381. Salarian

After completing this, Tang Xiao lingered in the hibernation cabin for a while. His eyes lingered on the only person who could be awakened among the legendary characters for a long time. Finally, he decided not to awaken him for the time being. Important things get done.

That's right, Professor Modine Soros.

He walked towards his office, but before he entered the door, he saw two nurses and a medical robot chasing a person, "Wait a minute, Professor Modin, your physical examination has not been completed yet!"

"The physical examination has been completed, and there is no need to waste time with inefficient procedures." The person in front walked quickly and spoke even faster, almost without a pause.

He paused, then turned to look at Tang Xiao, "Hello, Your Excellency Governor, the issues of population migration and fertilized eggs can already be discussed, and now we can conduct field investigations. Also, please indicate what you need help with."

Tang Xiao waved his hand to signal the nurses to go back first, looked at the person in front of him, and then made a gesture of invitation: "Let's go, go to the bridge first, we will talk as we walk."

Professor Modin-Soros, a Salarian.

He has a thin body, large eyes, no eyelids and pupils, just like ET's eyes, smooth and freckled skin, no nose bridge or lips, and a large mouth, which is a typical amphibian appearance.

Salarians are a race from "Mass Effect". They have amphibious habits and a very fast metabolism. This allows them to react very quickly and have non-linear thinking. In addition, they have excellent memory and only need to sleep for an hour a day. They are almost perfect choices for scientific research and intelligence work.

However, it is precisely because of their extremely fast metabolism that the average lifespan of Salarians is only about 40 years old. But in fact, if compared with human beings, what the Salarians can do in their lifetime is even comparable to what they can do in 80 years.

For the current Fourth Civilization, the Kef-Bir satellite located in the No. 6 orbit around the gas giant Endor has not been developed much anyway, and it happens to be the cultivation base and future home of the Salarians.

Satellite 6 Cave-Bill is a habitable planet with a diameter of 3,725 kilometers, which is smaller than Dawn Planet, but more than 95% of the planet’s area is covered by oceans, so if humans want to live on it, they need The cost will be much greater.

But for the amphibian Salarians, they don't have such concerns. They can survive in half-land, half-ocean, or even directly undersea cities, and their utilization rate of this planet's environment is much higher than that of human beings.

Tang Xiao also knew that this planet was not completely unknown, because according to the original plot of "Star Wars", the main wreckage of the Death Star II that was destroyed during the Battle of Endor fell on Cave-Bill. The seabed of the planet, and the fall also caused a global tsunami, which almost destroyed the ecological environment of the planet. After that, Cave-Bill became a planet frequented by scavengers.

And the Professor Modin-Soros in front of him is an important figure throughout the entire plot in the "Mass Effect" series. He is also a very good scientist in biology and genetics. He developed the gene targeting Krogan The weapon gene phagocytosis, this is a terrible biological weapon that can fundamentally destroy a species, his ability can be seen.

Afterwards, he also overcame his inner anger, chose to put an antidote on the Krogan, and completed his own redemption and sublimation. For the Salarians and the Krogans, they are well-deserved great men of a generation.

All the way to the bridge, Tang Xiao pulled out the information on the planet Cave-Bill and said, "Now on our mothership, besides you, there are 20 Salarians, and another 100 Thousands of fertilized eggs from Salarians are enough for you to form an independent social system. And because your race has a fast metabolism, these processed fertilized eggs will grow into adults in 2 years. Only the corresponding , they basically need to be immersed in sleep learning as they grow up."

"Ensuring the continuation of the ethnic group is a must. The premise is that 20 people cannot complete the goal. Your judgment is correct." Professor Modin began to read the information Tang Xiao gave him. His speed was so fast that an ordinary person would not even have time to see the contents of the screen clearly. Just turned the page.

After reading it, he said: "We need social division of labor, population planning, residential area, production area, space port, and start working now."

"Start working now? Why don't you sit down and have a cup of coffee? And you also need to understand the situation of our fourth civilization." Tang Xiao said.

"It's not necessary to start looking at the data. Efficiency is the main priority." Professor Modin has already skillfully put on the universal tool and a single piece of digital display glasses, and began to directly browse a large amount of data while walking.

To be honest, Modin's rhythm is even too much for Tang Xiao. He seems to be winded up and can't stop at all. He talks like popping beans. If he doesn't pay attention, he has already started to talk about the next topic. .

Sure enough, when Tang Xiao was thinking about whether to take him directly to the planet Cave-Bill, Professor Modin's mind turned to other places, and he looked at Tang Xiao with a pair of big eyes, very excited. He said quickly: "In exchange, the Salarians will help you. What is the demand?"

"Currently, I need to set up a new scientific research team to overcome a scientific research project that is far from our existing technology." Tang Xiao also clicked twice on the universal tool, and pulled out a light screen in front of him, "That's right. This, this is the technology system of a lost empire, which is much more advanced than our current warships. We will face a war in 10 years, so we must make long-term plans."

The list of technologies he took out was from the Emma Empire in "EVE"!

Professor Modin has already started to look through the information, "Different majors cannot give precise answers. Consultants, experts, classifications, intensive schools, and simulations are all needed. Team building is the first step. Your request can agree to the end of the discussion on the current topic. Now go to Cave -Planet Bill."

"I haven't told you which planet it is yet, have I?" Tang Xiao sighed lightly.

"According to the data, the Cave-Bill planet is the only option that meets the promise." Modin replied.

Tang Xiao nodded, and he asked the Minister of Administration, Daphne Clement, to immediately appoint an expert team for the Cave-Bill planet development project to report, and then he personally accompanied Professor Modin to the Cave-Bill planet for a field investigation.


[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Salari biologist, Modine Soros. 】

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