Chapter 332 Trial Completion and Rewards

330 Completion of Trials and Rewards

As a result, Darth Malthael could only work as a ground mouse very hard. Whenever the robot patrol came over, he would dig a hole in the ground and wait for the patrol to leave before coming out. He didn't dare to have anal sex with the patrol.

And he finally discovered the reason why Darth Plagueis set up the training ground on the planet Hypori, because on this planet, the only resource that you can obtain effectively and recycle is the Force!

Whether it’s using the Force to condense a little water droplet in the dry air when you’re desperate, or using the Force to grow non-polluting tumors on those mutated insects to eat, of course, it also includes sensing the crisis when countless robots are chasing and killing them. , all of these require the use of force.

Therefore, in such a desperate situation, you must repeatedly squeeze your own force to survive. Otherwise, once the force is exhausted, you will have no food, no drink, and the robot will touch your head You don't know yet.

There is no other possibility than death.

This trial is to squeeze the original force to the limit, so that there is a slight possibility of survival.

Up to now, Darth Malthael understood that among the three disciples under Darth Plagueis, he was the most disadvantaged.

Because Darth Sidious's accomplishments in the Force are far better than his own, and Darth Moore's physical fitness is also much higher than his own. When it comes to fighting, Sidious doesn't say, at least he is not afraid of Darth Moore, but the problem is that his biggest reliance - the power of death is useless in this environment at all!

Not to mention that Darth Plagueis blew up his own shuttle due to a disagreement. Otherwise, relying on the supplies in the shuttle, it would be no problem to hang around here for a couple of months.

But there is one thing to say, Darth Malthael understands that his progress in cultivation this month is much faster than his previous year.

He must seize every second of his time to meditate and restore his original force, and he even developed the ability to meditate while sleeping.

It's all because those robots are too perverted, as long as they find you, they can chase you to the ends of the earth, and they will chase you even more!

The highest record of Darth Masail was being chased by a team of B-2 super combat robots for more than 800 kilometers, and to the end, the number of robots following him has exceeded 10,000!

If he hadn't found a grand canyon and jumped down, and buried himself deep under a steaming volcanic crater, he would have been torn apart finely by these tens of thousands of robots.

Until now, the skin on his body is still tender and smooth, not because he used Dabao sooner or later, but because the skin on his body was burnt at that time, and the skin grew back after he was continuously healed with the force of life.

Finally, today is the last day of this month! !

Darth Malthael stroked his tangled beard and looked skyward.

However, until a team of B-2 super combat robots rushed to chase him down, he still didn't see any spaceships in the sky!

So he fled in a hurry, and was hunted down by hundreds of robots for a whole day.

Finally, when he realized that he was exhausted and could not escape, and drew out his lightsaber to prepare for his life, the robots stopped suddenly. The red indicator light on his body also turned green, and they directly pointed to the existence of the warrior Marthael, repeating in his mouth, "The area is safe, return to the station. The area is safe, return to the station." Then he turned and left.

Only then did Darth Malthael relax, and sat down on the ground with a plop. He understood that Darth Plagueis was here, and added him to the identification friend or foe system of the control center.

Sure enough, the Sith infiltrator flew over silently and hovered over his head.

"I can't do it anymore! Give me a Coke, thank you!" Darth Malthael lay in a big character on the ground and shouted loudly.

"As a Sith Lord, your behavior is embarrassing." Darth Plagueis' voice came suddenly, and Darth Malthael, who was already in a state of confusion, didn't even notice when he down the spaceship.

He has indeed reached or even surpassed his own limit, every cell in his body is moaning, once he relaxes like this, he can't even move his fingers.

As usual, his defenseless posture really dispelled Darth-Plagueis' last layer of doubt. Because it is impossible for a person with ulterior motives to show his weakest posture, because this means putting his life in the hands of the other party.

To Darth Malthael, however, it didn't matter at all. Because this started three years ago, it was a gamble. Now that you have taken this step, don't look back.

Darth Plagueis has too many opportunities to kill himself, so it is pointless to be on guard even at this time, it is better to be generous and truly regard Plagueis as a "kind" master, Show your 'real' side.

Winning the trust of Darth Plagueis is his only goal, and he must not show his feet at this last moment.

Darth Plagueis stood in front of Malthael, and sighed unobtrusively, "Pick up your lightsaber!! You are already a Sith Lord!! Throw your weapons everywhere Throw, what kind of words!! Idiots!!"

At this moment, in Masail's eyes, Plagueis seemed to overlap with the images of Chen Jinnan, Hong Qigong, and Subhuti.

For Plagueis, the other apprentice who had just noticed his scheme was naturally based on what Marsayl saw and liked.

Darth Malthael hastened to get up, and knelt on one knee unsteadily, "As a contemptible disciple, I am grateful to my master for my love." Although the standard language of the galaxy is not such a grammar, but he used It is still a literary expression, and this flattery is completely shot with a level and style.

"This trial, the evaluation of you is that you are in a mess!" Darth Plagueis said lightly, "But considering that you have been training for a longer time than Darth Sidious and Darth Maul Both are much shorter, so your potential still makes me value, I can barely count you as qualified."

Darth Malthael hurriedly bowed his head in thanks.

Then, Darth Plagueis threw a dynamic combination lock and said calmly: "As your reward for completing the trial, you will officially become a Sith Lord and be recorded in the Book of Sith. In addition , this Sith Infiltrator is yours."

"Sith Infiltrator! Gave it to me?" Darth Malthael was very surprised, and suddenly raised his head and said.

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