The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 404 Beyond the Darkness

402、Beyond the Darkness

Of course, apart from the Sowa-class aircraft carrier project that no one is interested in, another large spacecraft project is quite popular.

Raloz-class Heavy Constructor.

This is a super-large engineering ship with a length of 870 meters. It has four huge engineering mechanical arms with a length of more than 500 meters. With a powerful thrust engine, it can easily handle the construction of a huge space project of the 10,000-meter level.

The most useful thing now is the star ring that can be used to build the Dawn star. The current completion of this star ring is only one-third. The reason why the early stage is relatively fast is that there are a large number of orbital buildings around the planet. Connecting these orbital buildings and then integrating them will become the current star ring.

But then the other two-thirds of the Star Ring project will be completed, and that is the real big project. The Raz-class heavy engineering ship can just meet the needs of the construction of the star ring. Not only that, once this heavy engineering ship joins the construction sequence, the construction of all orbital buildings can be accelerated.

The most direct thing is that the fourth civilization's current colonization work on the planet Kuna's Fang will also be accelerated.

On the Fang of Kuna, the large orbital space station transported from the Dawn planet has been put into operation, and the construction of five large ground residential areas that can accommodate 100,000 people has also begun. A lot of productivity and resources are required, so it is necessary to further build three large orbital processing plants with local materials. These projects will also be accelerated with the addition of the Raz-class heavy-duty engineering ship.

The Raz-class heavy engineering ship plans to build 200 ships within 2 years, of which Dawn Star has a large appetite, accounting for 100 of them. Because the Jiwen people are still in the construction of the Ragnalov-class Titan battleship, they also want 70 ships . Only the Semiers have placed an order for 30 ships because they have enough factories and population on their own planet, and the focus is not on space.

After inspecting the Laz-class heavy engineering ship participating in the construction of the star ring on the Dawn Star, Tang Xiao brought Edella Katis to the quiet valley on the Dawn Star. This is the place he hand-picked for cultivation.

Taking off his formal attire, revealing a body-tight outfit, Tang Xiao moved his body and said to Aidela: "Okay, you can teach me the way of practicing Jedi Knights."

"Are you here to mock me?" Edra Ketis has been depressed since she came back from the planet Geonosis. At this moment, she just lowered her head and her voice was very soft.

Tang Xiao shook his head, "I seriously want to learn the way of the Jedi. But to be honest, I don't want to return to the light, but I think I should know more. And, I also understand that I The power of me is somewhat different from the pure dark side. So, all I want is to become stronger, and in order to become stronger, it doesn't matter what kind of power I use."

Aidra Katis crossed her hands, looking cold or a little scared, she still lowered her head, and said softly: "I think that power has no attributes, just like the difference between a knife in the hands of a bad person and a good person. The same, only the user is different... This is a common mistake for beginners. Force, it's not like that..."

She took a deep breath, "The force of the light side makes people feel peaceful, and the force of the dark side makes people feel restless. When you start to practice, you will naturally go to one of the extremes, which is irreversible. When you practice the light side To the extreme, your own xinxing will also change, and you will become less aggressive and murderous, because you can clearly feel that once you have the killing intent, the original force of light will leave you, and you ...will be weakened. The Force of the dark side ... as well ..."

She bit her lip and looked up at Tang Xiao, "So once your behavior style changes, the force of the other side will start to affect you and pull you into the other side. Even if you have nothing Don't do it, because you are following the nature, so this is also the way of practicing on the bright side. There is no one who can truly neutralize the two forces..."

Tang Xiao just looked at her indifferently, and said, "Let's get started."

Adele bit her lower lip tightly, and after a long time, she sat on the ground limply, "I can't do it...I can't do it..."

Tang Xiao watched coldly, without saying a word.

"The light has left me, and now I I am...degenerate..." Edra Ketis sobbed.

Ever since Tang Xiao saw her, whether she was captured, trafficked, killed, resurrected, or tortured, she looked strong, but now, she couldn't cry.

But Edra didn't cry for too long. She stopped her sobbing quickly, her shoulders still shrugged, and she whispered: "I want to be quiet...give me some time to adjust. I will teach you, Jedi The way a samurai trains..."

Tang Xiao remained expressionless, just nodded slightly, turned and left.

He went back to the secret room on the Glory mothership, and the bacta jar containing the body of Darth Tenebrous was placed in the middle of the secret room. At this moment, some computer terminals and equipment around were slowly floating under the lift of the invisible force. After Tang Xiao came in, these things fell to the ground.

"How are you doing? Master." Tang Xiao asked with a sneer.

"I need a body." The electronically synthesized voice came from the computer next to it. This is not even the original voice of Darth Tenebrous, because his body has completely lost any function now. The only function is Just as a container for his soul.

"If you need the body of an ordinary person, or the body of any force-sensitive person who may not match you, I think I can find it soon." Tang Xiao smiled slightly.

"Then can you control me as an ordinary person? Hehehehe. No, I'd rather wait and wait for you to fulfill your promise!" Darth Tenebrous said with a sinister smile.

Tang Xiao raised a hand and said slowly: "The force of the dark side can make people violent and manic, but I don't want to be like this, tell me how."

"Hahahaha!" Darth Tenebrous laughed, "You are violent and manic because you don't understand what the dark side is! How did Darth Plagueis teach you? The dark side is about making anger and fear your own power! You should not be afraid of your emotions! Because anger and fear only make you stronger! Master the anger, master the fear, master the dark side! When you reach this At this point, you will no longer feel worried... because, this is your own strength!"

Tang Xiao stood still, just listening to what Tenebrous said.

"However, I can tell you that there may really be a great power that can surpass good and evil, peace and anger, and black and white! And this power will eventually surpass light and darkness." Darth Tai Nibbles said.

"What is this power?" Tang Xiao asked.

"You are not qualified to explore." Darth Tenebrous said coldly, "Including me, even the countless great Sith Lords and Jedi masters who have ever been, are not qualified to explore! Do you want to know ? Then you should ask the Force itself!"


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Raz-class heavy engineering ship. 】

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