373、One shot, two scattered

At the same time that the Fourth Civilization is holding a comprehensive war preparation meeting, and the Galactic Council has just elected a new speaker, another major change has taken place in the Jedi Order, another power core of the Galactic Republic.

Master Dooku came here suddenly after not appearing in the Jedi Temple for a long time, and broke into the tower of the Jedi Supreme Council directly without courtesy.

Now the Jedi Supreme Council is meeting to discuss the future direction of the Jedi Order after Speaker Palpatine took office, and was caught off guard by Master Dooku's sudden intrusion.

"Mace Windu!! You must give me an explanation!!" Master Dooku was like a lion. Although his voice was not loud, he gritted his teeth and said every word, and anger seemed to burst out of his eyes.

"I don't know what I need to explain, but you need to understand that rushing into the venue when the Supreme Council is in session is a major violation for a Jedi Master." Master Mace Windu said coldly.

"Why did my apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn die on the planet Naboo! You must give me an explanation!" Master Dooku roared.

"Master Qui-Gon-Jin escorted Queen Amidala back to the planet Naboo, dismantled the conspiracy of the trade alliance, and fought against the Sith Lord who suddenly appeared to the end, unfortunately died heroically. He is us, the Jedi Order, Even the heroes of the entire Galactic Republic! Why should I explain to you the deeds of a hero?" Master Windu confronted each other without retreating a single step.

Master Dooku stepped in front of Master Windu with a stride, and asked fiercely: "Why are you only sending Qui-Gon-Jin and the others to such a big dispute on the planet Naboo!! And the Injori? The same is true for the second time! Both times, only two Jedi knights were sent to a very dangerous place to resolve the dispute. Are you borrowing a knife to kill someone, Master Windu?"

"The purpose of the Jedi Knights is peace, not war! What happened to the Kali people has proved that our behavior at that time was a mistake! Do you want the Jedi Knights to become a powerful organization?" Master Windu said coldly said.

"The first time Qui-Gon Jinn came back from Tatooine, he reported that a Sith Lord was hunting for him! Then why did he only send the two of them the second time?" Master Dooku asked.

"Because it's against the rules. Speaker Phineas Valorum didn't pass the resolution issued by the parliament, but in a private capacity. In this matter, our Jedi Order has no position to formally intervene." Master Windu replied .

"Is this why you send one disobedient Jedi after another to their death? Mace Windu!" Master Dooku roared.

"Anger needs to be controlled, Master Dooku. It is not what we hoped for, this result." Master Yoda said, "The root of the problem needs to be found. Solving the problem with anger is not."

"Then you should tell me, is the Jedi Order serving the Republic, or following the belief of the Force?" Master Dooku stared at Windu with burning eyes.

"There is no difference between the two." Master Windu replied coldly.

"Then this is no longer the Jedi Order as I know it." Master Dooku shook his head, "Starting today, I am no longer a member of the Jedi Order."

He unhooked his cranked lightsaber from his belt, dropped it on the ground, and turned to leave.

"Master Dooku!" Master Yoda called out behind him.

Dooku still stopped in his tracks, but he just turned his body slightly, and said slowly: "I have decided to return to Planet Serenno to inherit the title of the family. Therefore, you should call me, Count Dooku."

After Dooku left, Master Yoda sighed, "The sad result, this is. Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Master Dooku, a great loss to the Jedi Order."

"When the darkness came, he abandoned his original belief. Master Dooku's behavior is far from being glorious." Mace Windu said coldly.


Dooku directly returned to his hometown planet Serenno, and officially inherited the title of the family, and has since become Earl Dooku. The revered, powerful Jedi Master Dooku, is no more.

Dooku had previously dedicated his life to the Jedi Order, which he served for more than 70 years. However, it is precisely because of his rigid and fragile personality that his ideas are incompatible with the Jedi Order, especially Mace Windu.

He has been full of doubts about the actions of the Jedi Knights since the Battle of Galidron when the Jedi Knights intervened in the Mandalorian Civil War, and the turmoil in the end of the Republic has aggravated his doubts.

In the end, when the news of his apprentice Qui-Gon King's death on the planet Naboo came, he blamed the incident on the corruption and rigidity of the Jedi Order, and finally drew a clean line from the Jedi Order.

As one of the most outstanding Jedi Knights in hundreds of years, Master Dooku's departure is also considered a heavy loss for the Jedi Order. After that, the Jedi Knights cast a bronze head for him, which was kept in the Jedi Knight Library and placed side by side with 19 other bronze statues.

These are Jedi Masters who have fallen or left for various reasons, also known as the "Lost Twenty".


Three days after the Robot Control Ship of the Trade Federation was destroyed, the new speaker of the Galactic Council, Schiff Palpatine, led the core members of the Council to the planet Naboo for an official visit.

Under the leadership of Master Yoda and Master Windu, the Jedi Order also visited the planet Naboo.

Sid, the capital of Naboo planet, held a grand celebration ceremony to celebrate this decisive victory. During the celebration, Queen Amidala, the ruler of humans on Naboo, and Rugel-Nas, the ruler of the Gungans, jointly announced the decision to form an alliance between humans and the Gungans. People will live together in a good-neighborly attitude.

And as one of the symbols of peace, the human regime on the planet Naboo agreed that the Gungans would go to Ohma-D'un, the colonial satellite of the planet Naboo, to establish settlements and live together.

Afterwards, Speaker Palpatine presented the Nebula Trophy representing peace to the leader of the Gungan People's Congress Rugel Nass, and officially accepted the Gungans as part of the Republic, and Jar-Ja Binks was elected as Gungan people represent.

That night, the grand funeral of Master Qui-Gon Jinn who died in this battle was held in the suburbs of Sid City. Master Yoda, Master Windu, Speaker Palpatine, Queen Amidala, Lugel-Na Si and others all attended the funeral, and they deeply remembered the Jedi Master who used his life to bring peace to the planet Naboo.

After this day, both Planet Naboo and the Galactic Republic will open a new chapter.

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