The Empire begins with the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 292 The Loyal Apprentice

290、The Loyal Apprentice

"Palpatine?" Tang Xiao frowned, "According to logic, he shouldn't touch us now..."

"But things have already happened. It is obvious that Speaker Valorum suddenly troubled us this time because he was behind the push." ​​Gross Shelbya said, "Because I asked for a public discussion in the parliament before, I'm afraid things will get worse?"

Tang Xiao smiled faintly, "Deterioration? How far can it go? Now this is an opportunity."

"I... don't quite understand, Governor." Shelbya was a little confused.

"Afterwards, when the public discussion is held in the parliament, you just have to quarrel with Finnis-Valoron, and don't worry about anything else. As for any punishment proposed by the Republic, you will not accept it. If you have the ability to send the fleet to Mequito - don't forget The registered headquarters of the Fourth Group is in McKeeto, which is the home of the Interstellar Banking Association." Tang Xiao replied with a smile.

Shelbya nodded, "I understand. Then on this matter, Star Dawn..."

"Frank knows what to do, so let's do it." Tang Xiao nodded and said.

After hanging up the communication, Gross Shelby still didn't quite understand. She said to Francis Underwood: "If this is the case, I'm afraid our fourth group will become the target of public criticism..."

"The target? I don't think so. The governor wants you to point the finger at Chancellor Phinis-Valorum, which is correct. Think about the current situation of the Republic, and the current situation of Phenis-Valorum. When that day comes, You might even find you have a few more friends," Francis Underwood said with a smile.

"But this public discussion..."

"That's right, our butts are sitting dead, and it will be difficult to turn around later." Francis replied, "The door to the Galactic Republic is about to be closed for us. I guess this is what Palpatine meant."


The Glory mothership, in Tang Xiao's secret office.

"My lord... Darth Sidious suddenly attacked our fourth group this time, I don't quite understand..." Tang Xiao lowered his head and said to the holographic projection of Darth Plagueis in front of him.

"He was just testing me." Darth Plagueis said lightly, "The rise of the fourth group made him worry about whether I have other forces hiding behind the scenes, so he wanted to make sure that I and the fourth group How deep is the relationship between the groups.”

"As the lord's apprentice, he is too lenient." Tang Xiao said a little indignantly.

"As a Sith, he is much better than you, and he naturally thinks more. In a sense, this is really not bad... However, it is estimated that after this incident, the fourth group in the Republic It is difficult to move within the range." Darth Plagueis said shaking his head.

"I always believe that as long as I follow the Lord's footsteps, there is nothing in this galaxy that can stop me." Tang Xiao lowered his head and said.

"So, although Darth Sidious is better than you, I still like you more because of this loyalty." Darth Plagueis was greatly benefited, "But you really don't need Too worried, because I am here. The fourth group is now my industry, how can I let my industry be affected?"

Darth Plagueis glanced at Tang Xiao. What he said just now was actually provoking Tang Xiao, wanting to see his reaction.

But Tang Xiao was unmoved. The fourth group or something is now indeed the private property of Darth Plagueis or Hego Damask II legally. But he didn't have the slightest resentment and anger of being deprived of his property, but he was very indifferent, as if he just thought it was a matter of course.

He only has one need, and that is to be under Hei Ge alone and over others, that's all.

This made Hei Ge even a little unbelievable. How can there be such a loyal person in this world? Even giving away all my own things, I still feel that I should take it for granted. It is true that there are such people, but they are generally the ones with poor abilities. But Tang Xiao is obviously not an idiot! Although he is not as deep as Darth Sidious, but he is very talented in the cultivation base of the Force, and he is growing rapidly in other aspects. He has already been able to be independent, and what he lacks is experience.

Is such a person really so willing to succumb to himself?

Hei Ge couldn't think of the reason, he had never considered the possibility that he would die, not at all. In his opinion, death? Totally impossible! No one has the ability to kill him!

But since Tang Xiao is so loyal, there is no need for him to continue to entangle, so he said: "The fourth group's recent business will try to expand towards the outer ring star area, and then try to be as low-key as possible, and expand the infrastructure as soon as possible. Trade alliance, interstellar bank Enterprises such as industry associations, enterprise alliances, and technology alliances will start to cooperate with the fourth group one after another. You can do your own thing with peace of mind."

"I understand, my lord, everything will be done according to your wishes." Tang Xiao knelt on one knee and said respectfully.


Meanwhile, Nice Galaxy, Golden Nice Shipyard.

This large shipyard has been completely occupied by the Injori, and powerful Injori warriors are patrolling the shipyard, killing anything that can move, including robots.

In the control center of the shipyard, the Dwaronian mercenaries Holma and Velma accompanied the chiefs of the largest Injori tribes and were reporting to a chieftain composed of wise men from each tribe.

The holographic projection projected more than 10 images of Inchori sages, and among them, there was a human in a black cloak!

A hooked chin, a twisted smile, it's...Darth Sidious! !

"The battle is over! Now the entire Golden Nice shipyard is in our Inchori's pocket! We got 67 spaceships! This will be enough to support our next move!" Zam laughed.

"It seems that my agent also played a big role." Darth Sidious said.

"Hahahaha! I pretended to be a distressed explorer and went to the shipyard for supplies and repairs. Those idiots have no doubts at all, hahahaha!" Wilma laughed.

"Because they couldn't understand why five Injori fighters on the spaceship could kill more than 100 of their guards!" Zam said triumphantly.

"Verma, you have done a good job! You have also proved that you are worthy to stand shoulder to shoulder with us Injoli! When this battle is over, I will marry my daughter Vorma to you, so that we can be a family! said an Injoli wise man.

"Oh! It's definitely my honor!!" Wilma smiled, with a treacherous smile on his thin face.

"But it's not time to celebrate... You should understand that the greatest enemy has not yet appeared." Darth Sidious said slowly: "Jedi Knights..."

"Jedi Knights..." Zam's expression turned ferocious, "As long as we kill them, no one in the Galactic Republic will dare to be our enemy, right?"

"It's...natural...hahahahaha!" Darth Sidious laughed wryly.

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