The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 341 Hurry up while it's hot

339、While it’s hot, hurry up

Facing the sudden attack of the blue lightsaber, Darth Moore was shocked. He was completely unprepared for this sudden attack, and he couldn't even feel it in the original force!

Although he is not good at the skills of the original force, but those who can deceive him are at least at the level of Jedi masters!

He twisted his body with all his strength, and the red double-headed lightsaber was able to hold the attacker. Only then did he see that the attacker was a masked person, and even if he only covered his mouth, he couldn't tell the identity of this person. appearance.

This person clearly used the force mask trick!

Hum~~~唰! Swish! Swish! ! ! Darth Malthael took the lead, and immediately launched a stormy attack. for

In order to deceive others, he did not use the seventh form of Juyo swordsmanship, which he is best at, but the fourth form of swordsmanship Ataru. The violent swordsmanship unfolded, and Malsayer's offensive was like a tide, causing Darth Moore to attack again and again. step back.

"Bastard! Who are you!! Jedi Knights are also so shameless!" Darth Moore yelled. His swordsmanship was a little messy, but his physical fitness was much stronger than that of Marsayr, and although dangers abounded, he still started to stabilize his position.

But Darth Malthael said nothing, just kept attacking. Driven by the force of the original force, his movements were wide open and closed at an extremely fast speed, tossing and turning around, attacking left and right like raging waves.

Darth Malthael's fourth-style swordsmanship is not proficient, but his force is strong enough, and Darth Maul has just experienced being besieged by hundreds of bounty hunters, and his strength is only slightly inferior to his Aidra Ketis fought a life-and-death battle with great physical exertion. There is also the advantage of a surprise attack, so Masail forced him into a small valley next to him.

Here, Darth Maul has just teamed up with Edra Kattis to kill more than 20 bounty hunters, and their bodies are still lying on the ground.

Darth Moore only thought that the opponent's fourth-style swordsmanship required such a relatively open place to perform, and he was not doubted. But when he and Marsayr exchanged a few moves, suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he saw a translucent figure leaping at him with claws and teeth!

He was shocked, because he recognized that it was a Nicoto mercenary who had just been killed by him! And he confirmed that this was not an illusion, and the original force also gave a warning!

At this time, his swordsmanship was scattered for a moment, and the force around his body was also lost instantly. Malthael seized the opportunity to raise his hand, and a rock in the ground suddenly rose up, hitting Darth Maul's body with a bang. chest!

But Darth Maul had undergone rigorous training after all, and immediately recovered. A dagger on the ground was controlled by his force, and it went straight into Malthael's face, and then he seized the opportunity to turn around and run away!

Darth Malthael raised his hand lightly, as if to swatt a fly, and the dagger was swept aside by the powerful force.

He looked at Darth Maul's back, sneered and did not chase after him, and immediately rushed straight behind him. He was extremely fast, and in just a few seconds he crossed a distance of 2,300 meters and came to the body of Edra Ketis.

When he came here, he had already used the power of death to protect Aedra's soul.

Malthael squatted beside Edlar, and said to himself: "I will give you a second chance, whether you can survive or not depends on your destiny... let's take it while it's hot."

After finishing speaking, he tore off Edra's shirt, stretched out a finger, and inserted it directly into the wound pierced by the lightsaber on Edra's chest, and the other hand began to condense a powerful force.

The finger inserted into the wound is also using the force of life to repair the wound, while the other hand is starting the resurrection technique.

Darth Malthael closed his eyes and began to perceive the universe and life.

The Trinity built the original force, and the original force built this world...


With his closed eyes, he seemed to see a phantom of Edra Ketis curled up under his original force, floating in mid-air a few meters above the ground. This was her soul. In Darth-Plagueis' theory, this is the aggregate of her life force and thinking.

He began to try to re-establish the connection between Edra's mind and body, and then bring the life force back into her body.

However, it failed.

Edra did come back to life, but only for an instant, before she died again from mortal wounds.

Darth Malthael took a deep breath, there is still a chance!

Edra is a powerful force-sensitive, and her will to survive is very strong. Malthael could even hear her soul crying, howling, trying to break free from death.

She just died not long ago, she is still fresh, if it is hot, she should be able to send it again...

You must know that when Darth Plagueis was torturing Darth Venamis, he used it repeatedly no less than a thousand times, making him dead and alive and dead in 20 years.

Darth Malthael concentrated again and repeated the resurrection. This time, he made sure Edra's fatal wound was healed, and then used resurrection again!

The Holy Trinity... The Essence of Life...

Eddra Katis trembled slightly, exhaled a long mouthful of foul air, then her heartbeat and breathing began to resume, and she opened those watery eyes.

Immediately, she saw Darth Malthael's face, as well as her naked upper body, screamed and wanted to avoid it, but pulled the wound, and she fell down again...

Deep wounds open again,

dead again...

Darth Malthael clutched his forehead, "Oh, woman... you won't lose a piece of flesh if you look at it..."

Resurrection is used again.

This time, even Darth Malthael couldn't take it anymore. If Edra died again this time, then he could only go back with the corpse on his back and wait a day or two before coming back.

He casually picked up Edra's blouse, which he had torn apart just now, and covered her chest.

The resurrection was a success.

But maybe it was because Darth Malthael consumed too much, or Edra died three times repeatedly, and the consumption of her vitality was also a huge reason, this time she fell into a coma directly.

Only then did Tang Xiao heave a sigh of relief, took out the communicator and said, "Okay, I'm done here. Come down and pick me up, there's no need to go back to the space station, let's go straight back."

"Oh? You're all done? It's been a long time this time, and it's above your average level." Gross Shelby smiled narrowly.

"What are you talking about?" Tang Xiao frowned.

"No, I mean, how does it feel to be a hero saving the beauty this time?"

"No, she was killed three times by me."

"Ah! Are you so exaggerated?" Gross Shelby covered her mouth, but she couldn't hide the smile at the corner of her mouth.

"So what's going on in your head!" Tang Xiao rubbed his forehead, "Believe it or not, I'll let you have a taste of this too!"

"Okay!" Gross replied bluntly.

Tang Xiao sighed, the woman was acting like a hooligan, Sith couldn't help it!

Gross felt that the joke was about the same, so she said: "I have asked the business representative Rosanna Goods to come forward and make some preliminary preparations for the Siresex Group. Now leave Seve and leave directly. Is it?"

"Leave... because someone has transferred all the anger on her." Tang Xiao stared at a spaceship flying towards outer space, and smiled coldly.

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