
Entering the interior of the planet, Tang Xiao, Sang Hill and others took the elevator to a base located more than 2,000 meters underground.

Several Geonosis warriors in full body armor flew over with sonic blasters in hand, and they said respectfully in vague Galactic standard language: "Grand Duke Bogle and Count Dooku are in the medical laboratory, please Walk."

In the medical laboratory on one side, there are two medical cabins on display. In one of them, there is a mass of bloody flesh. Almost only the chest part is still intact. The rest of the cabin is barely maintained with the assistance of various instruments. life.

In another medical cabin, however, lay a relatively complete corpse. Wearing a coarse robe, with a weather-beaten face and a goatee, he should be a Jedi Knight.

The leader of the Geonosis planet, Bogle-Inferior, and Earl Dooku were inside. Seeing Tang Xiao and Edra, who looked unfamiliar, coming in, Poger-Inferior said in Geonosian A few words.

Hearing Grand Duke Pogle's words, Count Dooku also turned around and smiled, "Isn't this the governor of Planet Dawn? What made you so interested in our cause again?"

"I think you misunderstood something, Earl Dooku." Tang Xiao said with a smile, "Dawn Planet is very supportive of your ideas and cause, but after all, our Dawn Planet is weak and cannot face the anger of the Galactic Republic alone, so we have to Don't play it low-key."

"No matter what, your coming here in person today is a great support for me." Earl Dooku bent down and gave a noble salute to Tang Xiao, "I think starting today, I will really understand the thoughts of Dawn Star."

Tang Xiao also returned a salute, glanced sideways at Edla Katis, who was a little embarrassed in front of the idol, a slight sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, stepped aside, and said to Earl Dooku: "Let me introduce, this This is Edra Katis, my bodyguard and secretary."

Eddra Katis turned pale with fright, and she didn't know what to say, but seeing all the high-ranking and powerful people in the room staring at her all at once, it seemed that she really should say something.

She made no promises for a long time before saluting in a hurry, and said, "I'm Edra Ketis, I'm a Jedi apprentice...uh, I used to be...my master is...is..."

Earl Dooku looked at her as if thinking, "Is it the force of the dark side...hehe..."

"I'm sorry, Master Dooku...my force is...corroded..." Edra Ketis was a little incoherent.

"Hehehe, it doesn't matter. I can see the light in your heart, you are forced. Come on, come to my side, I will teach you to return to the light, as long as you are with me, Tang Xiao will never be able to hurt you again Yes, child." Count Dooku said kindly.

"Interesting toy... a semi-finished product. And it's still... Sith Alchemy, hehehehe..." Earl Dooku's cold voice shattered the fantasy in Edora's heart, "Although it's a little rough, it's very useful The person who dared to directly implant the Kyber crystal into the human body must be a master-level character. However, as a user of the power of the dark side, her training is far from enough."

Earl Dooku's words struck Edlard from head to toe like a thunderbolt. Earl Dooku, the respected former Jedi master, seemed to be very familiar with her comments on the dark side of the Force, and he didn't hesitate. He put the insulting word 'toy' on her.

It seemed that he had already seen the fact that she was being controlled and enslaved, but he was indifferent, and even quite interested! ? Also said that she needs further training?

Aidla's face was dull, her mind was blank, and she fell to her knees with a thud, like a puppet whose strings had been cut, and a pair of big, godless eyes looked ahead without focus.

Over there, Earl Dooku chatted with Tang Xiao very acquaintedly, "I know this apprentice, she is the apprentice of Jedi Master Bergamasi, but she was suddenly attacked by a large number of pirates during a mission, and only The two masters and apprentices who were driving the civilian spaceship failed to survive. Now it seems that this is not the case?"

"Hehe, she was given to me by a friend of mine... Well, that's right, a toy. I saw that she is very powerful and also under absolute control, so I took her with me as a bodyguard." Tang Xiao said with a smile.

"A Jedi bodyguard, that's really nice. Even I want it!" Thorn Hill laughed dryly.

"That friend of yours...should be a powerful Lord of the Dark Side?" Earl Dooku asked with a smile.

"I don't know his real face, maybe it's not necessarily her. But he is indeed very powerful. Fortunately, he and we have the same goal." Tang Xiao said.

"If that's the case, that's great. I'm still worried that this semi-finished product may backfire because it hasn't been trained. Since there is already a powerful master of the dark side who has been trained, then I don't need to add more to the snake." Dooku The earl didn't even look at Edla, he didn't have the slightest sympathy for this Jedi apprentice who was about to fall into the dark side, and he didn't mean to save her at all.

"If there is a chance, maybe you will have a common language. But for me, the original force is too profound. Compared with these illusory things, the battleship is more real." Tang Xiao said.

"Speaking of this question, it's exactly what I'm thinking about." Earl Dooku ignored the matter of Aedra without hesitation, "No matter how good a battleship is, it needs an excellent commander to command it." It will do. Unfortunately, the Milky Way has been at peace for too long, and excellent commanders are basically in the Naval Academy, which serves the Republic. Therefore, in order to allow us to stand with the Republic on an equal footing, we We need such a talent, or... a general."

"I also heard from His Excellency Hill that it is Grievous, right? The man who is revered as a demigod by the Kali people." Tang Xiao said lightly.

"Hahahaha! Grievous is indeed the best commander I have ever seen! He led a civilization with cold weapons to defeat an interstellar civilization, and even counterattacked the opponent's home planet! Such a person is what we really need Yes!" Thorn-Hill laughed, "He will bring the republic a fatal blow!"

"That's right, that's it." Count Dooku used the word 'it', and he pointed to the mass of meat in the medical cabin, "It won't live for long, even the most advanced medical facilities can't Can't save it. Luckily, I recently found the body of a Jedi Master, so maybe I can try my crude Sith alchemy I've just learned."

Edra Katis stared blankly at the corpse on the opposite side of the piece of meat, "Isn't this... Master Seve Dias?"

"Oh! That's right, poor dark side toy, he is Master Seve-Dias." Earl Dooku said coldly, "He will make the last contribution to this decaying republic - to awaken an extremely powerful General! By the way, Seve Dias was killed by me."

Thanks Akatsuki Haruhi for the recommendation... Bow.

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