Chapter 334 Dawn Star

332: Dawn Star

Coruscant, no industrial zone.

Darth Moore, who covered his face with a black cloak, jumped off the hoverbike, came to a mechanical platform, knelt down on one knee respectfully, and said to Darth Sidious who was standing in front of him with his back turned: "I want to The pirates who hijacked the Trade Federation merchant fleet on the planet Crooks have all been dealt with, my lord. Unfortunately, when I arrived, those pirates had killed everyone."

Darth Sidious glanced at him, suddenly grinned sinisterly, and asked for no reason, "If you were to face a Jedi now, what do you think would happen?"

Darth Maul grimaced and licked his lips, "I will be full of satisfaction and use the blood and corpses of Jedi warriors to water my empty heart!"

"So, is that why you killed the entire trade union merchant fleet?" Sidious asked coldly.

"I am willing to accept punishment, my lord."

"Of course I will not punish you for killing, Darth Maul." Darth Sidious said, "but I will punish you for your weakness! You have not got our Lord, Darth - Plagueis' approval, even if you wiped out the Black Sun and offered the head of Alexi Garin."

Sidious's voice grew louder, and his expression became ferocious. He didn't know whether he was hating the apprentice in front of him or someone else, and his voice became darker and distorted, "This is a shame! The biggest shame!!"

"I will give my all to wash away this shame! I will!" Darth Maul growled.

"Yes, you will give everything to wash away this shame, and you will." Darth Sidious's voice eased, "However, now is not the time. Remember, only the Jedi Knight can satisfy your killing Desire! And now, you have to control yourself! Suppress your desire! Then, in the near future...explode!!"

Darth Moore's breathing became quickened, his eyes were blood red, and he could even feel a beastly roar from his breath!

"You can leave." Darth Sidious said lightly, waving his hand as if ignoring Darth Maul's state.

When Darth Moore left full of anger, Darth Sidious still stood there motionless looking at the distant starry sky.

He has some bad premonition...

From the recent facts, it can be seen that his master Darth Plagueis is indeed fostering his own strength, and it is very likely that he has already fostered it. Maybe it's the fourth group, maybe... something else.

But according to the original plan, Darth-Plagueis shouldn't be like this. Because in the plan, the army funded by his Damask Holding Group will be controlled by him personally.

With the army in hand, Plagueis shouldn't have to add superfluous things to cultivate a force.

So, what went wrong?

Darth Sidious's eyes gradually turned cold.


Endor galaxy, Dawn planet.

On a magnificent stage, a grand song and dance party is being staged.

The stage is open, and besides the fixed seats, there are a lot of vacant seats for people to watch, and in order to take care of their viewing effect, there are more than ten large screens in the sky that are broadcasting continuously The scene of the party.

There were already crowds of people around the stage, and a large number of people gathered here to watch this grand performance. Not only that, several major TV stations on Planet Dawn broadcasted the whole process, and even the Galactic Republic also had a lot of entertainment media.

This performance is completely free, and it is also one of the large-scale entertainment activities of the Fourth Civilization, which enriches the daily life of the people.

Under the most advanced holographic projection technology, the huge stage is beautiful and beautiful, creating countless scenery that can only be seen in dreams.

Those singers, musicians, big stars, and comedians who have been awakened from hibernation have performed on the stage one after another, using their talents to let people get the most entertainment. Naturally, there are also some elite-level and even master-level stars, and their beautiful voices make people feel refreshed.

Sitting in the luxurious box, Tang Xiao enjoyed the grand performance and let himself relax a bit.

And the personal arrival of the planet's governor made the people of Dawn's planet even more fanatical. The rebroadcast camera often turned to show him a close-up, followed by cheers from mountains and tsunamis. Tang Xiao had to get up several times to pay tribute to the people, and gestured for everyone to enjoy the performance to the fullest and not just come to see him.

His act of being so close to the people and down-to-earth received waves of cheers and applause for him.

At this moment, a piano piece ended, and amidst the thunderous applause, the host stood up and said loudly: "The climax of the event has finally come!! Everyone must have been waiting for too long! But your waiting will not be in vain ! Let us usher in the brightest star of Dawn Planet——Alia Yi! Sha! Belle!!!!"

As soon as he spoke, the whole stage burst into wild applause and cheers, which even overwhelmed the previous cheers for Tang Xiao.

Then the stage suddenly went dark, and all the holographic projections disappeared in an instant. The audience immediately shut their mouths and held their breath, worried that their shouts would affect the effect of the stage. The venue suddenly fell into an incomparable silence...

At this time, a white bird fluttered its wings and flew into the stage, and a sparse bird song began to appear, and the blue sky and white clouds were projected on the background...

"The trailing cloud behind the plane slowly dissipates before our eyes. It always escapes the dazzling light, fragile and short-lived..." The singing voice appeared like gurgling water, and there was an intoxicating magnetism between the whispers.

"Since that day, it has not changed, and it has been unwilling to stay for a long time, and it has disappeared at our fingertips with regret,

That little bird can't soar into the blue sky yet, but I know it will be able to spread its wings sooner or later..." More and more white birds were projected in the hologram, and then, wearing a white feather dress, Ai looked like a fairy coming to the dust. Lia - Isabel appeared in the sky.

Her feet are bare, and a string of bells are wrapped around her ankles. Every time she takes a step, the surrounding clouds are rippling with colorful colors.

"There is still a paradise in the distance that I have never been to, I will bury my wish in my heart and keep looking for it.

Children walking on the railway in summer, bathing their bare toes in the wind, suddenly recalling the time of childhood that has gone away, the desire to hold up the wings and fly with both hands..."

With Alia's singing, everyone seems to have grown wings, as if returning to the youthful time, full of dreams and hopes...

"...the tail cloud left by the plane, we kept chasing it.

Nothing has changed since we crossed the hillside, just as we have always been upright, we will definitely be able to protect the true memories cherished by the Sea God..."

Even Tang Xiao closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the beautiful singing and being intoxicated by it.

When Alia Isabel was singing, she kept her eyes fixed on Tang Xiao's box, with endless tenderness in her eyes, and her singing became more and more melodious.

However, at this moment, a follower suddenly came over and whispered a few words beside Tang Xiao. Tang Xiao's expression changed, and he stopped watching the performance, and got up and left directly.

Seeing this scene, Aliya's eyes suddenly dimmed, as if she lost her spirit immediately.

"It's really... so nice! Such a singing voice, such a singing voice! To hear such a natural voice, I just feel that I have no regrets in my life!" Best compliments to this rising star.

The audience also burst into sky-shattering cheers and thunderous applause.

However, the protagonist Alia Isabel just looked at the empty box with sad eyes, and a tear seemed to fall from the corner of her eyes.

Guess what song this is?

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