387: exchange

"Sith Artifact? Hahahaha! You really dare to say it, Tur-Ulan, this is something related to your life, you should think about it." Darth Malthael laughed.

After speaking, he directly pressed the shooting button!

The six laser cannons in front of the red comet immediately fired a series of powerful red laser beams, easily destroying the shield of the shuttle, and directly hitting the engine to cause a series of explosions. In less than a minute, the Neimoidian Coleopod-class shuttle was blown into a twisted wreckage!

A rescue capsule was launched, and it used the remaining power to stay away from the explosion site. It seemed that Tur-Ulan moved quite quickly and fled immediately. However, he was interested, and did not continue to start the jet engine of the rescue capsule to escape, but stabilized the rescue capsule and let it float there motionless.

"Tell me, the whereabouts of the Sith artifact." Malsayer said coldly.

"I don't know what kind of artifact it is, but Lord Plagueis once asked us to investigate an ancient organization called the 'Jedi Covenant' (Jedi Covenant), and he revealed that he believed in a man named Lucian Del Rey ( Lucien Draay's Jedi Master had a Sith artifact in his hands, and he brought this artifact into his tomb!" Tur-Ulan yelled frantically, Malthael's attack just now was aimed at killing him He came, and if he had moved a little slower, he would have been killed by now!

"Which artifact is it? Where is the tomb?" Malsayer asked.

"I don't know, and Lord Plagueis doesn't know either! That's why he asked us to investigate!" Tur-Ulan quickly replied.

"I think, if I let you board my spaceship and leave, maybe your memory will be better?" A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Malsail's mouth again.

"No... I don't dare to covet this artifact, everything I know is here..." Tur-Ulan hesitated at this point.

Marthael just looked at him coldly.

After a while, Tur-Ulan sent a document, "The results of my investigation and the clues Mr. Plagueis gave me are here! This is all I know! I wish to serve you! I hope Kill Sidious! That's all."

Malthael gave him a cold look, then controlled the spaceship to turn around and fly away, leaving only Tur-Ulan who was howling and pleading desperately in the rescue cabin.

However, he didn't go far. He just flew directly to the other side of the planet, where a large space station was under construction. Because the modules were directly ordered and then secretly transported and assembled, it was basically completed now.

The mark on the space station is the Cyrus Group!

It was the group that kidnapped and auctioned Edra Ketis, who was still a Jedi apprentice at that time. They have a very extensive robot business and have been helping the Trade Federation to manufacture destroyer robots, so they also have a fairly advanced robot manufacturing industry.

Gross Shelby took the opportunity to buy the group after their former director Seve Siresex was killed by Darth Maul, and injected more funds from the fourth group to expand their team, Then he began to use this group in the G project secretly planned by Tang Xiao.

Masail did not board the space station, but activated the cloaking device to circle the space station, and checked the construction status of the space station and the situation of the test site on the surface of the planet, and then he directly opened the communication, connected to the person in charge of the current G project One, the master computer expert Tremy Bullard.

"How is the G project going?" He didn't turn on his holographic projection, but asked in his original voice gloomyly.

"There are already prototypes that have been tested on the actual machine, but this place is really too hot... Governor, look at me, I'm so skinny..." Tremi said, shaking his chin that had been stacked several times.

"Iced Coke and potato chips are enough for you, I just want to see the results of Project G as soon as possible. Our time is limited, 10 years, I am worried that it will not be enough for their growth." Masaier said.

"Where is enough Coke? Drink it all up! You don't know how hot this place is. It was fine on the space station before, but now the adaptability test on the ground is starting. I want to use Coke for direct infusion!"

"I remember sending over 10 tons of Coke stock solution, and you drank it up?" Masail was horrified.

"Ah, under my careful teaching, now the whole team is obsessed with iced Coke."

"Okay, I'll arrange for a transport ship to bring over 100 tons of the stock solution..." Malthael held his forehead, only feeling that there were more and more live treasures under his hands. If this continues, what is the majesty of his Lord of the Sith?

"Well, let's talk about the G project." Tremi said, "According to our current testing situation, 10 years is enough time for them to grow. To be honest, what we should worry about is not that there is not enough time to grow. , but the problem of their growing too fast. If they backfire, then we will set off a big firework in the Milky Way."

"Don't worry, it's us who set off their fireworks, not the other way around." Masail said, "Remember to inform me when the first batch of prototypes are put into production, and I will come to watch them in person."

"Okay, don't forget the Coke, Governor."

After cutting off the communication, Masail felt that the fire in Tur-Ulan was about the same. He drove the red comet back to the previous place, and saw that the rescue capsule was still floating in the empty universe.

He connected to the communication and said coldly: "About that Sith artifact, do you have anything to add?"

"Everything I know...is here...I am willing to give everything I have..." Tur-Ulan whispered.

Malthael turned on the tractor beam and pulled Ulan's rescue pod into the cargo hold.

The hatch opened, and Tur-Ulan stumbled out. He immediately saw a figure in a black cloak in front of him. Under his blurred face, a pair of eyes with terrifying murderous intent stared at him.

Tur-Ulan knelt down with a puff, "My lord, I don't dare to use my oath in spite of my crimes. I can only say that I am willing to give everything I have, and pledge my life and soul. I just ask you Give me a chance to kill Sidious and avenge Lord Plagueis!!"

Swish! ! The blood-red lightsaber was instantly opened, and the terrifying light blade was pointed right at the tip of Ulan's nose.

Ulan looked up, the light of the lightsaber dazzled him in a panic, at this moment, it seemed that the figure in front of him overlapped with Darth Plagueis!

"Lord Plagueis..." He murmured, but then he saw clearly in front of him, and quickly knelt down, not daring to speak again.

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