Chapter 320 Thorn Hill's Gathering

318. Thorn Hill's Gathering

32BBY, March.

The term of the current co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association, Ford Tonys, has expired, because he had previously announced that he would no longer participate in the re-election, so he abdicated directly.

The election of a new co-chairman followed, and the eldest son of the Hill family, Thorn Hill, participated in the election.

And because Hego Damask II, who once served as the co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association, and even now has a very high influence, strongly supports San Hill, and several other families also support him. Let Thorn-Hill's dominance be virtually unassailable.

The result of the election is also without any suspense, and San Hill officially serves as the new co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association.

To celebrate the exciting result, Thorn-Hill invited some of his closest ties to his own private dinner.

This dinner was extremely luxurious, even reaching the level of the party held by Hego Damask II on the planet Sojorun.

Hego-Damask II, the director of the Damask Holding Group, Shu-Mai, the leader of the Commercial Guild, Newt Gunley, the Governor of the Trade Union, Passel-Argent, the leader of the Enterprise Alliance, and Walter, the leader of the Technology Alliance- Tamber, the representative of the fourth group, Gross Shelby, and Tang Xiao, the governor of Dawn Star, also attended the dinner.

It even includes gangsters like Dryden Voss, the leader of Blood Dawn, and Madam Pixi, the leader of White Worm, and there is another person Tang Xiao met for the first time—the Grand Duke of Planet Geonosis, Bogle et al. (Poggle the Lesser).

It can be said that the most notorious group of people in the galaxy gathered at this dinner party.

Tang Xiao also specially brought his own extremely beautiful vase, Alia Isabel. Now this girl is much more generous, and her learning of singing and acting at Dawn Star is also of great help. At this moment, the girl is holding Tang Xiao's arm very intimately, admiring this luxurious dinner.

Seeing her appearance, Gross Shelby snorted coldly and muttered, 'bitch'.

After the dinner party went on for a while, a somewhat unexpected person also came to the dinner party, it turned out to be the Jedi master——Dooku! !

But at this moment, Master Dooku was wearing a solemn and noble gown, with a dark black cloak on his back, he was energetic and imposing, but there was no trace of a Jedi knight.

After exchanging pleasantries, Master Dooku came to Tang Xiao, bowed very gracefully, and said, "It's a pleasure to see you again, Your Excellency Governor. The development of Dawn Star is really beyond my expectation. I believe I miss you." Such a leader who can lead his planet to self-improvement should be a role model for the outer ring planets."

"Where, Master Dooku is the great man who truly has the future of the entire galaxy in mind, and you are the one I am looking forward to." Tang Xiao also said politely.

"Hehehehe, I think we will have a lot of common topics." Master Dooku was very helpful and nodded.

Tang Xiao also went to chat for a long time with Dryden Voss, the leader of Scarlet Dawn who hadn't seen him for a while, and Mrs. Vixi, the leader of White Worm. I am very grateful for the brave queen's move, and even if they haven't met since then, they have actually been cooperating to carve up the black sun, the big cake of the gangster, so the relationship has also been shortened a lot.

In this gathering of bigwigs, the one who is a bit dazzling is the Grand Duke Bogle of the planet Geonosis, the inferior man. As an insect-like race, the Geonosians are actually a very discriminated group in the Galactic Republic, but the Geonosians are one of the best workers in the galaxy. Their manufacturing and processing industries are very developed.

However, Tang Xiao knew that Poger-Inferior would also be an important figure in the future, so he also went to get acquainted with him. The Geonosian vocal system is very difficult to speak Galactic Standard, so a translation robot is also accompanied.

Grand Duke Pogle-Inferior was originally an inferior caste among the Geonosians, which is also reflected in his surname. However, in 34BBY he launched an uprising against the previous leader, the upper caste Grand Duke Hades, and the two sides waged a large-scale civil war.

The strength of the two sides in the civil war was very different, but Poggle-Inferior was funded by Darth Sidious, so he finally defeated the Duke of Hades last year, at 33BBY, and destroyed his army , became the new Grand Duke of the planet Geonosis, and threw Hades into the Colosseum to feed the beasts.

The current Geonosians are also very eager to gain a higher status in the galaxy, instead of being discriminated against for a long time-this point, Pogle, who was born in an inferior caste, empathizes.

The Bogle-inferior people maintained great respect in front of Tang Xiao, the disciple of Hego-Damasco II, and expressed that if possible, the Geonosians would like to cooperate extensively with Dawn Star. Although they don't have any design and development capabilities, but in terms of production and manufacturing, few people in this galaxy can compare with the Geonosians.

During this gathering, Master Dooku stood up, and he began to tell everyone about his ideals, denouncing the corruption and cowardice of the galaxy.

Master Dooku is an excellent rhetorician. His voice is deep and magnetic, and his words are full of passion. He presents to everyone a magnificent and beautiful future-a future that will rule the galaxy with efficient power.

He hopes that everyone present can participate in this great change and build a new republic.

Tang Xiao noticed that people including Walter Tamber, Shu Mai, and Passel Argent were very excited, because the business has reached their level, and if they want to go further, they can only seek the country. This point is similar to that of Lu Buwei.

But the reactions of Newt Gunley, Thorn Hill, and Pogle-Inferior were relatively flat. There are more or less shadows of Sith behind them, and they pay more attention to their own Power, not what will happen to this Galactic Republic. Of course, this does not mean that they will oppose Master Dooku's incitement, on the contrary, they also strongly support it.

During the dinner, Sang Hill came over to find Tang Xiao and asked him a strange question, "Mr. Governor, I heard that you hired a group of Kali mercenaries?"

"Strictly speaking, it's not my employment, but a partnership." Tang Xiao replied with a smile.

"So, what do you think of Kali mercenaries?"

"As mercenaries, they are fierce, brutal, and have extremely high fighting instincts. I can directly draw a conclusion that after the destruction of the Mandalorian, the Kali people are the best army in this galaxy."

Thorn-Hil, however, shook his head and said, "No, a real army should enforce orders. The Kali will never do that."

"Why do you suddenly care about this issue?" Tang Xiao asked.

"Because I'm weighing a pros and cons..." Thorn-Hil said while touching his chin, "weighing the pros and cons of...robots and humans. What do you think? Mr. Governor."

"Robots are good tools, there is no doubt about it. But your question depends on what kind of robot it is." Tang Xiao replied with an unpredictable smile.

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