Chapter 350: The Dead Lord (Part 2)

348. The Dead Lord (Part 2)

In this isolated mine, there is an extremely powerful force of the dark side, and as the mine collapses, it continues to gather and grow stronger.

And this can only explain one problem, in it, there is a powerful source of dark side force!

Aedra Ketis couldn't take it any longer. She clenched her teeth tightly and didn't even dare to relax her breath. The hand holding the lightsaber even trembled a little, " a Sith Lord buried? He died How powerful it is to condense such a powerful force of the dark side!"

"Darth Tenebrous is actually not very powerful in general, but in terms of intelligence, he can definitely rank high among the Sith Lords of all generations." Darth Massa Il said, "Of course, the so-called not strong is only relative to those legendary Sith Lords. As far as his strength is concerned, he can still crush you like crushing an ant."

"I've never even heard of that name." Edera said in a deep voice.

"Because this is completely two worlds with you, naturally you don't know." Masail said: "You should know that my Sith name is Darth Masail, and my master is Darth Masail. -Plagueis, and as for Plagueis' master, this is Darth Tenebrous."

"If I hadn't met you, maybe I would never have heard of these names," Edella said.

Malthael looked around, the mine was so huge that even if he sensed it with the force of the original force, he couldn't detect the end. Countless branches and forks are densely arranged, and you will get lost if you turn a few turns. Not only that, but the air is filled with poisonous fumes, making the place not even a bug.

Whispers and whispers continued to be heard in the darkness, as if there were countless voices crying, wailing, and screaming. These voices are faintly present, but if you listen carefully, you will find that they are becoming more and more obvious and stronger. They are calling for people to walk towards the dead end full of traps.

On the ground, you can indeed occasionally see the bones of some miners.

Turning around, seeing Edra's expression in a trance, Masail sneered and said: "Didn't you keep saying that you want me to return to the light? You don't even understand what kind of existence is opposite you, why? Look Around, feel the powerful force of the dark side! This, sooner or later, will become my strength!"

"Just wait and see! You underestimate the light of the original force too much!" Edra gritted her teeth, and clenched the lightsaber with both hands.

Marthael was a little surprised to see that she was able to resist the powerful force of the dark side around her, and couldn't help but secretly sighed, this former Jedi apprentice is indeed a genius.

They walked forward all the way, although it was like a maze, Darth Malthael was not affected at all. As a user of the force of the dark side, he is at ease in this environment, and he can clearly sense the location of the source.

Malsayel didn't go deeper, instead he just walked a long way in one direction, and after that, they came to a large collapsed mine shaft.

This place should already be close to the mining site, and the sound of large mechanical excavators mining ore can be faintly heard outside.

However, when she came here, Aidra Katis stopped. She looked ahead with some horror, "I feel that if I walk over, my life may be in danger!"

"Since you want to sacrifice your life for righteousness, why are you backing away? You have to understand that by taking this step, I will be closer to the real darkness." Malthael said coldly.

"That doesn't mean I'm throwing my own life away!"

"That's a good idea." Malthael ignored him and walked forward, arriving under the collapsed boulder.

There, there was a huge rock pressing down on a corpse. The corpse appeared to be short in stature, but with a large head, a covered breathing apparatus on the face, and smooth skin. It was a Bis.

The huge rock almost crushed the corpse. The entire lower body was completely invisible, and the upper body was also tightly pressed. The sharp and jagged stone points pierced the lungs of the corpse. This should be the direct cause of his death. reason.

But in any case, this death method is slow and painful.

What's scary is that even though the surrounding environment seems to have been decades old, and even the surrounding ore is only faintly visible with traces of blood, this corpse remains in its original state, without drying up. No rot.

"Darth Tenebrous! I know you're here, come out and meet me!" Darth Malthael yelled.

There was a gust of wind blowing around, as if a person was howling in the wind, and the wind condensed and did not disperse, gathering into a terrifying black shadow.

On the other side, Edra has started to meditate with her eyes closed, only in this way can she protect herself from the erosion of the dark side.

Malthael raised his red lightsaber, and the power of death condensed on the lightsaber. He pointed the lightsaber at the black shadow, "I am the one who controls death! Darth Malthael. I It will open the door between life and death for you! Let your will touch the realm of life!"

"Darth... Plagueis... idiot! You are an idiot!!" The voice in the darkness gradually became clear, hoarse, frustrating, and unpleasant.

It keeps cursing Plagueis, cursing him as useless, stupid, ignorant. It's kind of funny that it just scolds Plagueis for being stupid, but doesn't scold him for killing him. After cursing for a long time, it realized that something was wrong. It looked in the direction of Malsail, roared suddenly, and rushed towards him!

Darth Malthael's face turned serious, and the lightsaber stabbed out instantly, cutting off a large piece of the black shadow, and shouted: "Edra! Come and help me deal with it!"

It was already a little difficult for Edra to resist the powerful force of the dark side, but she still gritted her teeth and stood up, drew out her blue lightsaber and rushed over to stand beside Malthael.

The dark side force around the shadow is as powerful as raging waves, it can even arouse the dark side force of the entire mine, Malsayer and Edera are like boats in a tsunami, they can barely survive in this original place. Keep your mind steady in the face of force, worthy of self-protection.

However, it's just an undead! No need to be so scared!

The expression on Darth Malthael's face became more ferocious, and even the red lightsaber in his hand was wailing. The will of those Sith fighters he had absorbed in the ruins of the Sith Empire on the planet Sochoron also turned into ghosts, biting the black shadow in front of him frantically.

Malthael also went all out, he crazily attacked the black shadow, to his surprise, his power of death had a very significant effect on this black shadow, and every time he cut a piece from the black shadow, it would be killed He absorbed it into his body to strengthen himself!

Aidra Katis was not so lucky. She was constantly being attacked by black shadows, and the light side force on her body was like being pulled by a strong wind, and would be extinguished at any time. But she knew that if Malthael died here, she would die too, and she could only hold on desperately.

At this time, Malthael finally called out a thought from the lightsaber that was far more powerful than other grudges, and commanded the thought to rush towards the shadow, "Darth Tenebrous! You Why don’t you feel uncomfortable for a loser? Come and see your apprentice!! I will reunite you master and apprentice!!”

This most powerful idea is surprisingly the one that Marthael absorbed from Darth Plagueis's underground altar on Abora Island, another apprentice of Darth Tenebrous—— Darth Venamis!

Sure enough, feeling the grudge of Venamis, like a starving ghost who has been starving for decades, is constantly gnawing on his dark side force, the black shadow, that is, Darth Tenebrous finally released A howl of pain: "No!! No!!! Who are you!! Tell me!! Who are you!!!"

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