The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 353: The Battle of Naboo (5)

351. The Battle of Naboo (5)

One of the members of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Order, the second person in the Jedi Order and the de facto highest authority, Master Mace Windu's serious face as always appeared in the holographic projection.

"Your Excellency, are you looking for me because of something about the planet Naboo?" Master Windu said.

Phoenix-Valoren nodded, sighed and said: "I know that there were many misunderstandings between us in the previous matter, but now, I have no way to stop the invasion of the Trade Union. I hope that the Jedi Order A shot can be made to prompt the withdrawal of the Trade Federation."

Master Windu leaned back on the backrest, crossed his hands, "Does your request represent the meaning of the Congress of the Republic, or is it something else?"

"The Council of the Republic is out of control, and it is impossible to respond to it except for endless quarrels. Therefore, this is my personal request." Valorum said.

"In other words, this is an illegal act." Master Windu said blankly.

Phoenix-Valorum was silent, but nodded slightly.

"In this case, I will send a special envoy. But it is not an official act after all, so the number will not be too many. The candidates I have planned are Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anyway, they are also long-term You should be familiar with breaking various rules." Master Windu smiled slightly.

"Thank you for your help, Master Windu." Phoenix-Valoren finally showed a smile on his face.

"Leaving aside the official relationship, I know who you are, Lord Valoron, and that's why I will help you. However, even if we send Qui-Gon-Jin as a special envoy, we still need a plan. "Master Windu said.

"We can lie that they are the special envoys of the Republic and force them to withdraw. The Governor of the Trade Union, Newt Gunley, is a coward. As long as he is scared, he will definitely retreat! With the premise of their withdrawal, then It will be very easy for us to pass a resolution in the parliament later." Phoenix-Valoren said very seriously.

"Then, it's decided like this." Master Windu nodded, "Please also remember, Your Excellency Valoren, only the two of us know about this matter. No one else can know about this plan."


(This is followed by the opening scene of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.)

A Consul-class cruiser of the Republic left the hyperspace channel and flew to the planet Naboo. The Consul-class cruiser is a special spaceship for the special envoy of the Galactic Republic. This spaceship is not armed and is painted red to represent the authority of the Republic. It can be said to be a representative of the Republic.

On the periphery of the planet, a total of 60 huge Luke Hook-class cargo ships are encircling the planet tightly, making it impenetrable.

The captain of the Consul-class cruiser switched on the public communication channel and said, "This is the spaceship of the special envoy of the Republic. Please enter your flagship."

The figure of Newt Gunley, the governor of the Trade Union, appeared on the screen. He looked a little flustered, and he didn't know where to put his hands. , um, you must know that our blockade is legal, um, legal! So, you are welcome to board the ship!"

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi on the spaceship looked at each other without speaking.

The Consul-class cruiser was guided into the hangar of the flagship of the Trade Federation fleet. When he saw the densely packed B-1 combat robots and vulture robot fighters in the hangar, Qui-Gon King's heart sank, "This is a The army, the trade alliance has come with the purpose of war from the very beginning."

"Master, I don't think the Trade Federation has the guts to start a war," said Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Let's take a look when we meet their governor." Qui-Gon-Jin nodded.

At the same time, among the flagships of the Trade Federation fleet, Newt Gunley spun around anxiously, "No! Impossible! Why did the Republic send a special envoy? That lord clearly told us that the Republic would not respond!"

"Then what should we do?" Newt Gunley's adjutant, Lune Harkow, and Trade Federation executive Dolthe Dove were also at a loss.

But at the critical moment, Newt Gunley still looked like a governor more or less. He waved his hand and said, "Run Harkle! Hurry up and put pressure on the planet Naboo, and push them before they get any news." Surrender as soon as possible!"

"But... Dortai organized several raids before, and all of them were killed by the guards of Naboo! This fueled the arrogance of Naboo. I don't think they will surrender so easily..." Lune Harko Pointing at Dorthey Dauphin began to throw the blame.

"Go!!" Newt Gunley roared, and Rune Harkle was taken aback and ran away.

But the bad news came one after another. The protocol robot TC-14, responsible for welcoming the special envoy of the Republic, walked into the bridge and said, "Mr. Governor, there are two Jedi Knights visiting."

"Jedi Knights!!" Newt Gunley was terrified and sat down on the ground, "I... I actually invited the Jedi Knights to the bridge? No! No! Why did the Republic send the Jedi Knights?!"

Dorthey Dauphin was also trembling with fear, "I knew something would go wrong! I knew it! The Jedi Knights are coming! They will arrest us! Just like what they did to the Injoli before! "

Newt Gunley hurriedly said: "Go and talk to them casually, hold them back! I'll go find Lord Sidious!"

"Are you out of your mind! Stop them? Jedi Knights? No! I'm not going!" Dortay Dove was so frightened that he gave up all he could, and actually confronted Newt Gunley, Pointing to the unknown etiquette robot, he said, "Let the robot chat with them!!"

"If this is your wish, I'll go and order drinks for the two special envoys." The TC-14 etiquette robot turned and left after receiving the instruction.

The communication was connected, and the terrifying image of Darth Sidious appeared in the projection, "Newt Gunley! What are you still procrastinating for!"

Before Newt Gunley could speak, Dortai Dove came over from the side and said, "Your plan has failed! Lord Sidious. The Republic has sent Jedi Knights, and this blockade is over! We It is absolutely impossible to defy a Jedi Knight!"

Sidious looked at Newt Gunley and said, "Governor, let this coward get out of here! I don't want to see him again!"

Dorthey Dauphin, who was already dazed by fright, realized what a terrible thing he was doing now. He didn't wait for Newt Gunley to speak, turned around and ran away.

Darth Sidious said: "Although things have taken an unexpected turn, everything is still under our control! Immediately send your robot army to land on the planet Naboo! Occupy the entire territory!"

No matter how many excuses he used to paralyze himself, when this day came, Newt Gunley was still terrified, "But... it is illegal to send ground troops!"

"I'll make this legal!" Sidious said harshly.

"That... But there are still two Jedi Knights on my flagship!" Newt Gunley felt weak when he thought of the invincible figure of the legendary Jedi Knights.

A cruel smile emerged from the corner of Darth Sidious's mouth, "I have blocked all official channels, the appearance of these two Jedi Knights is absolutely unofficial, they have no right to represent the Republic, and have no right to criticize You do anything! Kill them!"

Newt Gunray looked at Darth Sidious, thought of his terrifying methods, and finally decided to go all out. He nodded heavily and said, "I obey, my lord! I will send the robot army immediately!"

After cutting off the communication, Darth Sidious looked out the window and said to himself coldly: "Is this your last struggle? Phoenix Valorum..."

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