The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 370 The Battle of Naboo (End)

368. The Battle of Naboo (End)

Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi joined forces to fight the Sith Lord Darth Maul.

Darth Maul obeyed his last order from Darth Plagueis - kill Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi at all costs!

Because after Plagueis saw Anakin, he immediately determined that Qui-Gon-Jin must not be allowed to train him, otherwise, Anakin-Skywalker would become a confidant of his plan!

And under the training of Darth Sidious, Darth Moore is extremely cruel and has a deep hatred for the Jedi Order. Sidious is not a good teacher. He has only trained Darth-Maul as a weapon from the beginning to the end, but it is also because of this that in such a battle, Darth-Maul is even more deadly!

He is full of thirst for the blood of the Jedi Knights, and only by killing the Jedi Knights can he calm down the manic killing intent in his heart! This time, it was different from the battle with Aidra Ketis on the Drazkor satellite, this time, he really risked his life and fought with his life!

Obi-Wan Kenobi studied under Qui-Gon Jinn, and they all practiced the fourth style of swordsmanship Ataru, focusing on attacking. The cooperation between their master and apprentice was originally flawless, and they also worked together to solve countless crises before.

But now, Darth Maul is the most powerful opponent they have ever seen in their lives!

The most deadly thing is that they don't know that although Darth Maul looks like a reckless man, he is actually extremely cunning. He had already come to Sid City with the occupation army of the Trade Union and waited in the palace. He had also seen the loopholes in the Trade Federation's defense for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

Because only this defense full of loopholes can bring his prey to his door! As for what will happen to the trade union, his attitude is the same as that of his master, he likes to do whatever he wants.

He has long been familiar with the terrain and structure here, and he also understands that there is no chance of winning if he fights with Qui-Gon-King's master and apprentice head-on. Power generation center in Germany.

There is a huge central geothermal generator, several hundred meters down, and the terrain is narrow and complex. Darth Maul noticed at the beginning of the duel that Qui-Gon Jinn was a beat slower than Obi-Wan Kenobi, and he immediately worked out his strategy.

Darth Moore used the narrow terrain to fight against Qui-Gon-Jin, making them unable to take advantage of their numbers. What's more deadly, the fourth-style swordsmanship that Qui-Gon-Jin is good at, Ataru, is not suitable for the battle. Playing in this narrow space is even more restrained.

The battle between the three went all the way to the maintenance channel. There are six laser fences here. Darth Moore has long been familiar with the opening intervals of these fences. A fence separates Qui-Gon Jinn from Obi-Wan Kenobi!

And the next time the fence is opened is 1 minute!

A fierce light flashed in Darth Moore's eyes, and he immediately launched a raging attack on the helpless Qui-Gon Jinn! He is younger and stronger, more bloodthirsty and easy to kill, and his swordsmanship is more suitable for this narrow terrain!

During the battle, he seized the opportunity to use the lightsaber to brace Qui-Gon-Jin's green lightsaber, and then elbowed Qui-Gon in the face. The scorching lightsaber pierced his chest at the moment Qui-Gon was dizzy! !

"Master! No!!" Obi-Wan Kenobi was furious. When the laser barrier opened, he rushed in and fought Darth Maul desperately.

But there is still a big gap between his strength and Darth Maul, and the lightsaber was soon knocked down.

Darth Moore, who thought he was sure of winning, came to Obi-Wan to enjoy the thrill of victory. But he was still careless after all, Obi-Wan Kenobi suddenly used the Force to grab Qui-Gon's green lightsaber in the distance, and instantly violently cut off Darth Maul in the middle!

Darth Moore just fell into the hundreds of meters deep tunnel of the power plant.

At the same time, the battle in space has also been reversed. The commander of the Trade Federation left in space was the coward Dorthey Dauphin who was disliked by Darth Sidious. He never thought about the possibility that the planet Naboo would have this possibility for his spaceship. Launch a counterattack.

Most of the more than 3,000 vulture robot fighters carried on the Luke Hook class cargo ship are on the surface of the planet Naboo to support operations in various places, suppressing the resistance movements one after another, and less than 200 fighters stay on the spacecraft!

And facing the N-1 starfighter, which can be said to be the most powerful in the entire galaxy at this stage, 200 vulture fighters are completely unstoppable!

But even so, the fighter jets on Planet Naboo were also unable to break through the defenses of the Luke Hook-class cargo ship. This huge ring-shaped spaceship has a powerful shield, and it is impossible to destroy it with the firepower of more than 20 N-1 starfighters in a squadron.

At this moment, Anakin Skywalker, who was brought to the battlefield by the autopilot system by accident, finally discovered his biggest dream in life - to pilot a spaceship!

His force is so powerful that it is unimaginable. Even without training, his predictive ability allows him to drive a spaceship to be invincible on the chaotic battlefield, and no firepower can hit him at all!

Even if this Rucrehook-class cargo ship is a model with a turret installed, the structure of this cargo ship is not suitable for use as a battleship. An empty space.

Anakin Skywalker is like no one on the battlefield, he has completely immersed himself in the joy of flying. See enemy planes, destroy them, see turrets, destroy them!

Confused all the way, he accidentally got in through the entrance and exit of the hangar platform of the Luke Hook class cargo ship. He fired randomly in the hangar platform, and finally subconsciously fired two proton torpedoes in the direction he felt the strongest!

These two proton torpedoes accurately penetrated the hangar, and then shot into the energy core of this large cargo ship!

One shot into the soul!

The energy core was destroyed, and the Lukelihook-class armed cargo ship underwent a violent explosion, and the entire battleship was finally blown into countless fragments!

Trade Federation commander Dorthey Dauphin was killed instantly.

At the same time, on the ground battlefield, Xiao Guanghua was happily commanding the Robot Troop of the Trade Union to chase the Gungan army.

It has to be said that his battlefield command ability is very strong. Although all orders need to be transferred through the robot control ship, he still uses the tactics of outflanking the center and breaking through the pincer offensive very well. Utilizing the maneuverability of the AAT armored assault tank and the PAC attack troop carrier, the 100,000-strong army that surrounded the Gungans was divided with only half the number of robots!

In just one hour, the Gungan army had suffered over 20,000 casualties!

However, just when he was so excited and finally fulfilled his dream of galloping on the battlefield, suddenly, all the robots around him failed!

It was at this time that the Luklihook-class armed cargo ship in the outer orbit was destroyed, and the cargo ship that controlled the actions of all the robots was destroyed. Naturally, these robots were uncontrolled and shut down immediately.

Only then did Xiao Guanghua feel that something was wrong, so he called his two T-850 bodyguards, turned around and wanted to run away.

But the Gungan army, which had come to their senses, surrounded them again. They began to clean the battlefield, and soon found Xiao Guanghua, the only one still active on the battlefield!

Tens of thousands of Gungan troops chased and intercepted Xiao Guanghua, and finally surrounded him under a tree after destroying his two T-850 bodyguards.

Xiao Guanghua's face was ashen, and only then did he understand what Tang Xiao meant when he ordered him not to join the war and leave immediately.

However, it was too late. Facing tens of thousands of angry eyes, Xiao Guanghua raised his hands.


[Easter Egg Chapter Attachment 1: The Battle of Naboo. 】

[Today is again recommended by the editor-in-chief, challenge the fourth update, meow! 】

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