The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 348: The Battle of Naboo (3)

346. The Battle of Naboo (3)

When Rune Harkle took Newt Gunley and Xiao Guanghua to enjoy the wine of victory on the flagship of their fleet, the news that the trade alliance blocked the planet Naboo had already detonated the entire political circle of Coruscant.

Although this is not known as the first time that the democratic spirit of the Republic has been trampled on the ground, but this time when the trade alliance blocked the planet Naboo, the situation is particularly serious.

On the one hand, it is because of the 60 Luke Hook-class cargo ships sent by the trade alliance. This kind of terrifying large ship with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters can be a huge threat even if it is not armed, just stuffing anything into the huge cargo hold. What's more, it is not very difficult to install several turrets on the spaceship.

But what really turned this conflict into a bomb that detonated the political arena of the Republic was the demands of the Trade Union. Although they claim that one of the reasons is that the planet Naboo violated the contract, everyone can see that the real reason they blocked the planet Naboo is because they are protesting against the resolution of the Galactic Republic to levy taxes in the outer ring star region!

And they really, really read out this protest in the Congress of the Republic!

This is an open confrontation with the Galactic Republic!

Because they opposed the policy of the Galactic Republic to levy taxes in the Outer Rim Star Region, they sent troops to surround and blockade the planet Naboo! This is the real cause and effect of this incident!

Naboo Planet Councilor Schiff Palpatine immediately went to the office of the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Phoenix Valorum, to discuss this matter with him.

"I regret that this matter happened, Councilor Palpatine. However, I am afraid that this matter must be discussed in Parliament before a further decision can be made." Phoenix-Valorum said, shaking his head.

He was also helpless, because after experiencing a series of previous incidents, he had already lost the support of the Republic Judicial Fleet, and at the same time lost the support of most of the members of the parliament. At the same time, his relationship with the Jedi Order was very stiff.

So at this time, he, the speaker, has already existed in name only. Since everything has to go through the parliament, and he has no way to influence the resolution of the parliament, then the speaker might as well be there with a dog on a leash.

"I also know that this matter is difficult, but please, Mr. Speaker, at least help me contact Lott Dod, the representative of the Trade Federation in the Galactic Council. Because I met with him twice before and was rejected." Palpatine said.

Finnis-Valorum nodded, and he got through to Lot-Dude's communication, but before he could speak, the tall Neimoidian in the holographic projection said coldly: "Your Excellency Speaker , If you have anything to say, please speak to the council."

After speaking, he hung up the communication directly.

Finnis Valorum looked at Heev Palpatine, who bowed his head silently, and sighed, covering his temples with his hands exhausted. He said slowly; "The trade alliance is here for me, Representative Palpatine. They refuse to levy taxes, just to treat the outer ring star region as their independent kingdom. And I know that they attacked the planet Naboo, I just spotted you—my only friend now...I can only say, I'm sorry..."

He sighed, exhausted.

The corners of Palpatine's mouth twitched slightly, and he said heavily: "Many congressmen have been bought by the Trade Federation, and now I heard that the Trade Federation, the Interstellar Banking Association, the Enterprise Alliance, and the Fourth Group have formed an alliance. , and the business guilds and technology alliances are also flirting with them. They are very powerful, but we cannot give up! If even we give up, how can there be any hope for the galaxy?"

Phoenix-Valoren raised his head and said: "I can trust you, my friend, I know it. We all have the highest belief in revitalizing the Republic and we will continue to fight for it, even if one day I really can't support it Now, with you in Parliament, I also believe that the hope of the Republic will not be extinguished."

"This is the wish of all of us." Palpatine bowed his head and said.

Finnis-Valoren raised his body with the last strength, and his voice was high and loud, "Let's go, my friend! Just like before, get through this difficulty!!"

The next day, the Council of the Galactic Republic held an emergency meeting to discuss the blockade of the planet Naboo by the Trade Federation.

However, this meeting did not achieve any results. The representative of the Trade Federation, Lot Doud, insisted that their blockade of the planet Naboo was a legal act. Because Planet Naboo defaulted first, and the Republic's resolution to levy taxes in the free trade zone was announced unilaterally, and the motion was not formally passed, the Trade Federation has the right to protest against it.

At the meeting, the representatives of the major business giants and the representatives of the planets quarreled endlessly, and did not draw any conclusions at all.

On the third day, there were meetings and quarrels.

On the fourth day, meetings, quarrels...

On the fifth day, there was almost a fight in the parliament, and Fang Zar, an angry member of the planet Seri, drove his anti-gravity platform directly into Lot Dude's platform, and then jumped over to beat him. Before the guards held down the short, stocky, bearded congressman with a fierce face, his fist was only 0.1 meters away, and his fist could be printed on Lott Dude's face.

On the sixth day, Valorum announced a one-day adjournment to let everyone calm down. This is also one of the few powers he has left as speaker.


At this time, in the outer orbit of the Naboo planet, Lune Harco poured half a glass of wine for Newt Gunley and Xiao Guanghua, and said: "This is the last bottle of Shula fruit wine, and I brought these 15 bottle."

Boom! Newt Gunley slammed his fist on the table and said angrily, "Queen Naboo can't see the situation clearly? She should have surrendered long ago!"

Rune Harkle whispered, "Maybe... it's because she's too young to know what fear is?"

"She doesn't know, don't her staff know? It seems that we have to give them a little color!" Newt Gunley roared.

Xiao Guanghua's eyes lit up, thinking that these two cowards have finally opened their minds? Is it finally time to start mass landing? He drank the delicious Shula in one gulp and looked at Newt Gunley expectantly.

Newt Gunley called another Trade Federation executive and said, "Daultay Dofine, I leave this matter to you. Make sure to capture Queen Naboo!"

The executive named Dortai Dauphin was taken aback, " it me? This...this...what should I do?"

"Send a robot assault team to quietly sneak into the Naboo Palace and kidnap the Queen of Naboo!" Newt Gunley waved his hand fiercely, "Remember! Go in quietly! Don't be discovered!"

Xiao Guanghua's eyes widened, and he looked at Newt Gunley who was conducting with great enthusiasm in disbelief. He suddenly stood up and walked outside, "Is there any more wine? I'm going to drink."


That night, an assault team composed of 10 B-2 super battle robots and 50 B-1 battle robots quietly approached the palace of Naboo.

The B-1 commander whose head was painted yellow turned around and said: "Attention, from here on, adjust the power of the foot engine to 50%, and don't make too much footsteps. Reduce the volume of the sound system to 10%, so you can't be found .”

"Roger, rager!" the other robots responded.

"Commander, there are two guards ahead, what should we do?"

"Get rid of them so we won't be found!"

"Roger, rager!" A B-1 combat robot raised its E-5 blaster rifle, aimed at the two guards in front and fired a full shuttle!

Whoosh! ! A large number of red blaster beams instantly lit up the night!

With a bang, the blaster beam detonated a patrol car next to it, and a violent explosion immediately set off.

One guard was shot dead on the spot, but the other guard was not shot at the fatal part. He covered his injured foot and let out a scream, "Ah! Wow! I was injured! I was bleeding all over the ground ah!!"

Woo~~~~~ The ear-piercing siren immediately resounded throughout the Naboo Palace.

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