Chapter 305 The Development of Civilization (Part 1)

303. The Development of Civilization (Part 1)

While Tang Xiao was eagerly learning the vast knowledge of Darth Plagueis, the Fourth Civilization was also developing rapidly.

Dawn Planet, whose population has skyrocketed to 2 million, is expanding rapidly, and has once again formed 5 cities. If some Ewok settlements and small industrial and agricultural towns are added, the total number of administrative residential areas at all levels of Dawn Planet has reached 40.

The planet's administrative divisions are also becoming more and more detailed, and a large number of middle and lower management positions are subdivided to carry out detailed management of each city.

The previously established Zaolu City, Cold Winter City, Gumi City, and Truth City were divided into the Ursas region, and the five large cities that expanded north of Dawn City - Silver Ash City, Yaxin City, First Snow City, and Jiaofeng City, Messenger City is designated as Karan region. The two regions set up regional administrative agencies to conduct relatively macro management of urban development and planning in the regions.

In the newly established Karan region, Jiaofeng City is an industrial city that stands on the mountain, Messenger City is another city inhabited by Ewoks, and Silver Gray City is built near high latitudes, and the climate is relatively cold. But the terrain is flat and suitable for people to live in, and even a gemstone mine was discovered. It should be a very rich city in the future.

(cough, um, haha...)

In terms of population expansion, the social adoption policy is being widely implemented, and each resident has adopted at least one frozen embryo, and these embryos have now grown to adolescence. It is expected that in another two years, these embryos will enter adulthood, their rapid growth period will end, and then they will formally enter the society.

Cooperating with the knowledge instillation in the sleep state, although these teenagers are still a little rigid in general, their IQs have reached a considerable standard.

This is the benefit of social upbringing, which allows these frozen embryos to apply the instilled knowledge in life. Only in this way will the person born in this way be a real person, not a robot-like existence.

However, such a population growth rate is still too slow, especially now that the Ministry of Agriculture of the Fourth Civilization has basically solved the food problem.

Therefore, under the instruction of Tang Xiao, Chief Executive Daphne Clement is preparing to carry out a pilot project. She drew a large area west of Dawn City and named it the Rhine Life Zone. Currently, there is only one city in this area called Sairea City.

In Seria City, 500,000 frozen embryos are concentrated, and the daily life is taken care of by robots, and the daily activities of these embryos are to go to a large school to receive teaching from human teachers. The city is only equipped with 5,000 human personnel, which greatly saves the current precious manpower.

If the model of Sairea City can be successful, then the Rhine Life Zone will continue to use this model to build more cities, thereby accelerating population growth faster.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Fourth Civilization has now adopted agricultural centralization technology on a large scale, and widely used genetically modified technology to compress the maturity cycle of some major crops to 2 months. Not only that, in the major concentrated agricultural areas, we use climate and ecological simulation technology to give these crops the most suitable growth environment and improve crop yield and quality.

In the latest quarter, the total crop output of Dawn Planet has exceeded 500 million tons. You must know that this is only a quarter! So now the food produced by Dawn Star can not only meet its own needs, but also have a large amount of material reserves, and even export it.

On the one hand, the food exported was given to Claire Underwood as the active capital of the Mutual Aid Fund of the Outer Rim Star Region in exchange for political influence; dependency.

In order to fully coordinate foreign trade, the Fourth Civilization has established an independent foreign trade company. This company will further untie the Fourth Civilization and the Fourth Group, allowing the Fourth Group to move more freely in the future. At the same time, the foreign trade company will also carry out detailed planning and investment on the foreign trade activities of the Fourth Civilization.

At present, the Fourth Civilization's research and development of large-scale warships is basically still at a standstill. The several large-scale warship projects currently under development are actually cooperating with other forces.

For example, the Apocalypse-class light cruiser was developed by Higra Aerospace Corporation in cooperation with the Semirs, and the Higra-class battlecruiser was also developed by them in cooperation with the Trade Federation and the Technology Alliance.

But in fact, it is also because of this series of ingenious diplomatic strategies that the Fourth Civilization has mastered the technology in "Homeland" most of the time, allowing Chi Jianjun's scientific research team to focus more on the "Empire of the Sun" The analysis of the technology tree of "Original Sin" goes up.

The key point is the research and development of anti-matter energy. Now in the large-scale physical experiment space station in outer space orbit, a prototype of an anti-matter engine has been completed, and more experiments are now being carried out. The current plan is to have the antimatter engine actually fielded within a year.

Moreover, the Fourth Civilization also has a large-scale project in the near future—a planetary supercomputer!

It is said to be planet-level, but this supercomputer is installed on a large space station. It is declared to be a space station for storage, but it is actually a set of super quantum computer arrays. Once this supercomputer is completed, it will greatly improve the computing power of Dawn Planet in all aspects.

Many of the previous scientific researches were carried out by relying on the main brain of the Glory mothership. At present, the efficiency is not ideal, and the fourth civilization needs more than just a supercomputer.

And scientists will also conduct a preliminary analysis of the main brain on the Glory mothership. In fact, the technology of the main brain is also included in the database. This is a neural network computer with a human as the core. This kind of computer can retain a certain degree of humanity and have the computing power of a supercomputer. Compared with a quantum computer, it is actually a more human or faster computer. Calculate the alternative of the two.

In the long-term plan, this kind of neural network supercomputer can be programmed into a management AI to assist in the management of various industries. Because there are some elements of human nature, management in this area will be more appropriate.

In contrast, quantum computers are more suitable for scientific computing.

And now the global energy network on the Dawn planet has been preliminarily constructed, and the technology to realize long-distance wireless power transmission through force field constraints has also been completed. In this way, in any corner of the entire Dawn Planet, the energy network of the entire planet can be utilized.

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