the pilot shouted.

However, this was the last word he uttered.

Those 6 strange fighter jets reorganized their formation again, fired another salvo, and 12 air-to-air missiles shot out!

boom! boom! boom! ! !

At this time, the bounty hunters on the hoverbikes on the ground were also attacked. Fifteen Pathfinder-class attack vehicles appeared in their line of sight, and 15 dual-mounted six-tube remote-controlled electromagnetic machine guns turned their muzzles to face them coldly.

Hey~~~~~~~~ The gunshots became one piece.

The firepower of the 12-meter-long armed off-road vehicle and the firepower of those suspended motorcycles are not in the same dimension at all.


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: SJF-14 fighter jet, from "Homeland: Desert of Karak". 】

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