The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 367 Counterattack in Parliament

365、The counterattack in the parliament

The planets that support Bel-Antiris, to put it bluntly, are the middle class, and in the Milky Way, they are in a situation where they can't starve to death and don't have much development. If they want to seek development, they must get the help of the planets in the inner ring and the core area, but they are also somewhat powerless to ask them to help the planets in the outer ring.

Therefore, Bel-Antiris' method is to knead the entire Galactic Republic into a whole. Such a result will inevitably cause great losses to those developed planets, but on the contrary, it will only benefit the Central Planet.

This was followed by a speech by Marathal Planet Councilman Ainle-Tim. His eloquence is also very good, and he speaks clearly about his governance plan.

His main policy is to work on resolving the contradictions between the inner ring, the core area and the outer ring star area of ​​the galaxy, strengthen multilateral dialogues, and strengthen the dominance of the Republic in the outer ring star area.

In fact, this policy is an enhanced version of the current situation. Don’t offend anyone there, try to maintain the status quo, and then find ways to make the situation better.

If this approach is conservative, it is indeed the best choice. Because the turbulent republic really cannot withstand a new round of changes, it can only be gradual, and if it develops slowly for dozens or hundreds of years, maybe it will really get better.

Einle-Tim's wonderful speech won thunderous applause from the councilors of the Outer Rim.

Finally, there is the speech of Naboo Councilor Sheev Palpatine. His speech was passionate and powerful, and he proposed that it would strengthen the control of the Congress of the Republic, improve administrative efficiency, and strengthen the bureaucracy. And he directly proposed a word - power! He said that strength is the basis for maintaining the administrative structure of the Republic, and he will devote himself to changing the wrong path of the Republic voluntarily giving up power since the Rusan reform, and guiding the Republic to a new, correct path full of strength.

After the presentation, there will be voting and debate.

Unsurprisingly, Bel-Antiris didn't get many votes at all, less than 10% of the votes went to him. The approval rate of Congressman Ainle-Tim, who has received the support of the Outer Rim star region, has been rising all the way, and soon won 30% of the votes. At the same time, Schiff-Palpatine only had about 20% of the votes.

However, at this moment, the situation suddenly changed terribly!

The representative group of representatives representing the outer ring star area, The Rim Faction (The Rim Faction), which is also the largest faction in the Galactic Parliament, and it is their support that makes the approval rate of the representative of Ainle-Tim very high .

In fact, this was originally a balancing method of the Galactic Republic Congress. The weaker planets have more seats, so that they can make a louder voice in the parliament, thereby helping these planets.

But now, such a system has finally collapsed.

The leader of the ring faction, a member of the planet Rylos, also has a very high influence in the parliament. Orn Free Tower, who was once able to stand up to the former speaker Finnis Valorum, suddenly stood up and shook his body. Fatty said expressionlessly: "I support Congressman Palpatine's governance plan, and I believe that under his leadership, the Galactic Republic can go further."

This statement immediately stirred up waves like a stone, and almost all the congressmen watched all this happen in disbelief.

There was internal strife in the Huanpai parliamentarian group, and the instigator was their leader! ?

Not only that, many ring faction members also began to follow suit, they began to oppose Ainle Tim, and supported Aoun Free Tower and Shiv Palpatine. It is worth mentioning that most of these councilors are representatives of planets that are close to trade routes and can have direct contact with planets in the inner ring and the core area.

It can be said that at this moment, the Ring faction member group, which has lasted for decades in the Galactic Parliament, has completely collapsed.

Seeing that the situation collapsed in an instant, the Gran native Ainle-Tim trembled all over, his three eyes flicked around, and he almost lost his sense of proportion. The leader of the ring faction, Aoun Free-Ta, got cold feet and defected so that he was completely unprepared, and he didn't even know what to do now.

And at this moment, on the anti-gravity platform of Dawn Star, Francis Underwood just looked at this farce with cold eyes. He leaned over slightly and whispered to his wife Claire Underwood: "Still Remember what I said earlier? To get more cake, you have to be the one sharing the cake."

"I don't think this is a good idea. Palpatine is in full swing, and no one can stop him from being elected. To offend him at this time, I'm afraid..." Claire frowned.

"Oh, what I care about is not whether Palpatine can be elected. What I care about is whether we can be the ones who share the cake. Even if we can't, we must be close enough. Don't forget, the so-called politics is nothing more than It's location, location, location. It's like the mansion we just bought on the surface of Coruscant, 18 million credits, why? Location." After Francis finished speaking, he looked at Douglas, the chief of staff next to him, "We How much time is left, Doug."

"About half an hour."

"Enough." Francis Underwood straightened his suit, buttoned the second button, pressed the button to speak, raised his hand and said in a loud voice: "My campaign for Congressman Palpatine, Question it!"

Many eyes turned to Francis at this moment, with disbelief in their eyes. Politicians mostly follow the trend, and now anyone with a discerning eye can see that Palpatine's election is the general trend. Isn't this person standing out now for a reason?

Or another situation...

When politicians face the wind, there is only one possibility: to tear their face apart.

But the question is, hasn't Francis Underwood always been a staunch supporter of Palpatine's side? Moreover, her wife's Outer Ring Planet Mutual Aid Fund has now become a huge charitable foundation with great influence in the Outer Ring.

Now he suddenly jumped out to confront Palpatine, why on earth?

Over there, Francis Underwood had already debated with Palpatine. Both sides were very eloquent, and it was obvious that Francis was well prepared. He actually mastered a lot of black material that Palpatine was completely unknown to, and punched him in a set of combinations, making Palpatine in a hurry.

Palpatine was completely caught off guard by this, and it was obvious that he was not in a good condition now, his face was pale, and his left hand was still wrapped in a bandage, and he didn't know where he was injured.

But no matter what, with the sudden joining of Francis, those members of the Central Committee who were already on the verge of collapse regained their backbone, and the chaotic situation began to stabilize.

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